Such A Travesty: More Than 250,000 British Toddlers Labeled Racists


May 29, 2010
This trend can only lead in one direction. It will not be long before it is illegal to be White. Why is this happening? These are toddlers for god sake. How are these laws coming about? - More Than 250,000 British Toddlers Labeled Racists

More than a quarter million British children have been accused of racism since the country passed its Race Relations Act in 2000, the Daily Mail reports.

Munira Mirza, a senior adviser to London Mayor Boris Johnson, says teachers are being forced to report children as young as 3 years old to the authorities for using alleged "racist" language.

"Teachers are now required to report incidents of racist abuse among children as young as three to local authorities,

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Britain is nearly a failed state. We should have let Hitler have it. It's a ridiculous dead empire that deserves to rot.
Be nice to have some details, USArmyRetired.
Report Launch: The Myth of Racist Kids | Manifesto Club

The Myth of Racist Kids – anti-racism policy and the regulation of school life, is the latest Manifesto Club publication, by film-maker and anti-racism campaigner Adrian Hart. Hart’s investigation shows how schools are under pressure to search out and report ‘racist’ incidents, and how primary school children are being disciplined and reported to the authorities for petty playground squabbles and everyday insults.

Examples of the kinds of incidents reported to education authorities include:

In a disagreement playing football, a female pupil called a male pupil ‘white trash’;
One child argued with two other children, and called them both ‘chocolate bars’;
Bangladeshi children in Tower Hamlets are frequently reported for teasing other Bangladeshi children with the term ‘Kala bander’ (black monkey).

Hart argues that the obligation to seek out and report such incidents wastes teachers’ time - and worse, “such anti-racist policies can create divisions where none had previously existed, by turning everyday playground spats into ‘race issues’.”

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