
Hum Dinger

Gold Member
Aug 19, 2008
Is there anyway that USMB could determine the country of origin for each post and post a flag indicating that country in the post's left side information?

I know that in Fortinet firewalls when you see a list of active sessions, there a flag indicating the country of the remote connection. So it is something that can be determined.

I suspect that it would be very difficult to do though....

Just a thought.
For what purpose, other than for some to single out and harass those from countries outside the USA?
i wouldn't want some thing like that , no ones business where a poster posts from unless the poster wants to state where he is posting from Richard !!------------------------------------------------------------------------illary and mrobama and their dem millenial supporters suck and are unamerican lefties !!
For what purpose, other than for some to single out and harass those from countries outside the USA?
-------------------------------------------- usually you can tell anyway , might talke some work and then jusy a polite question or slip on their part will help tell the tale . And , what the heck , i just treat all anti gunners [for example] like they are english anyway .
For what purpose, other than for some to single out and harass those from countries outside the USA?

It seems that you are casting aspersions on the poster who suggested it.

Seems to me, he is simply motivated by curiosity and the desire to understand how people in different parts of the world view things differently.
i wouldn't want some thing like that , no ones business where a poster posts from unless the poster wants to state where he is posting from Richard !!------------------------------------------------------------------------illary and mrobama and their dem millenial supporters suck and are unamerican lefties !!

We had it at another board before. Of course it was optional.
i wouldn't want some thing like that , no ones business where a poster posts from unless the poster wants to state where he is posting from Richard !!------------------------------------------------------------------------illary and mrobama and their dem millenial supporters suck and are unamerican lefties !!

We had it at another board before. Of course it was optional.

Oy! Falena.
Some boards used to do that; don't know if this particular board's software has the option in its programing or not. It doesn't matter much to me either way. A lot of the advertising software can do it as part of their tailoring code.
Some boards used to do that; don't know if this particular board's software has the option in its programing or not. It doesn't matter much to me either way. A lot of the advertising software can do it as part of their tailoring code.
They use xenforo here so it would be an option but it's a waste of bandwidth. Unless you are a supporting member you are posting on someone else's dime. No forum is truly Free it's just relies on the owners personal income and supporting members and donations

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