Suggestion For The Forum


Gold Member
Jun 25, 2016
Trolling/No Content
Your thread "merging" is totally out of control. It is NEVER helpful -- ever. It makes a thread very confusing because the merge feature spreads posts all over and often a thread that you think is the "same" topic actually isn't. I know why you guys do it though, it's because people here do not bother to check to see if a thread has already been posted on the topic, and the people here do not even care to check -- because it's not encouraged. I do realize you are trying to get control of topics that make numerous appearances across subforums.

Most other forums are relentless about getting their members to use the search button first before posting a new thread. Why don't you guys hammer that point here? It would save a lot of work on the moderation end. This would free Westwall up to flame and insult liberal posters on a more consistent basis.

No one reads the one started by "Intense." The headline sucks, and people gloss right over that post. I suggest a "BEFORE YOU START A NEW THREAD -- READ THIS FIRST" stickied post that goes something like this:

So, you just found that juicy bit of fake news on your favorite right wing propaganda site and you're just itching to start a new thread on it so you can get a bunch of "winner, thank you's, agree's and funny and agrees" from the resident muppets.

But before you do that, do the following first:

1. Check to see if another thread has already been posted on that topic. Chances are, it has. There's a lot of members here who are paid to post articles within nanoseconds of the article publishing. Use the goddamn SEARCH feature to double check.

2. If there hasn't been a thread on it, you may proceed and collect your regularly scheduled $1.00 posting fee from Infowars.
What do you think?
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You would not believe the number of crybabies...

... who complain when an already existing thread is updated...

... rather than posting a new thread on an already existing subject.

Believe me, I know and agree whole heartedly with you.
You posted this in the wrong forum.

I did? It's the "feedback" forum right?
Yes, but you violated the rules of that forum.
Flaming prohibited!
So, you just found that juicy bit of fake news on your favorite right wing propaganda site and you're just itching to start a new thread on it so you can get a bunch of "winner, thank you's, agree's and funny and agrees" from the resident muppets.
That's not flaming in the slightest.

The poster is having fun and popping egos.
SYTFE is making sense. What is worse though is the adware or malware or whatever at this site. When I am in line at Whole Foods are there are no decent looking broads to check out, I pull out my iPhone to see what entertaining activity is here at...USmessageboard. Then I get a variety of adware type crap. Even as I type this, it is slower than typing in DOS on an IBM 286 PC from 1989 as Chrome blocks various content. What is the malfunction here with the fucking pop up ads?
Your thread "merging" is totally out of control. It is NEVER helpful -- ever. It makes a thread very confusing because the merge feature spreads posts all over and often a thread that you think is the "same" topic actually isn't. I know why you guys do it though, it's because people here do not bother to check to see if a thread has already been posted on the topic, and the people here do not even care to check -- because it's not encouraged. I do realize you are trying to get control of topics that make numerous appearances across subforums.

Most other forums are relentless about getting their members to use the search button first before posting a new thread. Why don't you guys hammer that point here? It would save a lot of work on the moderation end. This would free Westwall up to flame and insult liberal posters on a more consistent basis.

No one reads the one started by "Intense." The headline sucks, and people gloss right over that post. I suggest a "BEFORE YOU START A NEW THREAD -- READ THIS FIRST" stickied post that goes something like this:

So, you just found that juicy bit of fake news on your favorite right wing propaganda site and you're just itching to start a new thread on it so you can get a bunch of "winner, thank you's, agree's and funny and agrees" from the resident muppets.

But before you do that, do the following first:

1. Check to see if another thread has already been posted on that topic. Chances are, it has. There's a lot of members here who are paid to post articles within nanoseconds of the article publishing. Use the goddamn SEARCH feature to double check.

2. If there hasn't been a thread on it, you may proceed and collect your regularly scheduled $1.00 posting fee from Infowars.
What do you think?

I think those are excellent suggestions, and I admit we merge threads sometimes out of frustration because there are oodles on the same topic and it's frustrating to us that members don't look first.

I'll take this to the backroom to discuss :)
....There's a lot of members here who are paid to post articles within nanoseconds of the article publishing. ....
Define "a lot". Why would anyone pay even minimum wage to post on the dozens, if not hundreds, of political forums on the Internet?

It was a joke. Isn't that a running joke around here? That various individuals are paid to post articles from certain sites? Sheesh. Little slow are we?
I agree that posters should use search feature, or at lease look to see if there is a recent thread for the topic that has already been created; however, i sespect that trying to educate people to do so (that don't already do so) will be an exercise in futility.
Your thread "merging" is totally out of control. It is NEVER helpful -- ever. It makes a thread very confusing because the merge feature spreads posts all over and often a thread that you think is the "same" topic actually isn't. I know why you guys do it though, it's because people here do not bother to check to see if a thread has already been posted on the topic, and the people here do not even care to check -- because it's not encouraged. I do realize you are trying to get control of topics that make numerous appearances across subforums.

Most other forums are relentless about getting their members to use the search button first before posting a new thread. Why don't you guys hammer that point here? It would save a lot of work on the moderation end. This would free Westwall up to flame and insult liberal posters on a more consistent basis.

No one reads the one started by "Intense." The headline sucks, and people gloss right over that post. I suggest a "BEFORE YOU START A NEW THREAD -- READ THIS FIRST" stickied post that goes something like this:

So, you just found that juicy bit of fake news on your favorite right wing propaganda site and you're just itching to start a new thread on it so you can get a bunch of "winner, thank you's, agree's and funny and agrees" from the resident muppets.

But before you do that, do the following first:

1. Check to see if another thread has already been posted on that topic. Chances are, it has. There's a lot of members here who are paid to post articles within nanoseconds of the article publishing. Use the goddamn SEARCH feature to double check.

2. If there hasn't been a thread on it, you may proceed and collect your regularly scheduled $1.00 posting fee from Infowars.
What do you think?

Half the people on this forum can't even read a paragraph, trying to enforce that they go search for something, wow, I've told people to go look for the evidence to back themselves up, and it usually ends in insults... I'm not sure you understand the forces at work here.
Why can't posts be automatically forwarded to the main thread?

And good grief, why does everything have to go in Politics or Current Events? In part, this is why adding even more forums doesn't seem like a good idea.

Sent from my iPad using
I suggest that if a poster puts up a thread that is clearly a duplicate of a thread currently on the 1st page of that forum - IOW easily visible - he loses his thread posting rights for a few days.
....There's a lot of members here who are paid to post articles within nanoseconds of the article publishing. ....
Define "a lot". Why would anyone pay even minimum wage to post on the dozens, if not hundreds, of political forums on the Internet?

It was a joke. Isn't that a running joke around here? That various individuals are paid to post articles from certain sites? Sheesh. Little slow are we?
Ahhh, so your OP is a joke. Why isn't it in the joke forum?
I suggest that if a poster puts up a thread that is clearly a duplicate of a thread currently on the 1st page of that forum - IOW easily visible - he loses his thread posting rights for a few days.
Lemme guess, you are a staunch supporter of the authoritarian left. Amirite?

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