
Can a person be driven to kill themself

  • Yes

    Votes: 14 48.3%
  • No

    Votes: 6 20.7%
  • Maybe

    Votes: 7 24.1%
  • Not sure

    Votes: 2 6.9%
  • Pie/cake/death

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Platinum Member
Jul 20, 2011
Don't harsh my zen, Jen!
People are blaming Nancy Grace for the suicide of a woman.

Woman who killed her baby and was dubbed

Now. I once had a friend whose husband blamed her in his suicide note. She is adamant that no matter what he did, she is in no wise responsible for his death. She didn't contribute, she didn't cause, she doesn't own it.

Kids have committed suicide over bullying.

My question today is: Do you believe a person or persons can drive another to lose their will to live, and then act on it.
Yeah if they don't have good support system of family/friends.
I dont think Nancy Grace was the cause of this woman's suicide. But the fact guilt got the best of her. I believe she was guilty as sin.
If "someone" is blamed for another someone's suicide death...then I'd say the person who committed suicide, wasn't all in their right mind to begin with.
I had a friend commit suicide. It's very devastating.
Then essentially - is it possible to drive someone out of their mind (to a place where suicide becomes a viable solution.)

Oh, absolutely. I would think it'd take underlying suicidal thoughts though, someplace in the mind.
Then essentially - is it possible to drive someone out of their mind (to a place where suicide becomes a viable solution.)

I would say yes........but again, the person who kills themself, wasn't the brightest crayon in the box to begin with.
But, someone talking to them, in certain ways, I can see how it could help put a person over the edge.
Then essentially - is it possible to drive someone out of their mind (to a place where suicide becomes a viable solution.)

Oh, absolutely. I would think it'd take underlying suicidal thoughts though, someplace in the mind.

Agree somewhat.
I know (knew) several people who have committed suicide.

Allowing someone to live in your head can become an obsession. Which points to underlying mental instability eventually, even if only temporary.

But blaming someone else for one's decision to end their life is not taking responsibility for their actions and is attempting to guilt trip people.

"I'll show them! I'll just kill myself"
I believe highly intelligent people are more likely to commit suicide than the less intelligent, but I would need to verify that.

Many people with bi-polar, even if being treated, do commit suicide.
People can be driven to murder and to suicide if they think there is no other way out, and that can be achieved via abuse.

Normal everyday people can't be driven to suicide by a television show, though, or a person on television. If they're internalizing that crap, then they've got issues and it's not the fault of the people they fixate on.
Having been suicidal myself, all I remember thinking was "Please God; make it stop." I wasn't thinking "I'll show them."

I just didn't see any way to continue, in all that pain.
Then essentially - is it possible to drive someone out of their mind (to a place where suicide becomes a viable solution.)

I would say yes........but again, the person who kills themself, wasn't the brightest crayon in the box to begin with.
But, someone talking to them, in certain ways, I can see how it could help put a person over the edge.

Naw, most suicides are quite bright.
Then essentially - is it possible to drive someone out of their mind (to a place where suicide becomes a viable solution.)

One does not have to be crazy to commit suicide. Depression can cause it. Depression is mental problem but it is not crazy. Severe depression can lead to a feeling that there is no way out and the only solution is death.

I know the feeling personally. You can not find any solution, no matter what is said or done you are so low you can not see any thing other then death as the proper escape.

Can someone else drive you to that depression? YES they can. But not in a vacuum. It would require a loss of support from family and friends. And can be exasperated by conditions of lack of support.

In my case I have a chemical imbalance of some kind and suffer repeated bouts of severe depression over and over. Took 10 years to find the right meds that help me. And I see a therapist every week and have done so for years.

In the case of Nancy Grace if the woman involved was already with out a good support system then yes someone like Nancy Grace and her ignorant stubborn opinionated comments and access to the media COULD drive such a person to suicide.
In which case a person could be driven over to the edge by any show on television, if they're too stupid to change the channel.

It's not the fault of the person on the tube that they're unstable and fixated.
Having been suicidal myself, all I remember thinking was "Please God; make it stop." I wasn't thinking "I'll show them."

I just didn't see any way to continue, in all that pain.

Obviously you did! :D

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