Sugar=Cancer=Heart Disease


Diamond Member
Jan 8, 2011
I wonder why our wonderful and benevolent central government with it's amazing wealth and power has refused to protect the American people.

Oh yeah...I forgot...they are bought and paid for. Must everything be crooked in this country?

The sugar industry blocked research linking sucrose to heart disease and cancer from publication 50 YEARS ago, damning report reveals
  • The researchers at the University of California at San Francisco have uncovered data showing the sugar industry hid research linking sugar to cancer in 1968
  • New documents show the Sugar Association funded an animal experiment called Project 259 to evaluate sucrose's effects on cardiovascular health
  • But when the data showed a clear link between sucrose and poor heart health, they pulled the plug
  • The researchers say that, had this paper been published in 1968, it would have led to scrutiny and even regulation of sugar by the FDA
The finding, published today in PLOS Biology, is the latest in a series of bombshell reports from investigative researcher Dr Cristin Kearns and co-author Dr Stanton Glantz, who was the first researcher to reveal Big Tobacco was hiding research on the danger of cigarettes in 1996.

Last year the duo sent shockwaves through the nutrition world with a study that showed the sugar industry had paid Harvard University's most respected nutrition scientist to play down the health dangers of sugar, and demonize fats.

Speaking to Daily Mail Online, they say that, had this new study been published in 1968 as planned, it would have automatically triggered a review of sucrose by the US Food and Drug Administration, which would have likely led to regulation of sugar.

Instead, they say, it has taken five decades for the scientific community to reach relative agreement that sugar is bad for you, and has a direct link to cancer and heart disease.

Today, we are urged to limit our sugar intake as much as possible.

According to FDA regulations, women should have no more than 25g (six teaspoons) of added sugar per day.

That is less than a can of Coca Cola.

Men should have no more than 36g (nine teaspoons) extra.

That equates to a regular Snickers bar.

Sugar, peer-reviewed studies now show, triggers insulin resistance, lower good cholesterol and dangerous bad cholesterol.

It also causes inflammation of the arteries.

These are all direct causes of heart disease.

The sugar industry paid prestigious Harvard scientists to publish research saying fat - not sugar - was a key cause of heart disease, newly unveiled documents reveal.

At the time, in the 1960s, conflict of interest disclosure was not required.

It meant sugar chiefs could work closely with researchers to re-draft and re-draft their paper until it was 'satisfactory' - without having to report their involvement.

The result shaped public health approaches to nutrition for years.

The findings, revealed today in a special report in JAMA Internal Medicine, has sent shockwaves through the research community.

Read more: Sugar industry blocked research linking sucrose to cancer | Daily Mail Online
Thanks for posting.

I'd wager that sugar is our Number 1 killer, and has been for 50 years.
I didn't know about the cancer and heart disease links. It sure makes us fat which brings with it a variety of bad issues.
Americans are being poisoned and their huge omnipresent government does nothing about it.
I didn't know about the cancer and heart disease links. It sure makes us fat which brings with it a variety of bad issues.
These folks have been utilizing the correlation equals causation fallacy for decades in regard to fats.
The human body is designed to burn fat as its prime fuel source. But there has never been a "fat" lobby, to fund the educating of people on this matter.
However sugars tell your body to put fats in storage for a rainy day that never comes due to the constant deluge of sugars that are added to virtually all processed foods.
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It is worse than most people think...."the (American) government is subsidizing the obesity epidemic." It is all about greed like so many other issues.

switch to honey

tastes better and good for you
I don't think so. You might try Stevia.

(2) Increases Blood Sugar Level In Our Body
Honey is not so good for people suffering from diabetics because of the high amount of sugar present in it. Honey doesn’t contain any fiber which means Consuming honey can increase the blood sugar level of a person because the sugar present in honey get absorbed by our blood more quickly in comparison to sugar with fiber. So, if you have diabetes or if you are suffering from low blood sugar condition then you should be cautious while eating honey because the sweetness and chemical composition of honey are same as table sugar which means one should follow the same precaution while consuming honey as if he is consuming regular sugar. The maximum recommended dosage of all sugars ( whether it is from sugar, honey or processed foods) is ten tablespoons per day which mean you should watch your sugar and make sure that you are not getting more than ten tablespoons of sugar per day ( from all sources combined).
10 Risks And Side Effects Of Eating Too Much Honey - Good Health All
switch to honey

tastes better and good for you
I don't think so. You might try Stevia.

(2) Increases Blood Sugar Level In Our Body
Honey is not so good for people suffering from diabetics because of the high amount of sugar present in it. Honey doesn’t contain any fiber which means Consuming honey can increase the blood sugar level of a person because the sugar present in honey get absorbed by our blood more quickly in comparison to sugar with fiber. So, if you have diabetes or if you are suffering from low blood sugar condition then you should be cautious while eating honey because the sweetness and chemical composition of honey are same as table sugar which means one should follow the same precaution while consuming honey as if he is consuming regular sugar. The maximum recommended dosage of all sugars ( whether it is from sugar, honey or processed foods) is ten tablespoons per day which mean you should watch your sugar and make sure that you are not getting more than ten tablespoons of sugar per day ( from all sources combined).
10 Risks And Side Effects Of Eating Too Much Honey - Good Health All
stevia is a chemical and if you are a diabetic, you already know what to be careful with.
switch to honey

tastes better and good for you
I don't think so. You might try Stevia.

(2) Increases Blood Sugar Level In Our Body
Honey is not so good for people suffering from diabetics because of the high amount of sugar present in it. Honey doesn’t contain any fiber which means Consuming honey can increase the blood sugar level of a person because the sugar present in honey get absorbed by our blood more quickly in comparison to sugar with fiber. So, if you have diabetes or if you are suffering from low blood sugar condition then you should be cautious while eating honey because the sweetness and chemical composition of honey are same as table sugar which means one should follow the same precaution while consuming honey as if he is consuming regular sugar. The maximum recommended dosage of all sugars ( whether it is from sugar, honey or processed foods) is ten tablespoons per day which mean you should watch your sugar and make sure that you are not getting more than ten tablespoons of sugar per day ( from all sources combined).
10 Risks And Side Effects Of Eating Too Much Honey - Good Health All
stevia is a chemical and if you are a diabetic, you already know what to be careful with.
No Stevia is not a chemical. It is a natural substance.
I didn't know about the cancer and heart disease links. It sure makes us fat which brings with it a variety of bad issues.
These folks have been utilizing the correlation equals causation fallacy for decades in regard to fats.
The human body is designed to burn fat as its prime fuel source. But there has never been a "fat" lobby, to fund the educating of people on this matter.
However sugars tell your body to put fats in storage for a rainy day that never comes due to the constant deluge of sugars that are added to virtually all processed foods.

That's true. A few ago I was having elevated cholesterol levels - my Dr. told me to avoid all sugars - no matter the color - including honey. He said the body processes (stores) all sugars the same. Though I've read there are benefits to local honey for those with certain allergies.

Issues with fats is that they are calorie rich, tasty, but relatively nutrient poor compared to lean meats. That said, although I buy 1% milk, I only buy whole fat yogurt, cheeses, cottage cheese, real butter, etc. and pay attention to serving size.
People don't want to hear this.
It's very obvious, but, people just don't want to give up their self indulgences.....

Our government, whether well intended or not, has never been very good protecting us from ourselves. It's no wonder they just said "fuck it" and now use it for their own benefit.
People don't want to hear this.
It's very obvious, but, people just don't want to give up their self indulgences.....

Our government, whether well intended or not, has never been very good protecting us from ourselves. It's no wonder they just said "fuck it" and now use it for their own benefit.
However if the government goes after sugar like they did tobacco, in which they obtained billions, this might change.

After all, it is all about the money with our central government.
Give up the soda.
One 16oz bottle of coke has 12.3 teaspoons of sugar. Which is already terrible, but most soda drinkers do not stop at one. They drink 2 or 3 a day. And that is 37 teaspoons of sugar a day.
And soda is beyond a doubt why this country has a epidemic of diabetes.
And BTW - I am always glad when I see threads like these...the more people can become educated at just how bad corporate food is the better.
Gipper is right the government hides the data.
Consider the "Nutritional Facts" on food...what is missing below?

SUGAR as a percentage of daily allowance. The sugar industry successfully paid off enough lawmakers to remove the percentage of daily diet because MANY foods were grossly over the percentage needed for an entire day.

I wonder why our wonderful and benevolent central government with it's amazing wealth and power has refused to protect the American people.

Oh yeah...I forgot...they are bought and paid for. Must everything be crooked in this country?

The sugar industry blocked research linking sucrose to heart disease and cancer from publication 50 YEARS ago, damning report reveals
  • The researchers at the University of California at San Francisco have uncovered data showing the sugar industry hid research linking sugar to cancer in 1968
  • New documents show the Sugar Association funded an animal experiment called Project 259 to evaluate sucrose's effects on cardiovascular health
  • But when the data showed a clear link between sucrose and poor heart health, they pulled the plug
  • The researchers say that, had this paper been published in 1968, it would have led to scrutiny and even regulation of sugar by the FDA
The finding, published today in PLOS Biology, is the latest in a series of bombshell reports from investigative researcher Dr Cristin Kearns and co-author Dr Stanton Glantz, who was the first researcher to reveal Big Tobacco was hiding research on the danger of cigarettes in 1996.

Last year the duo sent shockwaves through the nutrition world with a study that showed the sugar industry had paid Harvard University's most respected nutrition scientist to play down the health dangers of sugar, and demonize fats.

Speaking to Daily Mail Online, they say that, had this new study been published in 1968 as planned, it would have automatically triggered a review of sucrose by the US Food and Drug Administration, which would have likely led to regulation of sugar.

Instead, they say, it has taken five decades for the scientific community to reach relative agreement that sugar is bad for you, and has a direct link to cancer and heart disease.

Today, we are urged to limit our sugar intake as much as possible.

According to FDA regulations, women should have no more than 25g (six teaspoons) of added sugar per day.

That is less than a can of Coca Cola.

Men should have no more than 36g (nine teaspoons) extra.

That equates to a regular Snickers bar.

Sugar, peer-reviewed studies now show, triggers insulin resistance, lower good cholesterol and dangerous bad cholesterol.

It also causes inflammation of the arteries.

These are all direct causes of heart disease.

The sugar industry paid prestigious Harvard scientists to publish research saying fat - not sugar - was a key cause of heart disease, newly unveiled documents reveal.

At the time, in the 1960s, conflict of interest disclosure was not required.

It meant sugar chiefs could work closely with researchers to re-draft and re-draft their paper until it was 'satisfactory' - without having to report their involvement.

The result shaped public health approaches to nutrition for years.

The findings, revealed today in a special report in JAMA Internal Medicine, has sent shockwaves through the research community.

Read more: Sugar industry blocked research linking sucrose to cancer | Daily Mail Online
But you love yer Trump and his fat ass...
Give up the soda.
One 16oz bottle of coke has 12.3 teaspoons of sugar. Which is already terrible, but most soda drinkers do not stop at one. They drink 2 or 3 a day. And that is 37 teaspoons of sugar a day.
And soda is beyond a doubt why this country has a epidemic of diabetes.
Soda is a big problem whether containing sugar or artificial sweeteners, as found in diet sodas.

I have family members who consume several sodas a day. One family member has had four way bypass, yet consumes soda every day...while buying non-fat milk. I don't get it...I have not drank one in probably 30 years. Never liked it even when I was young. Now if I could just do the same with red wine.
I wonder why our wonderful and benevolent central government with it's amazing wealth and power has refused to protect the American people.

Oh yeah...I forgot...they are bought and paid for. Must everything be crooked in this country?

The sugar industry blocked research linking sucrose to heart disease and cancer from publication 50 YEARS ago, damning report reveals
  • The researchers at the University of California at San Francisco have uncovered data showing the sugar industry hid research linking sugar to cancer in 1968
  • New documents show the Sugar Association funded an animal experiment called Project 259 to evaluate sucrose's effects on cardiovascular health
  • But when the data showed a clear link between sucrose and poor heart health, they pulled the plug
  • The researchers say that, had this paper been published in 1968, it would have led to scrutiny and even regulation of sugar by the FDA
The finding, published today in PLOS Biology, is the latest in a series of bombshell reports from investigative researcher Dr Cristin Kearns and co-author Dr Stanton Glantz, who was the first researcher to reveal Big Tobacco was hiding research on the danger of cigarettes in 1996.

Last year the duo sent shockwaves through the nutrition world with a study that showed the sugar industry had paid Harvard University's most respected nutrition scientist to play down the health dangers of sugar, and demonize fats.

Speaking to Daily Mail Online, they say that, had this new study been published in 1968 as planned, it would have automatically triggered a review of sucrose by the US Food and Drug Administration, which would have likely led to regulation of sugar.

Instead, they say, it has taken five decades for the scientific community to reach relative agreement that sugar is bad for you, and has a direct link to cancer and heart disease.

Today, we are urged to limit our sugar intake as much as possible.

According to FDA regulations, women should have no more than 25g (six teaspoons) of added sugar per day.

That is less than a can of Coca Cola.

Men should have no more than 36g (nine teaspoons) extra.

That equates to a regular Snickers bar.

Sugar, peer-reviewed studies now show, triggers insulin resistance, lower good cholesterol and dangerous bad cholesterol.

It also causes inflammation of the arteries.

These are all direct causes of heart disease.

The sugar industry paid prestigious Harvard scientists to publish research saying fat - not sugar - was a key cause of heart disease, newly unveiled documents reveal.

At the time, in the 1960s, conflict of interest disclosure was not required.

It meant sugar chiefs could work closely with researchers to re-draft and re-draft their paper until it was 'satisfactory' - without having to report their involvement.

The result shaped public health approaches to nutrition for years.

The findings, revealed today in a special report in JAMA Internal Medicine, has sent shockwaves through the research community.

Read more: Sugar industry blocked research linking sucrose to cancer | Daily Mail Online
But you love yer Trump and his fat ass...

Go away dumb ass.
I wonder why our wonderful and benevolent central government with it's amazing wealth and power has refused to protect the American people.

Oh yeah...I forgot...they are bought and paid for. Must everything be crooked in this country?

The sugar industry blocked research linking sucrose to heart disease and cancer from publication 50 YEARS ago, damning report reveals
  • The researchers at the University of California at San Francisco have uncovered data showing the sugar industry hid research linking sugar to cancer in 1968
  • New documents show the Sugar Association funded an animal experiment called Project 259 to evaluate sucrose's effects on cardiovascular health
  • But when the data showed a clear link between sucrose and poor heart health, they pulled the plug
  • The researchers say that, had this paper been published in 1968, it would have led to scrutiny and even regulation of sugar by the FDA
The finding, published today in PLOS Biology, is the latest in a series of bombshell reports from investigative researcher Dr Cristin Kearns and co-author Dr Stanton Glantz, who was the first researcher to reveal Big Tobacco was hiding research on the danger of cigarettes in 1996.

Last year the duo sent shockwaves through the nutrition world with a study that showed the sugar industry had paid Harvard University's most respected nutrition scientist to play down the health dangers of sugar, and demonize fats.

Speaking to Daily Mail Online, they say that, had this new study been published in 1968 as planned, it would have automatically triggered a review of sucrose by the US Food and Drug Administration, which would have likely led to regulation of sugar.

Instead, they say, it has taken five decades for the scientific community to reach relative agreement that sugar is bad for you, and has a direct link to cancer and heart disease.

Today, we are urged to limit our sugar intake as much as possible.

According to FDA regulations, women should have no more than 25g (six teaspoons) of added sugar per day.

That is less than a can of Coca Cola.

Men should have no more than 36g (nine teaspoons) extra.

That equates to a regular Snickers bar.

Sugar, peer-reviewed studies now show, triggers insulin resistance, lower good cholesterol and dangerous bad cholesterol.

It also causes inflammation of the arteries.

These are all direct causes of heart disease.

The sugar industry paid prestigious Harvard scientists to publish research saying fat - not sugar - was a key cause of heart disease, newly unveiled documents reveal.

At the time, in the 1960s, conflict of interest disclosure was not required.

It meant sugar chiefs could work closely with researchers to re-draft and re-draft their paper until it was 'satisfactory' - without having to report their involvement.

The result shaped public health approaches to nutrition for years.

The findings, revealed today in a special report in JAMA Internal Medicine, has sent shockwaves through the research community.

Read more: Sugar industry blocked research linking sucrose to cancer | Daily Mail Online
But you love yer Trump and his fat ass...

Go away dumb ass.
I have no problems ingesting sugar or corn syrup..Maybe you guys are just weak?

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