Study: Racist Dog Whistles Work - On White Liberals


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Native America
A new study demonstrates that racist dog whistles work.

Reporters often describe President Donald Trump’s racism as a strategy to excite Republican voters, but it may actually work better on certain self-identified liberals.

That’s the conclusion a pair of academic researchers reached after conducting an experiment with hundreds of white Americans earlier this year.

A subset of liberals, not conservatives, could be the group “most responsive to the implicit ― and sometimes explicit ― racial appeals of Donald Trump’s presidential campaign,” Rachel Wetts and Robb Willer wrote in their paper, which appears this month in Socius, a scholarly journal published by the American Sociological Association.

Wetts is an assistant sociology professor at Brown University and Willer is a sociology professor at Stanford. A previous paper they co-authored examined the way white attitudes toward welfare soured after survey participants were told white Americans would someday lose their majority status.

For the new experiment, the researchers first screened participants to gauge their level of racial resentment, asking them how much they agreed with various statements, including this one: “It’s really a matter of some people not trying hard enough; if blacks would only try harder they could be just as well off as whites.”

Then, about two weeks later, they divided their 800-plus subjects into three groups, and presented each group with a short political statement from an unattributed source. One group got Ronald Reagan lamenting welfare and “inner cities,” absent fathers and pathological poverty. Another group got flamingly racist statements about food stamps from the American Freedom Party. The third, the control group, got Sen. James Inhofe (R-Okla.) whining about “global warming alarmists.”

The professors wanted to test a popular theory that subtly racist cues ― such as terms like “inner city” that many associate with Black Americans ― harness subconscious racial animus to sway white voters against government spending. Statements that are openly racist, on the other hand, are thought to turn off those voters.

More: Why Some White Liberals Will Probably Vote For Donald Trump

Very interesting. Worth reading the rest of the link. In other words - some white liberals are too dumb to realize they are being manipulated.
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We can all be manipulated - some more than others. The 2020 election will be a treasure trove for researchers as various factions maneuver to influence how we vote.
In other words, liberals are more likely to see things that don't exist, as long as they fit their world view.
A new study demonstrates that racist dog whistles work.

Reporters often describe President Donald Trump’s racism as a strategy to excite Republican voters, but it may actually work better on certain self-identified liberals.

That’s the conclusion a pair of academic researchers reached after conducting an experiment with hundreds of white Americans earlier this year.

A subset of liberals, not conservatives, could be the group “most responsive to the implicit ― and sometimes explicit ― racial appeals of Donald Trump’s presidential campaign,” Rachel Wetts and Robb Willer wrote in their paper, which appears this month in Socius, a scholarly journal published by the American Sociological Association.

Wetts is an assistant sociology professor at Brown University and Willer is a sociology professor at Stanford. A previous paper they co-authored examined the way white attitudes toward welfare soured after survey participants were told white Americans would someday lose their majority status.

For the new experiment, the researchers first screened participants to gauge their level of racial resentment, asking them how much they agreed with various statements, including this one: “It’s really a matter of some people not trying hard enough; if blacks would only try harder they could be just as well off as whites.”

Then, about two weeks later, they divided their 800-plus subjects into three groups, and presented each group with a short political statement from an unattributed source. One group got Ronald Reagan lamenting welfare and “inner cities,” absent fathers and pathological poverty. Another group got flamingly racist statements about food stamps from the American Freedom Party. The third, the control group, got Sen. James Inhofe (R-Okla.) whining about “global warming alarmists.”

The professors wanted to test a popular theory that subtly racist cues ― such as terms like “inner city” that many associate with Black Americans ― harness subconscious racial animus to sway white voters against government spending. Statements that are openly racist, on the other hand, are thought to turn off those voters.

More: Why Some White Liberals Will Probably Vote For Donald Trump

Very interesting. Worth reading the rest of the link. In other words - some white liberals are too dumb to realize they are being manipulated.
Betts went to graduate school at Berkeley. Nuff said.
Rachel Wetts | UC Berkeley Sociology Department
Willer is a peter puffer that studies “ fear” and “masculinity” in U.S. politics. Turd.
Robb Willer | Sociology
“Professor Willer’s teaching and research focus on the bases of social order. One line of his research investigates the factors driving the emergence of collective action, norms, solidarity, generosity, and status hierarchies. In other research, he explores the social psychology of political attitudes, including the effects of fear, prejudice, and masculinity in contemporary U.S. politics.” -from his Stanford bio page.
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We can all be manipulated - some more than others. The 2020 election will be a treasure trove for researchers as various factions maneuver to influence how we vote.

You guys on the left wanted to play the identity politics game. Don’t cry just because you are losing whites to the Donald.
A new study demonstrates that racist dog whistles work.

Reporters often describe President Donald Trump’s racism as a strategy to excite Republican voters, but it may actually work better on certain self-identified liberals.

That’s the conclusion a pair of academic researchers reached after conducting an experiment with hundreds of white Americans earlier this year.

A subset of liberals, not conservatives, could be the group “most responsive to the implicit ― and sometimes explicit ― racial appeals of Donald Trump’s presidential campaign,” Rachel Wetts and Robb Willer wrote in their paper, which appears this month in Socius, a scholarly journal published by the American Sociological Association.

Wetts is an assistant sociology professor at Brown University and Willer is a sociology professor at Stanford. A previous paper they co-authored examined the way white attitudes toward welfare soured after survey participants were told white Americans would someday lose their majority status.

For the new experiment, the researchers first screened participants to gauge their level of racial resentment, asking them how much they agreed with various statements, including this one: “It’s really a matter of some people not trying hard enough; if blacks would only try harder they could be just as well off as whites.”

Then, about two weeks later, they divided their 800-plus subjects into three groups, and presented each group with a short political statement from an unattributed source. One group got Ronald Reagan lamenting welfare and “inner cities,” absent fathers and pathological poverty. Another group got flamingly racist statements about food stamps from the American Freedom Party. The third, the control group, got Sen. James Inhofe (R-Okla.) whining about “global warming alarmists.”

The professors wanted to test a popular theory that subtly racist cues ― such as terms like “inner city” that many associate with Black Americans ― harness subconscious racial animus to sway white voters against government spending. Statements that are openly racist, on the other hand, are thought to turn off those voters.

More: Why Some White Liberals Will Probably Vote For Donald Trump

Very interesting. Worth reading the rest of the link. In other words - some white liberals are too dumb to realize they are being manipulated.

The Corrupt Democratic Party's "new" plan is to call President Trump 2000 time a day instead of the usual 1000 times a day.
Good Luck
A new study demonstrates that racist dog whistles work.

Reporters often describe President Donald Trump’s racism as a strategy to excite Republican voters, but it may actually work better on certain self-identified liberals.

That’s the conclusion a pair of academic researchers reached after conducting an experiment with hundreds of white Americans earlier this year.

A subset of liberals, not conservatives, could be the group “most responsive to the implicit ― and sometimes explicit ― racial appeals of Donald Trump’s presidential campaign,” Rachel Wetts and Robb Willer wrote in their paper, which appears this month in Socius, a scholarly journal published by the American Sociological Association.

Wetts is an assistant sociology professor at Brown University and Willer is a sociology professor at Stanford. A previous paper they co-authored examined the way white attitudes toward welfare soured after survey participants were told white Americans would someday lose their majority status.

For the new experiment, the researchers first screened participants to gauge their level of racial resentment, asking them how much they agreed with various statements, including this one: “It’s really a matter of some people not trying hard enough; if blacks would only try harder they could be just as well off as whites.”

Then, about two weeks later, they divided their 800-plus subjects into three groups, and presented each group with a short political statement from an unattributed source. One group got Ronald Reagan lamenting welfare and “inner cities,” absent fathers and pathological poverty. Another group got flamingly racist statements about food stamps from the American Freedom Party. The third, the control group, got Sen. James Inhofe (R-Okla.) whining about “global warming alarmists.”

The professors wanted to test a popular theory that subtly racist cues ― such as terms like “inner city” that many associate with Black Americans ― harness subconscious racial animus to sway white voters against government spending. Statements that are openly racist, on the other hand, are thought to turn off those voters.

More: Why Some White Liberals Will Probably Vote For Donald Trump

Very interesting. Worth reading the rest of the link. In other words - some white liberals are too dumb to realize they are being manipulated.

The Corrupt Democratic Party's "new" plan is to call President Trump 2000 time a day instead of the usual 1000 times a day.
Good Luck
View attachment 275189

Oh goody, another retarded troll who didn't read the entire link.
A new study demonstrates that racist dog whistles work.

Reporters often describe President Donald Trump’s racism as a strategy to excite Republican voters, but it may actually work better on certain self-identified liberals.

That’s the conclusion a pair of academic researchers reached after conducting an experiment with hundreds of white Americans earlier this year.

A subset of liberals, not conservatives, could be the group “most responsive to the implicit ― and sometimes explicit ― racial appeals of Donald Trump’s presidential campaign,” Rachel Wetts and Robb Willer wrote in their paper, which appears this month in Socius, a scholarly journal published by the American Sociological Association.

Wetts is an assistant sociology professor at Brown University and Willer is a sociology professor at Stanford. A previous paper they co-authored examined the way white attitudes toward welfare soured after survey participants were told white Americans would someday lose their majority status.

For the new experiment, the researchers first screened participants to gauge their level of racial resentment, asking them how much they agreed with various statements, including this one: “It’s really a matter of some people not trying hard enough; if blacks would only try harder they could be just as well off as whites.”

Then, about two weeks later, they divided their 800-plus subjects into three groups, and presented each group with a short political statement from an unattributed source. One group got Ronald Reagan lamenting welfare and “inner cities,” absent fathers and pathological poverty. Another group got flamingly racist statements about food stamps from the American Freedom Party. The third, the control group, got Sen. James Inhofe (R-Okla.) whining about “global warming alarmists.”

The professors wanted to test a popular theory that subtly racist cues ― such as terms like “inner city” that many associate with Black Americans ― harness subconscious racial animus to sway white voters against government spending. Statements that are openly racist, on the other hand, are thought to turn off those voters.

More: Why Some White Liberals Will Probably Vote For Donald Trump

Very interesting. Worth reading the rest of the link. In other words - some white liberals are too dumb to realize they are being manipulated.

Well since Trump isn't a racist your thread is a bunch of bull shit.

Carry on dipshit.
A new study demonstrates that racist dog whistles work.

Reporters often describe President Donald Trump’s racism as a strategy to excite Republican voters, but it may actually work better on certain self-identified liberals.

That’s the conclusion a pair of academic researchers reached after conducting an experiment with hundreds of white Americans earlier this year.

A subset of liberals, not conservatives, could be the group “most responsive to the implicit ― and sometimes explicit ― racial appeals of Donald Trump’s presidential campaign,” Rachel Wetts and Robb Willer wrote in their paper, which appears this month in Socius, a scholarly journal published by the American Sociological Association.

Wetts is an assistant sociology professor at Brown University and Willer is a sociology professor at Stanford. A previous paper they co-authored examined the way white attitudes toward welfare soured after survey participants were told white Americans would someday lose their majority status.

For the new experiment, the researchers first screened participants to gauge their level of racial resentment, asking them how much they agreed with various statements, including this one: “It’s really a matter of some people not trying hard enough; if blacks would only try harder they could be just as well off as whites.”

Then, about two weeks later, they divided their 800-plus subjects into three groups, and presented each group with a short political statement from an unattributed source. One group got Ronald Reagan lamenting welfare and “inner cities,” absent fathers and pathological poverty. Another group got flamingly racist statements about food stamps from the American Freedom Party. The third, the control group, got Sen. James Inhofe (R-Okla.) whining about “global warming alarmists.”

The professors wanted to test a popular theory that subtly racist cues ― such as terms like “inner city” that many associate with Black Americans ― harness subconscious racial animus to sway white voters against government spending. Statements that are openly racist, on the other hand, are thought to turn off those voters.

More: Why Some White Liberals Will Probably Vote For Donald Trump

Very interesting. Worth reading the rest of the link. In other words - some white liberals are too dumb to realize they are being manipulated.

Well since Trump isn't a racist your thread is a bunch of bull shit.

Carry on dipshit.

There is lots of documented proof that Trump is a racist.
We can all be manipulated - some more than others. The 2020 election will be a treasure trove for researchers as various factions maneuver to influence how we vote.

The Left is a bunch of emotionally unstable butt hurt cry babies, looking for someone else to blame for their poor upbringing.
  • Donald Trump = Triggered
  • Consensual Sex = Triggered
  • Russia = Triggered
  • Bob Mueller = Triggered
  • Spygate = Triggered
  • Recession = Triggered
  • XY & XX Chromosomes = Triggered
  • Illegal Alien = Triggered
  • The Flag = Triggered
  • Pledge of Allegiance = Triggered
  • Citizenship = Triggered
  • God Bless America = Triggered
  • Law Enforcement = Triggered
  • The Rule of Law = Triggered
  • Black Conservative = Triggered
  • Jewish Conservative = Triggered
  • Gay Conservative = Triggered
  • The Wall = Triggered
  • Hairy Man Butt Love = Triggered
  • Baby's are Humans = Triggered
  • The Constitution = Triggered
  • Roy Roger's Horse = Trigger

The Left creates Dog Whistles and Triggers because they are a bunch of emotionally disturbed infants.

About the only thing genuine and real in my list is Roy Roger's Horse, Trigger.
A new study demonstrates that racist dog whistles work.

Reporters often describe President Donald Trump’s racism as a strategy to excite Republican voters, but it may actually work better on certain self-identified liberals.

That’s the conclusion a pair of academic researchers reached after conducting an experiment with hundreds of white Americans earlier this year.

A subset of liberals, not conservatives, could be the group “most responsive to the implicit ― and sometimes explicit ― racial appeals of Donald Trump’s presidential campaign,” Rachel Wetts and Robb Willer wrote in their paper, which appears this month in Socius, a scholarly journal published by the American Sociological Association.

Wetts is an assistant sociology professor at Brown University and Willer is a sociology professor at Stanford. A previous paper they co-authored examined the way white attitudes toward welfare soured after survey participants were told white Americans would someday lose their majority status.

For the new experiment, the researchers first screened participants to gauge their level of racial resentment, asking them how much they agreed with various statements, including this one: “It’s really a matter of some people not trying hard enough; if blacks would only try harder they could be just as well off as whites.”

Then, about two weeks later, they divided their 800-plus subjects into three groups, and presented each group with a short political statement from an unattributed source. One group got Ronald Reagan lamenting welfare and “inner cities,” absent fathers and pathological poverty. Another group got flamingly racist statements about food stamps from the American Freedom Party. The third, the control group, got Sen. James Inhofe (R-Okla.) whining about “global warming alarmists.”

The professors wanted to test a popular theory that subtly racist cues ― such as terms like “inner city” that many associate with Black Americans ― harness subconscious racial animus to sway white voters against government spending. Statements that are openly racist, on the other hand, are thought to turn off those voters.

More: Why Some White Liberals Will Probably Vote For Donald Trump

Very interesting. Worth reading the rest of the link. In other words - some white liberals are too dumb to realize they are being manipulated.

Well since Trump isn't a racist your thread is a bunch of bull shit.

Carry on dipshit.

There is lots of documented proof that Trump is a racist.

Documented proof my ass. You wouldn't know a real racist if one spit in your stupid face.

Wanna see a real racist?? Take a look at the two death cult members in our Congress. Those two are racists.

You sure are one stupid shit.
A new study demonstrates that racist dog whistles work.

Reporters often describe President Donald Trump’s racism as a strategy to excite Republican voters, but it may actually work better on certain self-identified liberals.

That’s the conclusion a pair of academic researchers reached after conducting an experiment with hundreds of white Americans earlier this year.

A subset of liberals, not conservatives, could be the group “most responsive to the implicit ― and sometimes explicit ― racial appeals of Donald Trump’s presidential campaign,” Rachel Wetts and Robb Willer wrote in their paper, which appears this month in Socius, a scholarly journal published by the American Sociological Association.

Wetts is an assistant sociology professor at Brown University and Willer is a sociology professor at Stanford. A previous paper they co-authored examined the way white attitudes toward welfare soured after survey participants were told white Americans would someday lose their majority status.

For the new experiment, the researchers first screened participants to gauge their level of racial resentment, asking them how much they agreed with various statements, including this one: “It’s really a matter of some people not trying hard enough; if blacks would only try harder they could be just as well off as whites.”

Then, about two weeks later, they divided their 800-plus subjects into three groups, and presented each group with a short political statement from an unattributed source. One group got Ronald Reagan lamenting welfare and “inner cities,” absent fathers and pathological poverty. Another group got flamingly racist statements about food stamps from the American Freedom Party. The third, the control group, got Sen. James Inhofe (R-Okla.) whining about “global warming alarmists.”

The professors wanted to test a popular theory that subtly racist cues ― such as terms like “inner city” that many associate with Black Americans ― harness subconscious racial animus to sway white voters against government spending. Statements that are openly racist, on the other hand, are thought to turn off those voters.

More: Why Some White Liberals Will Probably Vote For Donald Trump

Very interesting. Worth reading the rest of the link. In other words - some white liberals are too dumb to realize they are being manipulated.
When are you racists going to experiment on non-white people?

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