Zone1 Suggestion For The Mods, Can We Start Finding Out Which Staff Member Performed Which Action?

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What does this have to do with what you quoted of me?

I do not object to transparency, so you are welcome to make that long backroom thread public.

Flac, I truly believe that you are a skilled writer, and I have no doubt that of all my political opponents, you are the closest to being able to be objective. You and I have something in common, which is that we both want forum rules and we both want to see the potential benefits that a good set of rules can bring to the community.
You know that old saying "those who cast the votes decide nothing; those who count the votes decide everything.

Flac, I truly believe that you are a skilled writer,
He can certainly channel Frank Costanza with the best of them.

As far as the rules, though, I'm reminded of that old line about those who cast the votes deciding nothing; those who count the votes deciding everything. In this case, the rules as written mean nothing.The rules as interpreted mean everything.
1st post
It would be a whole lot easier so I know who to message when I have questions about why a post of mine was deleted or why a thread of mine was moved.
I have long contended that all disciplinary actions and other actions that mods take in rgards to posters should be more transparent.

The way it seems to work now is that a mod will permanently ban someone based on some notion that he evidence it is in fact what he could just be that the mod does not like the guys posts.

It is not like we do not know that some mods are biased.

Fairness seems to be the last concern of the administrators.
I think everyone should take posting and their threads a little less seriously.
It's not like anyone is writing words to be enshrined in the Holy Web for all eternity, one big solar flare or an EMP attack and it's all gone anyway.
Take the spanking, learn from it and figure another way to bend the rules and move on.
I think everyone should take posting and their threads a little less seriously.
It's not like anyone is writing words to be enshrined in the Holy Web for all eternity.
Take the spanking, learn from it and figure another way to bend the rules and move on.
Well, you make a good point but everyone has a right to expect fairness aka Randy Reagan a poster of some promise had some very interesthings to say and suddenly out of the blue even though he was a newby got perma banned based on some mods belief that he was a sock.

They told him if he thought it was in error to contact an administrator....but when you are banned there is no way I know of for you to contact anyone on the board since you are locked out.
It WOULD be a best seller. We could pay for the Mod Staff Caribbean Cruise with just the popcorn concession. Tempting --- considering the harassment we're getting for enforcing the "no hot current political topics in Zone 1 forums". Which is where your "censorship jihad" started.

But alas -- that long postponed Cruise (we were gonna book both Depp and Heard for entertainment and have a Pirate theme to the thing) --- is not to be. Because we cant MOVE PMs to become public threads. And we cant enter the list of 350 or so very active members into the invite list.

I'll reciprocate on that. Because you SAY you support free expression, but cringe in horror at Civil Discussion and call it a "safe place". It is not a safe space. It's where ADULTS debate issues without personal poking and inflammatory personal accusations. And to achieve THAT on a board composed mostly of tribal warriors who line up with the 2 failing and flailing political parties we seem to be stuck with -- WE HAVE TO KEEP THE HOT POLITICAL TOPICS OUT of civil discussion forums. THAT'S the summation of our position in that 5 page PM. Especially, when you dump them (THREE OF THEM in a span of about 36 hours) into a Race Discussion forum.
The irony here is that one of the reasons why you don't see me on the racism forum anymore is because it has become the MOST political subforums on this site. The local politics of that subforum are ugly.
As an EX-USMB mod (did I blow your cover? LOL) YOU KNOW the limitations of the S/Ware pkgs we have used over the years to give broader member visibility of actions. If the BUTTONS and entry editing were available -- we'd most likely USE THEM.

Visibility even WORSE in the Wild West days of USMB, when mod leaders didn't think members NEEDED to know as much about "behind the scenes" as we give them TODAY.
On Xenforo forums, there must be options to toggle on or off, or to install or not install when forums are set up because I do know of another forum on the same platform where the information being asked in this thread comes through. So it's likely down to the site owner or the admin person that has access to the software switches as opposed to the mods.
5th post
It WOULD be a best seller. We could pay for the Mod Staff Caribbean Cruise with just the popcorn concession. Tempting --- considering the harassment we're getting for enforcing the "no hot current political topics in Zone 1 forums". Which is where your "censorship jihad" started.

But alas -- that long postponed Cruise (we were gonna book both Depp and Heard for entertainment and have a Pirate theme to the thing) --- is not to be. Because we cant MOVE PMs to become public threads. And we cant enter the list of 350 or so very active members into the invite list.

I'll reciprocate on that. Because you SAY you support free expression, but cringe in horror at Civil Discussion and call it a "safe place". It is not a safe space. It's where ADULTS debate issues without personal poking and inflammatory personal accusations. And to achieve THAT on a board composed mostly of tribal warriors who line up with the 2 failing and flailing political parties we seem to be stuck with -- WE HAVE TO KEEP THE HOT POLITICAL TOPICS OUT of civil discussion forums. THAT'S the summation of our position in that 5 page PM. Especially, when you dump them (THREE OF THEM in a span of about 36 hours) into a Race Discussion forum.
I was rather disappointed in tbe last USMB Mod Cruise…that was NOT Depp…

I find it sad that people have to wonder who is infracting them and deleting their posts.

I seldom have to wonder because it is almost always the same mod.
10th post

What was that like?


I could make a ton of pocket cash publishing the mod room threads from those days. Can't name names. Some folks are still members. It was like ANY message board without a focus on encouraging discussion content and a bunch of moderators that "did their own thing" and couldn't agree on Gulligans Island or Mayberry RFD. It was polarized to heck before polarization was a thing.

Just imagine the same partisan stuff on the board breaking out in Mod Staff meetings. And having "the Terminator" in charge of it.
I could make a ton of pocket cash publishing the mod room threads from those days. Can't name names. Some folks are still members. It was like ANY message board without a focus on encouraging discussion content and a bunch of moderators that "did their own thing" and couldn't agree on Gulligans Island or Mayberry RFD. It was polarized to heck before polarization was a thing.
So, in other words, it was before you and Coyote gained complete control.
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So, in other woefs, it was before you and Coyote gained complete control.

Cool conspiracy stuff man. The OTHER seven should be consulted about that. I'm just the TL : DR one on staff. DOnt you EVER give this up? You wouldn't HEAR from us if this OBSESSION of yours didn't land in the middle of threads twice a week.
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Cool conspiracy stuff man. The OTHER seven should be consulted about that. I'm just the TL:DR one on staff. DOnt you EVER give this up? You wouldn't HEAR from us if this OBSESSION of yours didn't land in the middle of threads twice a week.
Actually, you wouldn't hear from me at all if Coyote did not stalk stalk those with certain points of view and you did not act as her loyal henchman.
Actually, you wouldn't hear from me at all if Coyote did not stalk stalk those with certain points of view and you did not act as her loyal henchman.
1) I do agree that a certain mod does stalk those with political views she disagrees with, and for that reason I also agree that we should be able to know which mod deleted a post - ESPECIALLY when the deletion occurs within a minute of a heated exchange with the mod.

2) I also think we should be able to place mods on ignore, if we choose. We can be on the receiving end of repeated (and unfair) accusations, and we can’t put the mod on ignore even though she is acting as a poster and not a mod in those instances.

3) I wish the “report” button would allow us to direct the report to a specific mod. Otherwise, we end up reporting a poster (for example, a black in a Zone 1 who told someone who disagrees with him to go f himself) to a mod who, due to political bias, has a history of SUPPORTING the obnoxious poster and ATTACKING the poster making the report.

Thank you for this opportunity to make suggestions as to how the board can be made more fair.
Darkie loving communists have subtly but Shirley insinuated themselves amongst us and absolutely will not stop EVER until we're ALL reduced to lily livered sandwich spread on Jewish rye.

Why did you laugh at my suggestions? All were good ways to ensure fair - or, rather “equitable,” since that’s the word of the times - treatment whether one is black or white, Jew or gentile, Republican or Democrat.

I am sure that most mods want to run a fair site.
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