Super-RINO Lindsey Graham again defends obama!!!


Gold Member
May 13, 2012
All graham cares about is the huge corporate bribes he gets for supporting amnesty. Nobody hates obama as much as obama hates america.

Lindsey Graham calls out 'unhealthy' Obama hate -

dec 16 2015 Washington (CNN)South Carolina Sen. Lindsey Graham hit back against the far right wing of his party a day after the CNN Republican debate in Las Vegas, saying Barack Obama "is my President" and calling the anger against him "unhealthy."

"To those people who think Obama's a Muslim who was born in Kenya, I lost you a long time ago," Graham said Wednesday on CNN's "New Day." "There's a dislike of Obama in my party that's unhealthy, there was a dislike for President (George W.) Bush in the Democratic party that was unhealthy. He is my President."

Graham said Obama called him Tuesday to talk about working with Iraq's new prime minister, but the South Carolina senator was also candid about Obama's handling of ISIS.

"I think he has screwed this up 10 ways to Sunday, but Bush made his fair share of mistakes too," Graham said.

Throughout the night he attacked Donald Trump's proposal to temporarily ban Muslims from entering the country and warned against pushing more Muslims into the arms of ISIS.
Grahamnesty is tripping on acid too.

I misjudged Graham, based on his statements.

He is a true American, a countryman who truly loves his country, who can see the difference between the dark and the light, the good and the bad, in our country.

I still want Kasich, but I feel much better about Graham than I did.

Our country's future will not follow that of Trump, Cruz, edwardbaiamonte, ilarmeilyr, owl32, S, H., the steve_mcgarretts, etc.. We are too good of a people to walk those awful paths.
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Ever notice how the lower the poll numbers of a Republican candidate, the nicer the comments from the libs? :lol:

LOL....ever noticed the higher the poll numbers of a Republican candidate- the bigger nut and less qualified the candidate is?
Ever notice how the lower the poll numbers of a Republican candidate, the nicer the comments from the libs? :lol:

LOL....ever noticed the higher the poll numbers of a Republican candidate- the bigger nut and less qualified the candidate is?

To me nothing actually says more about how utterly dumb and how much of sell out Lindsay Graham is than when a fucking loser like Starkey is impressed with what he is saying.

Forget about what or how Lindsay Graham is an obvious loser, a socialist and exactly what we all claim since he supports the skinny smoking shiite in the white house.

Just judge it on the fact that Starkey agrees with him. Basically, anything Starkey supports in any way, you support the exact opposite. That is how you can be assured that you are on the correct side.
Ever notice how the lower the poll numbers of a Republican candidate, the nicer the comments from the libs? :lol:

LOL....ever noticed the higher the poll numbers of a Republican candidate- the bigger nut and less qualified the candidate is?

To me nothing actually says more about how utterly dumb and how much of sell out Lindsay Graham is than when a fucking loser like Starkey is impressed with what he is saying.

Forget about what or how Lindsay Graham is an obvious loser, a socialist and exactly what we all claim since he supports the skinny smoking shiite in the white house.

Just judge it on the fact that Starkey agrees with him. Basically, anything Starkey supports in any way, you support the exact opposite. That is how you can be assured that you are on the correct side.

Yeah- based upon your post- it is no wonder that the GOP has become the party of Trump.......
TheOwl2 is a purveyor of cultural mccarthyism, a racist, a hater of the other 85% of America. The truth means nothing, absolutely nothing to the Owl, and that is why I could care less what owl says.
Ever notice how the lower the poll numbers of a Republican candidate, the nicer the comments from the libs? :lol:

LOL....ever noticed the higher the poll numbers of a Republican candidate- the bigger nut and less qualified the candidate is?
If Graham got lucky and started polling at 40% you would be calling him a faggot, like you did earlier in the year.
TheOwl2 is a purveyor of cultural mccarthyism, a racist, a hater of the other 85% of America. The truth means nothing, absolutely nothing to the Owl, and that is why I could care less what owl says.

McCarthy was vindicated. Your pathetic communists indeed infiltrated this country. All through out the government and especially in Hollywood.

You know nothing about the Venona papers and what ex KGB agents revealed.

Why? Cause you are a fucking loser.

You stupid assface.
:) Oh the ranting of the Far Right Ignoranti.


a great cartoon by a friend, Patrick F. Bagley.
If Graham got lucky and started polling at 40% you would be calling him a faggot, like you did earlier in the year.

He sure looks like a child-molesting faggot. Flabby and pasty-faced. He looks as much like a man as mooch does a woman.
I misjudged Graham, based on his statements.

He is a true American, a countryman who truly loves his country, who can see the difference between the dark and the light, the good and the bad, in our country.

I still want Kasich, but I feel much better about Graham than I did.

Our country's future will not follow that of Trump, Cruz, edwardbaiamonte, ilarmeilyr, owl32, S, H., the steve_mcgarretts, etc.. We are too good of a people to walk those awful paths.

If it is a cut, slash and abolish asshole I'll vote for Hillary. Will you join me? We need to make sure loserterianism is made history.
All graham cares about is the huge corporate bribes he gets for supporting amnesty. Nobody hates obama as much as obama hates america.

Lindsey Graham calls out 'unhealthy' Obama hate -

dec 16 2015 Washington (CNN)South Carolina Sen. Lindsey Graham hit back against the far right wing of his party a day after the CNN Republican debate in Las Vegas, saying Barack Obama "is my President" and calling the anger against him "unhealthy."

"To those people who think Obama's a Muslim who was born in Kenya, I lost you a long time ago," Graham said Wednesday on CNN's "New Day." "There's a dislike of Obama in my party that's unhealthy, there was a dislike for President (George W.) Bush in the Democratic party that was unhealthy. He is my President."

Graham said Obama called him Tuesday to talk about working with Iraq's new prime minister, but the South Carolina senator was also candid about Obama's handling of ISIS.

"I think he has screwed this up 10 ways to Sunday, but Bush made his fair share of mistakes too," Graham said.

Throughout the night he attacked Donald Trump's proposal to temporarily ban Muslims from entering the country and warned against pushing more Muslims into the arms of ISIS.

Graham is NOT a nut job. Hear me, everyone? As a consequence, he'll never win the GOP nomination.
I misjudged Graham, based on his statements.

He is a true American, a countryman who truly loves his country, who can see the difference between the dark and the light, the good and the bad, in our country.

I still want Kasich, but I feel much better about Graham than I did.

Our country's future will not follow that of Trump, Cruz, edwardbaiamonte, ilarmeilyr, owl32, S, H., the steve_mcgarretts, etc.. We are too good of a people to walk those awful paths.

If it is a cut, slash and abolish asshole I'll vote for Hillary. Will you join me? We need to make sure loserterianism is made history.
Yup, that's where Robert Vaughn, the far right criminal and coward, ran away when challenged. Good choice for you, owl.

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