Sunspot Cycle and the Global Temperature Change Anomaly


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Mar 16, 2010
The Good insane United states of America
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Sunspot Cycle and the Global Temperature Change Anomaly

Posted on May 3, 2013 by Guest Blogger

Guest post by R.J. Salvador

I have made an 82% correlation between the sunspot cycle and the Global Temperature Anomaly. The correlation is obtained through a non linear time series summation of NASA monthly sunspot data to the NOAA monthly Global Temperature Anomaly.
Sunspot Cycle and the Global Temperature Change Anomaly | Watts Up With That?
Even the WUWT crowd pointed out it was a pointless exercise in curve fitting, with no attempt to explain where the various mathematical factors came from. Given enough terms, you can fit a curve to anything. Trouble is, it always fails badly outside of the interval you fit the curve to.

There is, of course, some correlation with sunspot numbers, as low sunspot numbers are correlated with lower solar output. That's why the 11-year sunspot cycle is weakly echoed in the temperature record. However, the growing baseline of GHG warming is overwhelming the weak 11-year cycle.
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