Study: Electric cars no greener than gasoline vehicles

Are you THAT dense?

flacaltenn is forwarding the National Academy report on The Hidden Costs of Energy as Gospel. As a matter of FACT, flacaltenn says it was written by "America's premiere scientists".

But when "America's premiere scientists" say "Climate change is occurring, is caused largely by human activities, and poses significant risks for--and in many cases is already affecting--a broad range of human and natural systems." they are no longer "America's premiere scientists", and no longer of ANY use to flacaltenn. NOW they return to being hacks and enviro-NUTS.

All that carthartic whining is getting you closer BFgrn.. You're on the verge of a revelation about the diff between "consensus" and "power" in politics and how science and engineering actually work.. This is hopeful..

Even a 5-4 decision at the Sup. Ct. --- although it is LAW ---- is not a settled issue. Folks can learn a lot by reading the dissident opinion.. Problem with the legal system is ---- THEY NEED immediate resolution.. So the 5 mug the 4 -- and we proceed..

Doesn't EVER happen in science.

The reason I appealed to "power" and "consensus" was simply to piss BFgrn off.. Truly !!!
I was aware of all these facts we discussed WAAAAY before I knew there was a NAScience paper on the topic. But my viewpoint is --- some of these findings are SECONDARY to formulating a CORRECT energy/environmental policy for this country. So -- I accept the facts presented and WEIGH the larger tradeoffs to obtain "my opinion"..

Which is --- if the manufacturing cycle of EVehicles contains MORE societal costs in terms of materials and energy to produce -- I still might want EVehicles that run on HYDROGEN fuel cells in order to structure a better energy market.

Now if YOU'RE upset that you got dumped in the skeptic camp on this dustup -- you're job is to contact the "resistance" movement and suggest REAL alternative views without trying to subvert the facts in evidence. That's exactly what I do on the AGW topics.

There is no appeal to "prestige" or "power" or "consensus" allowed.. Just a lot of dam study and PERSONAL work to be done on "your opinion"..

My avi tag line demonstrates that. This is NOT a spectator sport. And placing bets on the outcome of these technology driven topics -- shouldn't be arrived at simply by the "credentials" or "prestige" or "numbers" of the players in the game.

WOW, an awful lot of chest beating there. You are a real legend...

What I find hard to understand is the amount of joy you right wing regressive turds get from siding with polluters who bring death and destruction to society. And liberals who always put human beings, life, and the right to breathe clean air first and foremost are called eco-fascists.

I have said all along there is no ONE energy source that will replace fossil fuels. We need an all hands on deck approach. It seems you want to put all your eggs in one basket and dump EVs...not very wise IMO.

Are EVs viable? You had a tantrum when I presented some 'qualifiers' in the National Academy report, but they are paramount to deciding if an approach or technology is viable. There is nothing in the report that recommends dumping EVs. And my point about coal burning power is that it should not be held against the EV. Yes, it is a present day reality, but it should be a huge wake up call to make a concerted effort to get away from coal, the most catastrophically expensive way to boil a pot of water that has ever been devised. And it is a clarion call for a national energy policy.

In terms of science, that National Academy report is ancient history. It was published before modern EVs were really on the road. Many of the costs have come down in manufacturing EV's. Battery technology continues to evolve:

Author Claims Electric Vehicles Are a Green Illusion | Autopia |

“A few years ago, EV batteries were costing roughly $900 per kilowatt-hour,” he says. “Today they are around $400.” Estimates by numerous analysts have that cost reduced to about $250 per kilowatt-hour by 2015, notes Chambers. “So we’ve already seen the cost drop by more than 50 percent in the last few years and, if predictions hold true, we’ll see a 70 percent drop by 2015. If, as Zehner says, batteries cost so much because of their fossil fuel intensive construction, how can they drop in price so quickly even as the cost of oil has risen?”

Motor technology:

Japanese researchers develop EV motor not reliant on rare earth metals

Japanese researchers working out of Tokyo University of Science, have built what they describe as a motor for electric cars that does not require so-called rare earth metals; a move that could drive down the costs for such vehicles.

America needs to continue to support progress in all avenues and possibilities. I still believe America can lead in this new frontier, just like we led and won the race to the moon 50 years ago.

There were plenty of deniers and cynics back in 1962. No one other than a few wise men could foresee all the innovations and knowledge gained from throwing our hat over the wall of space. Every single life on this planet has benefited from that glorious venture.

President John F. Kennedy gave his last speech in San Antonio, TX on November 21, 1963 at the Dedication of the Aerospace Medical Health Center. It was about the future...a future that would vanish for him within 24 hours.

Here's a segment:

"Frank O'Connor, the Irish writer, tells in one of his books how, as a boy, he and his friends would make their way across the countryside, and when they came to an orchard wall that seemed too high and too doubtful to try and too difficult to permit their voyage to continue, they took off their hats and tossed them over the wall--and then they had no choice but to follow them.

This Nation has tossed its cap over the wall of space, and we have no choice but to follow it. Whatever the difficulties, they will be overcome. Whatever the hazards, they must be guarded against. With the vital help of this Aerospace Medical Center, with the help of all those who labor in the space endeavor, with the help and support of all Americans, we will climb this wall with safety and with speed-and we shall then explore the wonders on the other side."

One of my favorite speeches by President Kennedy was at Rice Stadium on September 12, 1962. It is famously called the Moon Speech. In it he gives a fantastic synopsis of how fast the pace of knowledge and technology has accelerated.

"We meet at a college noted for knowledge, in a city noted for progress, in a State noted for strength, and we stand in need of all three, for we meet in an hour of change and challenge, in a decade of hope and fear, in an age of both knowledge and ignorance. The greater our knowledge increases, the greater our ignorance unfolds.

Despite the striking fact that most of the scientists that the world has ever known are alive and working today, despite the fact that this Nation's own scientific manpower is doubling every 12 years in a rate of growth more than three times that of our population as a whole, despite that, the vast stretches of the unknown and the unanswered and the unfinished still far outstrip our collective comprehension.

No man can fully grasp how far and how fast we have come, but condense, if you will, the 50,000 years of man's recorded history in a time span of but a half-century. Stated in these terms, we know very little about the first 40 years, except at the end of them advanced man had learned to use the skins of animals to cover them. Then about 10 years ago, under this standard, man emerged from his caves to construct other kinds of shelter. Only five years ago man learned to write and use a cart with wheels. Christianity began less than two years ago. The printing press came this year, and then less than two months ago, during this whole 50-year span of human history, the steam engine provided a new source of power.

Newton explored the meaning of gravity. Last month electric lights and telephones and automobiles and airplanes became available. Only last week did we develop penicillin and television and nuclear power, and now if America's new spacecraft succeeds in reaching Venus, we will have literally reached the stars before midnight tonight.

This is a breathtaking pace, and such a pace cannot help but create new ills as it dispels old, new ignorance, new problems, new dangers. Surely the opening vistas of space promise high costs and hardships, as well as high reward.

So it is not surprising that some would have us stay where we are a little longer to rest, to wait. But this city of Houston, this State of Texas, this country of the United States was not built by those who waited and rested and wished to look behind them. This country was conquered by those who moved forward--and so will space.

William Bradford, speaking in 1630 of the founding of the Plymouth Bay Colony, said that all great and honorable actions are accompanied with great difficulties, and both must be enterprised and overcome with answerable courage.

If this capsule history of our progress teaches us anything, it is that man, in his quest for knowledge and progress, is determined and cannot be deterred. The exploration of space will go ahead, whether we join in it or not, and it is one of the great adventures of all time, and no nation which expects to be the leader of other nations can expect to stay behind in the race for space.

Those who came before us made certain that this country rode the first waves of the industrial revolutions, the first waves of modern invention, and the first wave of nuclear power, and this generation does not intend to founder in the backwash of the coming age of space. We mean to be a part of it--we mean to lead it. For the eyes of the world now look into space, to the moon and to the planets beyond, and we have vowed that we shall not see it governed by a hostile flag of conquest, but by a banner of freedom and peace. We have vowed that we shall not see space filled with weapons of mass destruction, but with instruments of knowledge and understanding.

Yet the vows of this Nation can only be fulfilled if we in this Nation are first, and, therefore, we intend to be first. In short, our leadership in science and in industry, our hopes for peace and security, our obligations to ourselves as well as others, all require us to make this effort, to solve these mysteries, to solve them for the good of all men, and to become the world's leading space-faring nation.

We set sail on this new sea because there is new knowledge to be gained, and new rights to be won, and they must be won and used for the progress of all people. For space science, like nuclear science and all technology, has no conscience of its own. Whether it will become a force for good or ill depends on man, and only if the United States occupies a position of pre-eminence can we help decide whether this new ocean will be a sea of peace or a new terrifying theater of war. I do not say the we should or will go unprotected against the hostile misuse of space any more than we go unprotected against the hostile use of land or sea, but I do say that space can be explored and mastered without feeding the fires of war, without repeating the mistakes that man has made in extending his writ around this globe of ours.

There is no strife, no prejudice, no national conflict in outer space as yet. Its hazards are hostile to us all. Its conquest deserves the best of all mankind, and its opportunity for peaceful cooperation many never come again. But why, some say, the moon? Why choose this as our goal? And they may well ask why climb the highest mountain? Why, 35 years ago, fly the Atlantic? Why does Rice play Texas?

We choose to go to the moon. We choose to go to the moon in this decade and do the other things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard, because that goal will serve to organize and measure the best of our energies and skills, because that challenge is one that we are willing to accept, one we are unwilling to postpone, and one which we intend to win."

Yes, all conservatives side with the 'polluters'..
Typical chicken little sky is fallin liberal crap.
And I suppose your definition of 'polluter' is any business you don't like.
The problem is you lefty enviro wackos cannot define what pollution is. In fact you just pick whatever business pisses you off or 'makes too much profit'..
From that great motivational speaker BFGrn..

William Bradford, speaking in 1630 of the founding of the Plymouth Bay Colony, said that all great and honorable actions are accompanied with great difficulties, and both must be enterprised and overcome with answerable courage.

This just makes me giggle. There is some elitist snobbery here that displaces all substance in our technical discussions.. When drowning in unchartered waters, (like Bradford's wife did) you should mount the bully pulpit and proclaim wonderous words about gallant deeds and claim the high moral mount of truth as your own...

This thread ain't about Showboating... It's about Electric Vehicles..

But I always adore another FDR or Eisenhower quote anytime... :wink:
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All that carthartic whining is getting you closer BFgrn.. You're on the verge of a revelation about the diff between "consensus" and "power" in politics and how science and engineering actually work.. This is hopeful..

Even a 5-4 decision at the Sup. Ct. --- although it is LAW ---- is not a settled issue. Folks can learn a lot by reading the dissident opinion.. Problem with the legal system is ---- THEY NEED immediate resolution.. So the 5 mug the 4 -- and we proceed..

Doesn't EVER happen in science.

The reason I appealed to "power" and "consensus" was simply to piss BFgrn off.. Truly !!!
I was aware of all these facts we discussed WAAAAY before I knew there was a NAScience paper on the topic. But my viewpoint is --- some of these findings are SECONDARY to formulating a CORRECT energy/environmental policy for this country. So -- I accept the facts presented and WEIGH the larger tradeoffs to obtain "my opinion"..

Which is --- if the manufacturing cycle of EVehicles contains MORE societal costs in terms of materials and energy to produce -- I still might want EVehicles that run on HYDROGEN fuel cells in order to structure a better energy market.

Now if YOU'RE upset that you got dumped in the skeptic camp on this dustup -- you're job is to contact the "resistance" movement and suggest REAL alternative views without trying to subvert the facts in evidence. That's exactly what I do on the AGW topics.

There is no appeal to "prestige" or "power" or "consensus" allowed.. Just a lot of dam study and PERSONAL work to be done on "your opinion"..

My avi tag line demonstrates that. This is NOT a spectator sport. And placing bets on the outcome of these technology driven topics -- shouldn't be arrived at simply by the "credentials" or "prestige" or "numbers" of the players in the game.

WOW, an awful lot of chest beating there. You are a real legend...

What I find hard to understand is the amount of joy you right wing regressive turds get from siding with polluters who bring death and destruction to society. And liberals who always put human beings, life, and the right to breathe clean air first and foremost are called eco-fascists.

I have said all along there is no ONE energy source that will replace fossil fuels. We need an all hands on deck approach. It seems you want to put all your eggs in one basket and dump EVs...not very wise IMO.

Are EVs viable? You had a tantrum when I presented some 'qualifiers' in the National Academy report, but they are paramount to deciding if an approach or technology is viable. There is nothing in the report that recommends dumping EVs. And my point about coal burning power is that it should not be held against the EV. Yes, it is a present day reality, but it should be a huge wake up call to make a concerted effort to get away from coal, the most catastrophically expensive way to boil a pot of water that has ever been devised. And it is a clarion call for a national energy policy.

In terms of science, that National Academy report is ancient history. It was published before modern EVs were really on the road. Many of the costs have come down in manufacturing EV's. Battery technology continues to evolve:

Author Claims Electric Vehicles Are a Green Illusion | Autopia |

“A few years ago, EV batteries were costing roughly $900 per kilowatt-hour,” he says. “Today they are around $400.” Estimates by numerous analysts have that cost reduced to about $250 per kilowatt-hour by 2015, notes Chambers. “So we’ve already seen the cost drop by more than 50 percent in the last few years and, if predictions hold true, we’ll see a 70 percent drop by 2015. If, as Zehner says, batteries cost so much because of their fossil fuel intensive construction, how can they drop in price so quickly even as the cost of oil has risen?”

Motor technology:

Japanese researchers develop EV motor not reliant on rare earth metals

Japanese researchers working out of Tokyo University of Science, have built what they describe as a motor for electric cars that does not require so-called rare earth metals; a move that could drive down the costs for such vehicles.

America needs to continue to support progress in all avenues and possibilities. I still believe America can lead in this new frontier, just like we led and won the race to the moon 50 years ago.

There were plenty of deniers and cynics back in 1962. No one other than a few wise men could foresee all the innovations and knowledge gained from throwing our hat over the wall of space. Every single life on this planet has benefited from that glorious venture.

President John F. Kennedy gave his last speech in San Antonio, TX on November 21, 1963 at the Dedication of the Aerospace Medical Health Center. It was about the future...a future that would vanish for him within 24 hours.

Here's a segment:

"Frank O'Connor, the Irish writer, tells in one of his books how, as a boy, he and his friends would make their way across the countryside, and when they came to an orchard wall that seemed too high and too doubtful to try and too difficult to permit their voyage to continue, they took off their hats and tossed them over the wall--and then they had no choice but to follow them.

This Nation has tossed its cap over the wall of space, and we have no choice but to follow it. Whatever the difficulties, they will be overcome. Whatever the hazards, they must be guarded against. With the vital help of this Aerospace Medical Center, with the help of all those who labor in the space endeavor, with the help and support of all Americans, we will climb this wall with safety and with speed-and we shall then explore the wonders on the other side."

One of my favorite speeches by President Kennedy was at Rice Stadium on September 12, 1962. It is famously called the Moon Speech. In it he gives a fantastic synopsis of how fast the pace of knowledge and technology has accelerated.

"We meet at a college noted for knowledge, in a city noted for progress, in a State noted for strength, and we stand in need of all three, for we meet in an hour of change and challenge, in a decade of hope and fear, in an age of both knowledge and ignorance. The greater our knowledge increases, the greater our ignorance unfolds.

Despite the striking fact that most of the scientists that the world has ever known are alive and working today, despite the fact that this Nation's own scientific manpower is doubling every 12 years in a rate of growth more than three times that of our population as a whole, despite that, the vast stretches of the unknown and the unanswered and the unfinished still far outstrip our collective comprehension.

No man can fully grasp how far and how fast we have come, but condense, if you will, the 50,000 years of man's recorded history in a time span of but a half-century. Stated in these terms, we know very little about the first 40 years, except at the end of them advanced man had learned to use the skins of animals to cover them. Then about 10 years ago, under this standard, man emerged from his caves to construct other kinds of shelter. Only five years ago man learned to write and use a cart with wheels. Christianity began less than two years ago. The printing press came this year, and then less than two months ago, during this whole 50-year span of human history, the steam engine provided a new source of power.

Newton explored the meaning of gravity. Last month electric lights and telephones and automobiles and airplanes became available. Only last week did we develop penicillin and television and nuclear power, and now if America's new spacecraft succeeds in reaching Venus, we will have literally reached the stars before midnight tonight.

This is a breathtaking pace, and such a pace cannot help but create new ills as it dispels old, new ignorance, new problems, new dangers. Surely the opening vistas of space promise high costs and hardships, as well as high reward.

So it is not surprising that some would have us stay where we are a little longer to rest, to wait. But this city of Houston, this State of Texas, this country of the United States was not built by those who waited and rested and wished to look behind them. This country was conquered by those who moved forward--and so will space.

William Bradford, speaking in 1630 of the founding of the Plymouth Bay Colony, said that all great and honorable actions are accompanied with great difficulties, and both must be enterprised and overcome with answerable courage.

If this capsule history of our progress teaches us anything, it is that man, in his quest for knowledge and progress, is determined and cannot be deterred. The exploration of space will go ahead, whether we join in it or not, and it is one of the great adventures of all time, and no nation which expects to be the leader of other nations can expect to stay behind in the race for space.

Those who came before us made certain that this country rode the first waves of the industrial revolutions, the first waves of modern invention, and the first wave of nuclear power, and this generation does not intend to founder in the backwash of the coming age of space. We mean to be a part of it--we mean to lead it. For the eyes of the world now look into space, to the moon and to the planets beyond, and we have vowed that we shall not see it governed by a hostile flag of conquest, but by a banner of freedom and peace. We have vowed that we shall not see space filled with weapons of mass destruction, but with instruments of knowledge and understanding.

Yet the vows of this Nation can only be fulfilled if we in this Nation are first, and, therefore, we intend to be first. In short, our leadership in science and in industry, our hopes for peace and security, our obligations to ourselves as well as others, all require us to make this effort, to solve these mysteries, to solve them for the good of all men, and to become the world's leading space-faring nation.

We set sail on this new sea because there is new knowledge to be gained, and new rights to be won, and they must be won and used for the progress of all people. For space science, like nuclear science and all technology, has no conscience of its own. Whether it will become a force for good or ill depends on man, and only if the United States occupies a position of pre-eminence can we help decide whether this new ocean will be a sea of peace or a new terrifying theater of war. I do not say the we should or will go unprotected against the hostile misuse of space any more than we go unprotected against the hostile use of land or sea, but I do say that space can be explored and mastered without feeding the fires of war, without repeating the mistakes that man has made in extending his writ around this globe of ours.

There is no strife, no prejudice, no national conflict in outer space as yet. Its hazards are hostile to us all. Its conquest deserves the best of all mankind, and its opportunity for peaceful cooperation many never come again. But why, some say, the moon? Why choose this as our goal? And they may well ask why climb the highest mountain? Why, 35 years ago, fly the Atlantic? Why does Rice play Texas?

We choose to go to the moon. We choose to go to the moon in this decade and do the other things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard, because that goal will serve to organize and measure the best of our energies and skills, because that challenge is one that we are willing to accept, one we are unwilling to postpone, and one which we intend to win."

Yes, all conservatives side with the 'polluters'..
Typical chicken little sky is fallin liberal crap.
And I suppose your definition of 'polluter' is any business you don't like.
The problem is you lefty enviro wackos cannot define what pollution is. In fact you just pick whatever business pisses you off or 'makes too much profit'..

Typical right wing parrot chirp. Pollution is any substance emitted that causes harm to human, fish or fowl.

You right wing enviro-facsists have been fighting for a decade to prevent coal burning power plants from compliance to the law and installing pollution controls. We KNOW how deadly and toxic the pollution coal burning power plants produce.

But human, fish and fowl are WAY down the list for you folks. It's profit before people.

And the teapublican House of Reprehensibles is:

The Most Anti-Environment House In History

House Republican leaders have pushed through an astonishing 191 votes to weaken environmental protections.

"The House Republican assault on the environment has been reckless and relentless. In bill after bill, for one industry after another, the House has been voting to roll back environmental laws and endanger public health. The Republican anti-environment agenda is completely out-of-touch with what the American public wants."

The House of Representatives averaged more than one anti-environmental vote for every day the House was in session in 2011, according to the report. More than one in five of the legislative roll call votes taken in 2011 – 22% – were votes to undermine environmental protections.
Yes --- requiring farmers to count the number of cowfarts they are responsible for is a BAD IDEA..

SHOULD be voted down at every opportunity...

"Cut the GWarming studies by $100M" ---- My bet is --- it wasn't ever even a cut. Just Washington speak for "they didn't want to increase it"..

You quoting WAXMAN as an unbiased auditor of who voted for what? Sorry man.. I'd be skeptical if it were YOUR research.. But with Waxman -- I can easily dismiss this as complete BS..

Anything else that's NOT generalization and partisian horseshit? Want to discuss EVs some more??

What's the public policy wisdom of spending 10s of $$Mill on telling folks to turn off their lights and pull 1Watt chargers out of their walls on ONE CHANNEL ---- and on the other --- be ENCOURAGING and subsidizing the adoption of plug-in Electric cars that drive 75 miles consuming MORE than the daily useage of an average household...

Can't wait for you to explain that to me in the words of Henry Clay...

You like math?? Nissan Leaf (not picking on it) driving at 40mph.. Every 4 minutes consumes the equivalent of an HOUR of an average household electricity.. That every 2.6 miles it drives.

Is electrical generation BAAAAAAAD --- or do you welcome this extraordinary expansion and cost of generators and grid?
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Yes --- requiring farmers to count the number of cowfarts they are responsible for is a BAD IDEA..

SHOULD be voted down at every opportunity...

"Cut the GWarming studies by $100M" ---- My bet is --- it wasn't ever even a cut. Just Washington speak for "they didn't want to increase it"..

You quoting WAXMAN as an unbiased auditor of who voted for what? Sorry man.. I'd be skeptical if it were YOUR research.. But with Waxman -- I can easily dismiss this as complete BS..

Of COURSE. You always side with the polluters. It has become undeniable.

There is a link from to the 53 page report

Table of Contents
Executive Summary ...................................................................................................................... 2
I. Blocking Efforts to Prevent Climate Change................................................................. 10
A. Votes to Reject Scientific Findings .................................................................................. 10
B. Votes to Block Action to Reduce Carbon Pollution ........................................................ 14
C. Votes to Block International Action on Climate Change ................................................. 16
D. Votes to Block Adaptation Planning ............................................................................... 17
II. Undermining the Clean Air Act...................................................................................... 19
A. Vote to Repeal the Clean Air Act’s Health-Based Standards............................................ 19
B. Votes to Block Regulation of Emissions from Power Plants ........................................... 19
C. Votes to Block Regulation of Emissions from Incinerators and Industrial Boilers........... 22
D. Votes to Block Regulation of Emissions from Cement Plants ......................................... 24
E. Votes to Curtail Regulation of Emissions from Offshore Drilling Operations................. 25
F. Votes to Block Regulation of Particulate Emissions from Mines and Other Sources....... 27
III. Undermining the Clean Water Act.................................................................................. 29
A. Votes to Repeal EPA’s Authority to Set Water Quality Standards and Enforce Discharge Limits................................................................................29
B. Votes to Block Oversight of Mountaintop Removal Coal Mining ................................... 30
C. Votes to Block Protections for Wetlands and Tributaries................................................ 31
D. Votes to Block Other Pollution Protection Initiatives ..................................................... 32
E. Votes to Cut Water Quality Funding............................................................................... 33
IV. Removing Protections for Public Lands, Fish, and Wildlife......................................... 34
A. Votes to Block Protection of Forests and Other Wilderness Areas.................................. 34
B. Votes to Block Protection of Salmon and Other Wildlife................................................ 34
C. Votes to Transfer Federal Lands to a Private Mining Company ...................................... 36
V. Weakening Safety Requirements for Offshore Drilling................................................. 37
A. Votes to Expedite Drilling without Regard to Safety ....................................................... 37
B. Votes to Approve New Offshore Drilling without Environmental Review ..................... 37
C. Votes to Preserve an Oil Royalty Loophole and Cut Funding for Drilling Oversight ...... 38
VI. Cutting Support for Clean Energy Technologies and Programs.................................. 40
A. Votes to Cut Funding for Clean Energy Programs .......................................................... 40
B. Votes to Block Energy Efficiency Standards ................................................................... 42
VII. Allowing Unsafe Disposal of Toxic Coal Ash ................................................................ 43
VIII. Curtailing Review of the Keystone XL Pipeline............................................................. 45
IX. Reducing Funding for Environmental Protection......................................................... 47
A. H.R. 1, Full-Year Continuing Appropriations Act of 2011 .............................................. 47
B. The Ryan Budget ............................................................................................................ 48
C. FY2012 Appropriations Bills........................................................................................... 49
X. Obstructing the Regulatory Process ............................................................................... 50
A. The Regulatory Accountability Act (H.R. 3010)............................................................... 50
B. The REINS Act (H.R. 10)............................................................................................... 50
C. The Regulatory Flexibility Improvements Act (H.R. 527)................................................ 51
XI. Conclusion ......................................................................................................................
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WOW, an awful lot of chest beating there. You are a real legend...

What I find hard to understand is the amount of joy you right wing regressive turds get from siding with polluters who bring death and destruction to society. And liberals who always put human beings, life, and the right to breathe clean air first and foremost are called eco-fascists.

I have said all along there is no ONE energy source that will replace fossil fuels. We need an all hands on deck approach. It seems you want to put all your eggs in one basket and dump EVs...not very wise IMO.

Are EVs viable? You had a tantrum when I presented some 'qualifiers' in the National Academy report, but they are paramount to deciding if an approach or technology is viable. There is nothing in the report that recommends dumping EVs. And my point about coal burning power is that it should not be held against the EV. Yes, it is a present day reality, but it should be a huge wake up call to make a concerted effort to get away from coal, the most catastrophically expensive way to boil a pot of water that has ever been devised. And it is a clarion call for a national energy policy.

In terms of science, that National Academy report is ancient history. It was published before modern EVs were really on the road. Many of the costs have come down in manufacturing EV's. Battery technology continues to evolve:

Author Claims Electric Vehicles Are a Green Illusion | Autopia |

“A few years ago, EV batteries were costing roughly $900 per kilowatt-hour,” he says. “Today they are around $400.” Estimates by numerous analysts have that cost reduced to about $250 per kilowatt-hour by 2015, notes Chambers. “So we’ve already seen the cost drop by more than 50 percent in the last few years and, if predictions hold true, we’ll see a 70 percent drop by 2015. If, as Zehner says, batteries cost so much because of their fossil fuel intensive construction, how can they drop in price so quickly even as the cost of oil has risen?”

Motor technology:

Japanese researchers develop EV motor not reliant on rare earth metals

Japanese researchers working out of Tokyo University of Science, have built what they describe as a motor for electric cars that does not require so-called rare earth metals; a move that could drive down the costs for such vehicles.

America needs to continue to support progress in all avenues and possibilities. I still believe America can lead in this new frontier, just like we led and won the race to the moon 50 years ago.

There were plenty of deniers and cynics back in 1962. No one other than a few wise men could foresee all the innovations and knowledge gained from throwing our hat over the wall of space. Every single life on this planet has benefited from that glorious venture.

President John F. Kennedy gave his last speech in San Antonio, TX on November 21, 1963 at the Dedication of the Aerospace Medical Health Center. It was about the future...a future that would vanish for him within 24 hours.

Here's a segment:

"Frank O'Connor, the Irish writer, tells in one of his books how, as a boy, he and his friends would make their way across the countryside, and when they came to an orchard wall that seemed too high and too doubtful to try and too difficult to permit their voyage to continue, they took off their hats and tossed them over the wall--and then they had no choice but to follow them.

This Nation has tossed its cap over the wall of space, and we have no choice but to follow it. Whatever the difficulties, they will be overcome. Whatever the hazards, they must be guarded against. With the vital help of this Aerospace Medical Center, with the help of all those who labor in the space endeavor, with the help and support of all Americans, we will climb this wall with safety and with speed-and we shall then explore the wonders on the other side."

One of my favorite speeches by President Kennedy was at Rice Stadium on September 12, 1962. It is famously called the Moon Speech. In it he gives a fantastic synopsis of how fast the pace of knowledge and technology has accelerated.

"We meet at a college noted for knowledge, in a city noted for progress, in a State noted for strength, and we stand in need of all three, for we meet in an hour of change and challenge, in a decade of hope and fear, in an age of both knowledge and ignorance. The greater our knowledge increases, the greater our ignorance unfolds.

Despite the striking fact that most of the scientists that the world has ever known are alive and working today, despite the fact that this Nation's own scientific manpower is doubling every 12 years in a rate of growth more than three times that of our population as a whole, despite that, the vast stretches of the unknown and the unanswered and the unfinished still far outstrip our collective comprehension.

No man can fully grasp how far and how fast we have come, but condense, if you will, the 50,000 years of man's recorded history in a time span of but a half-century. Stated in these terms, we know very little about the first 40 years, except at the end of them advanced man had learned to use the skins of animals to cover them. Then about 10 years ago, under this standard, man emerged from his caves to construct other kinds of shelter. Only five years ago man learned to write and use a cart with wheels. Christianity began less than two years ago. The printing press came this year, and then less than two months ago, during this whole 50-year span of human history, the steam engine provided a new source of power.

Newton explored the meaning of gravity. Last month electric lights and telephones and automobiles and airplanes became available. Only last week did we develop penicillin and television and nuclear power, and now if America's new spacecraft succeeds in reaching Venus, we will have literally reached the stars before midnight tonight.

This is a breathtaking pace, and such a pace cannot help but create new ills as it dispels old, new ignorance, new problems, new dangers. Surely the opening vistas of space promise high costs and hardships, as well as high reward.

So it is not surprising that some would have us stay where we are a little longer to rest, to wait. But this city of Houston, this State of Texas, this country of the United States was not built by those who waited and rested and wished to look behind them. This country was conquered by those who moved forward--and so will space.

William Bradford, speaking in 1630 of the founding of the Plymouth Bay Colony, said that all great and honorable actions are accompanied with great difficulties, and both must be enterprised and overcome with answerable courage.

If this capsule history of our progress teaches us anything, it is that man, in his quest for knowledge and progress, is determined and cannot be deterred. The exploration of space will go ahead, whether we join in it or not, and it is one of the great adventures of all time, and no nation which expects to be the leader of other nations can expect to stay behind in the race for space.

Those who came before us made certain that this country rode the first waves of the industrial revolutions, the first waves of modern invention, and the first wave of nuclear power, and this generation does not intend to founder in the backwash of the coming age of space. We mean to be a part of it--we mean to lead it. For the eyes of the world now look into space, to the moon and to the planets beyond, and we have vowed that we shall not see it governed by a hostile flag of conquest, but by a banner of freedom and peace. We have vowed that we shall not see space filled with weapons of mass destruction, but with instruments of knowledge and understanding.

Yet the vows of this Nation can only be fulfilled if we in this Nation are first, and, therefore, we intend to be first. In short, our leadership in science and in industry, our hopes for peace and security, our obligations to ourselves as well as others, all require us to make this effort, to solve these mysteries, to solve them for the good of all men, and to become the world's leading space-faring nation.

We set sail on this new sea because there is new knowledge to be gained, and new rights to be won, and they must be won and used for the progress of all people. For space science, like nuclear science and all technology, has no conscience of its own. Whether it will become a force for good or ill depends on man, and only if the United States occupies a position of pre-eminence can we help decide whether this new ocean will be a sea of peace or a new terrifying theater of war. I do not say the we should or will go unprotected against the hostile misuse of space any more than we go unprotected against the hostile use of land or sea, but I do say that space can be explored and mastered without feeding the fires of war, without repeating the mistakes that man has made in extending his writ around this globe of ours.

There is no strife, no prejudice, no national conflict in outer space as yet. Its hazards are hostile to us all. Its conquest deserves the best of all mankind, and its opportunity for peaceful cooperation many never come again. But why, some say, the moon? Why choose this as our goal? And they may well ask why climb the highest mountain? Why, 35 years ago, fly the Atlantic? Why does Rice play Texas?

We choose to go to the moon. We choose to go to the moon in this decade and do the other things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard, because that goal will serve to organize and measure the best of our energies and skills, because that challenge is one that we are willing to accept, one we are unwilling to postpone, and one which we intend to win."

Yes, all conservatives side with the 'polluters'..
Typical chicken little sky is fallin liberal crap.
And I suppose your definition of 'polluter' is any business you don't like.
The problem is you lefty enviro wackos cannot define what pollution is. In fact you just pick whatever business pisses you off or 'makes too much profit'..

Typical right wing parrot chirp. Pollution is any substance emitted that causes harm to human, fish or fowl.

You right wing enviro-facsists have been fighting for a decade to prevent coal burning power plants from compliance to the law and installing pollution controls. We KNOW how deadly and toxic the pollution coal burning power plants produce.

But human, fish and fowl are WAY down the list for you folks. It's profit before people.

And the teapublican House of Reprehensibles is:

The Most Anti-Environment House In History

House Republican leaders have pushed through an astonishing 191 votes to weaken environmental protections.

"The House Republican assault on the environment has been reckless and relentless. In bill after bill, for one industry after another, the House has been voting to roll back environmental laws and endanger public health. The Republican anti-environment agenda is completely out-of-touch with what the American public wants."

The House of Representatives averaged more than one anti-environmental vote for every day the House was in session in 2011, according to the report. More than one in five of the legislative roll call votes taken in 2011 – 22% – were votes to undermine environmental protections.
Yer kidding, right?..All substances?
Look genius, contrary to left wing enviro nazi belief, no one wants the earth to be fouled.
You people are extremists.
For example....The unlawful taking of property from the rightful owner because an allegedly endangered rodent was found upon the land.
The Northern Spotted owl debacle. After all the legal wrangling, destruction of property and the loss of thousands of jobs, the owls were discovered to be nesting in such places as neon signs on the facades of department stores.
All you people know is "shut it off".."Shut it down"....
Meanwhile not a single one of you walk the walk.
I don't see you giving up your vehicles. Or stopping the use of products which are created with the use of petroleum derivatives.
I don't see you giving up electricity. You are all full of shit.
I have to laugh my ass off when I see a large SUV with a fucking Green Peace sticker on the bumper.
Yes --- requiring farmers to count the number of cowfarts they are responsible for is a BAD IDEA..

SHOULD be voted down at every opportunity...

"Cut the GWarming studies by $100M" ---- My bet is --- it wasn't ever even a cut. Just Washington speak for "they didn't want to increase it"..

You quoting WAXMAN as an unbiased auditor of who voted for what? Sorry man.. I'd be skeptical if it were YOUR research.. But with Waxman -- I can easily dismiss this as complete BS..

Of COURSE. You always side with the polluters. It has become undeniable.

There is a link from to the 53 page report

Table of Contents
Executive Summary ...................................................................................................................... 2
I. Blocking Efforts to Prevent Climate Change................................................................. 10
A. Votes to Reject Scientific Findings .................................................................................. 10
B. Votes to Block Action to Reduce Carbon Pollution ........................................................ 14
C. Votes to Block International Action on Climate Change ................................................. 16
D. Votes to Block Adaptation Planning ............................................................................... 17
II. Undermining the Clean Air Act...................................................................................... 19
A. Vote to Repeal the Clean Air Act’s Health-Based Standards............................................ 19
B. Votes to Block Regulation of Emissions from Power Plants ........................................... 19
C. Votes to Block Regulation of Emissions from Incinerators and Industrial Boilers........... 22
D. Votes to Block Regulation of Emissions from Cement Plants ......................................... 24
E. Votes to Curtail Regulation of Emissions from Offshore Drilling Operations................. 25
F. Votes to Block Regulation of Particulate Emissions from Mines and Other Sources....... 27
III. Undermining the Clean Water Act.................................................................................. 29
A. Votes to Repeal EPA’s Authority to Set Water Quality Standards and Enforce Discharge Limits................................................................................29
B. Votes to Block Oversight of Mountaintop Removal Coal Mining ................................... 30
C. Votes to Block Protections for Wetlands and Tributaries................................................ 31
D. Votes to Block Other Pollution Protection Initiatives ..................................................... 32
E. Votes to Cut Water Quality Funding............................................................................... 33
IV. Removing Protections for Public Lands, Fish, and Wildlife......................................... 34
A. Votes to Block Protection of Forests and Other Wilderness Areas.................................. 34
B. Votes to Block Protection of Salmon and Other Wildlife................................................ 34
C. Votes to Transfer Federal Lands to a Private Mining Company ...................................... 36
V. Weakening Safety Requirements for Offshore Drilling................................................. 37
A. Votes to Expedite Drilling without Regard to Safety ....................................................... 37
B. Votes to Approve New Offshore Drilling without Environmental Review ..................... 37
C. Votes to Preserve an Oil Royalty Loophole and Cut Funding for Drilling Oversight ...... 38
VI. Cutting Support for Clean Energy Technologies and Programs.................................. 40
A. Votes to Cut Funding for Clean Energy Programs .......................................................... 40
B. Votes to Block Energy Efficiency Standards ................................................................... 42
VII. Allowing Unsafe Disposal of Toxic Coal Ash ................................................................ 43
VIII. Curtailing Review of the Keystone XL Pipeline............................................................. 45
IX. Reducing Funding for Environmental Protection......................................................... 47
A. H.R. 1, Full-Year Continuing Appropriations Act of 2011 .............................................. 47
B. The Ryan Budget ............................................................................................................ 48
C. FY2012 Appropriations Bills........................................................................................... 49
X. Obstructing the Regulatory Process ............................................................................... 50
A. The Regulatory Accountability Act (H.R. 3010)............................................................... 50
B. The REINS Act (H.R. 10)............................................................................................... 50
C. The Regulatory Flexibility Improvements Act (H.R. 527)................................................ 51
XI. Conclusion ......................................................................................................................

Since you didn't have the decency to include my questions about the OP topic or my questions to you about Electric Vehicles --- I'll take it as a no -- No --- you don't want to discuss EVehicles anymore...
:clap2: :clap2: :clap2:
Yes, all conservatives side with the 'polluters'..
Typical chicken little sky is fallin liberal crap.
And I suppose your definition of 'polluter' is any business you don't like.
The problem is you lefty enviro wackos cannot define what pollution is. In fact you just pick whatever business pisses you off or 'makes too much profit'..

Typical right wing parrot chirp. Pollution is any substance emitted that causes harm to human, fish or fowl.

You right wing enviro-facsists have been fighting for a decade to prevent coal burning power plants from compliance to the law and installing pollution controls. We KNOW how deadly and toxic the pollution coal burning power plants produce.

But human, fish and fowl are WAY down the list for you folks. It's profit before people.

And the teapublican House of Reprehensibles is:

The Most Anti-Environment House In History

House Republican leaders have pushed through an astonishing 191 votes to weaken environmental protections.

"The House Republican assault on the environment has been reckless and relentless. In bill after bill, for one industry after another, the House has been voting to roll back environmental laws and endanger public health. The Republican anti-environment agenda is completely out-of-touch with what the American public wants."

The House of Representatives averaged more than one anti-environmental vote for every day the House was in session in 2011, according to the report. More than one in five of the legislative roll call votes taken in 2011 – 22% – were votes to undermine environmental protections.
Yer kidding, right?..All substances?
Look genius, contrary to left wing enviro nazi belief, no one wants the earth to be fouled.
You people are extremists.
For example....The unlawful taking of property from the rightful owner because an allegedly endangered rodent was found upon the land.
The Northern Spotted owl debacle. After all the legal wrangling, destruction of property and the loss of thousands of jobs, the owls were discovered to be nesting in such places as neon signs on the facades of department stores.
All you people know is "shut it off".."Shut it down"....
Meanwhile not a single one of you walk the walk.
I don't see you giving up your vehicles. Or stopping the use of products which are created with the use of petroleum derivatives.
I don't see you giving up electricity. You are all full of shit.
I have to laugh my ass off when I see a large SUV with a fucking Green Peace sticker on the bumper.

Instead of talking about your anecdotal parrot squawk, how about angering WHY House Republicans voted repeatedly to block EPA regulation of emissions from power plants?

B. Votes to Block Regulation of Emissions from Power Plants

Power plants, especially old coal-burning power plants, are the single largest source of air pollution in the United States. They are the largest source of sulfur dioxide (SO2) emissions, the largest source of nitrogen oxide (NOx) emissions, and the largest source of toxic mercury emissions. Regardless, House Republicans voted repeatedly to block EPA regulation of emissions from power plants.
Typical right wing parrot chirp. Pollution is any substance emitted that causes harm to human, fish or fowl.

You right wing enviro-facsists have been fighting for a decade to prevent coal burning power plants from compliance to the law and installing pollution controls. We KNOW how deadly and toxic the pollution coal burning power plants produce.

But human, fish and fowl are WAY down the list for you folks. It's profit before people.

And the teapublican House of Reprehensibles is:

The Most Anti-Environment House In History

House Republican leaders have pushed through an astonishing 191 votes to weaken environmental protections.

"The House Republican assault on the environment has been reckless and relentless. In bill after bill, for one industry after another, the House has been voting to roll back environmental laws and endanger public health. The Republican anti-environment agenda is completely out-of-touch with what the American public wants."

The House of Representatives averaged more than one anti-environmental vote for every day the House was in session in 2011, according to the report. More than one in five of the legislative roll call votes taken in 2011 – 22% – were votes to undermine environmental protections.
Yer kidding, right?..All substances?
Look genius, contrary to left wing enviro nazi belief, no one wants the earth to be fouled.
You people are extremists.
For example....The unlawful taking of property from the rightful owner because an allegedly endangered rodent was found upon the land.
The Northern Spotted owl debacle. After all the legal wrangling, destruction of property and the loss of thousands of jobs, the owls were discovered to be nesting in such places as neon signs on the facades of department stores.
All you people know is "shut it off".."Shut it down"....
Meanwhile not a single one of you walk the walk.
I don't see you giving up your vehicles. Or stopping the use of products which are created with the use of petroleum derivatives.
I don't see you giving up electricity. You are all full of shit.
I have to laugh my ass off when I see a large SUV with a fucking Green Peace sticker on the bumper.

Instead of talking about your anecdotal parrot squawk, how about angering WHY House Republicans voted repeatedly to block EPA regulation of emissions from power plants?

B. Votes to Block Regulation of Emissions from Power Plants

Power plants, especially old coal-burning power plants, are the single largest source of air pollution in the United States. They are the largest source of sulfur dioxide (SO2) emissions, the largest source of nitrogen oxide (NOx) emissions, and the largest source of toxic mercury emissions. Regardless, House Republicans voted repeatedly to block EPA regulation of emissions from power plants.
Because the regulations are draconian ,make zero sense and drive up the cost of energy to the point where federal subsidies would have to be created so people can afford gas for their cars and power to heat their homes...
The proposals are political garbage and have nothing to do with reducing 'pollution'...A word you refuse to define as it applies to this issue.
This is the cleanest industrialized country on the planet. Take you environmental hand wringing to China or India.
Hey thereisnospoon..

If you want to continue with BFgrn on anything close to ANY OP topic that he can't swing his way..

You're gonna need this.. It's my BFGrn redirection device.. Very handy...

Typical right wing parrot chirp. Pollution is any substance emitted that causes harm to human, fish or fowl.

You right wing enviro-facsists have been fighting for a decade to prevent coal burning power plants from compliance to the law and installing pollution controls. We KNOW how deadly and toxic the pollution coal burning power plants produce.

But human, fish and fowl are WAY down the list for you folks. It's profit before people.

And the teapublican House of Reprehensibles is:

The Most Anti-Environment House In History

House Republican leaders have pushed through an astonishing 191 votes to weaken environmental protections.

"The House Republican assault on the environment has been reckless and relentless. In bill after bill, for one industry after another, the House has been voting to roll back environmental laws and endanger public health. The Republican anti-environment agenda is completely out-of-touch with what the American public wants."

The House of Representatives averaged more than one anti-environmental vote for every day the House was in session in 2011, according to the report. More than one in five of the legislative roll call votes taken in 2011 – 22% – were votes to undermine environmental protections.
Yer kidding, right?..All substances?
Look genius, contrary to left wing enviro nazi belief, no one wants the earth to be fouled.
You people are extremists.
For example....The unlawful taking of property from the rightful owner because an allegedly endangered rodent was found upon the land.
The Northern Spotted owl debacle. After all the legal wrangling, destruction of property and the loss of thousands of jobs, the owls were discovered to be nesting in such places as neon signs on the facades of department stores.
All you people know is "shut it off".."Shut it down"....
Meanwhile not a single one of you walk the walk.
I don't see you giving up your vehicles. Or stopping the use of products which are created with the use of petroleum derivatives.
I don't see you giving up electricity. You are all full of shit.
I have to laugh my ass off when I see a large SUV with a fucking Green Peace sticker on the bumper.

Instead of talking about your anecdotal parrot squawk, how about angering WHY House Republicans voted repeatedly to block EPA regulation of emissions from power plants?

B. Votes to Block Regulation of Emissions from Power Plants

Power plants, especially old coal-burning power plants, are the single largest source of air pollution in the United States. They are the largest source of sulfur dioxide (SO2) emissions, the largest source of nitrogen oxide (NOx) emissions, and the largest source of toxic mercury emissions. Regardless, House Republicans voted repeatedly to block EPA regulation of emissions from power plants.

The answer is, because they love you. They don't hate you for your use of fossil fuels and then bad mouthing the same people who have provided you the energy you so much enjoy.
Yer kidding, right?..All substances?
Look genius, contrary to left wing enviro nazi belief, no one wants the earth to be fouled.
You people are extremists.
For example....The unlawful taking of property from the rightful owner because an allegedly endangered rodent was found upon the land.
The Northern Spotted owl debacle. After all the legal wrangling, destruction of property and the loss of thousands of jobs, the owls were discovered to be nesting in such places as neon signs on the facades of department stores.
All you people know is "shut it off".."Shut it down"....
Meanwhile not a single one of you walk the walk.
I don't see you giving up your vehicles. Or stopping the use of products which are created with the use of petroleum derivatives.
I don't see you giving up electricity. You are all full of shit.
I have to laugh my ass off when I see a large SUV with a fucking Green Peace sticker on the bumper.

Instead of talking about your anecdotal parrot squawk, how about angering WHY House Republicans voted repeatedly to block EPA regulation of emissions from power plants?

B. Votes to Block Regulation of Emissions from Power Plants

Power plants, especially old coal-burning power plants, are the single largest source of air pollution in the United States. They are the largest source of sulfur dioxide (SO2) emissions, the largest source of nitrogen oxide (NOx) emissions, and the largest source of toxic mercury emissions. Regardless, House Republicans voted repeatedly to block EPA regulation of emissions from power plants.

The answer is, because they love you. They don't hate you for your use of fossil fuels and then bad mouthing the same people who have provided you the energy you so much enjoy.

That's an appropriate possibility.. Could also be because they don't want to tear down 40% of the nations' electrical generation with NOTHING ELSE TO REPLACE IT WITH..

OR -- could be because there are too many exemptions under CURRENT law to make much of a diff making the law tighter.. It's the same logical thinking that stems from the 80/20 rule of hiway pollution. 20% of the cars provide 80% of the pollution.. Go after the 20% jerk-off enviro-nuts and leave the 80% alone until you get the balls to ENFORCE existing law !!!!

Isn't that the Democrat Modus? Ask for MORE laws -- before you figure out how to enforce the ONES YOU ALREADY HAVE? Math and logic are NOT their strong suite.
Instead of talking about your anecdotal parrot squawk, how about angering WHY House Republicans voted repeatedly to block EPA regulation of emissions from power plants?

B. Votes to Block Regulation of Emissions from Power Plants

Power plants, especially old coal-burning power plants, are the single largest source of air pollution in the United States. They are the largest source of sulfur dioxide (SO2) emissions, the largest source of nitrogen oxide (NOx) emissions, and the largest source of toxic mercury emissions. Regardless, House Republicans voted repeatedly to block EPA regulation of emissions from power plants.

The answer is, because they love you. They don't hate you for your use of fossil fuels and then bad mouthing the same people who have provided you the energy you so much enjoy.

That's an appropriate possibility.. Could also be because they don't want to tear down 40% of the nations' electrical generation with NOTHING ELSE TO REPLACE IT WITH..

OR -- could be because there are too many exemptions under CURRENT law to make much of a diff making the law tighter.. It's the same logical thinking that stems from the 80/20 rule of hiway pollution. 20% of the cars provide 80% of the pollution.. Go after the 20% jerk-off enviro-nuts and leave the 80% alone until you get the balls to ENFORCE existing law !!!!

Isn't that the Democrat Modus? Ask for MORE laws -- before you figure out how to enforce the ONES YOU ALREADY HAVE? Math and logic are NOT their strong suite.

I agree except you should have stopped with "Isn't that the Democrat Modus? Ask for MORE..."
Instead of talking about your anecdotal parrot squawk, how about angering WHY House Republicans voted repeatedly to block EPA regulation of emissions from power plants?

B. Votes to Block Regulation of Emissions from Power Plants

Power plants, especially old coal-burning power plants, are the single largest source of air pollution in the United States. They are the largest source of sulfur dioxide (SO2) emissions, the largest source of nitrogen oxide (NOx) emissions, and the largest source of toxic mercury emissions. Regardless, House Republicans voted repeatedly to block EPA regulation of emissions from power plants.

The answer is, because they love you. They don't hate you for your use of fossil fuels and then bad mouthing the same people who have provided you the energy you so much enjoy.

That's an appropriate possibility.. Could also be because they don't want to tear down 40% of the nations' electrical generation with NOTHING ELSE TO REPLACE IT WITH..

OR -- could be because there are too many exemptions under CURRENT law to make much of a diff making the law tighter.. It's the same logical thinking that stems from the 80/20 rule of hiway pollution. 20% of the cars provide 80% of the pollution.. Go after the 20% jerk-off enviro-nuts and leave the 80% alone until you get the balls to ENFORCE existing law !!!!

Isn't that the Democrat Modus? Ask for MORE laws -- before you figure out how to enforce the ONES YOU ALREADY HAVE? Math and logic are NOT their strong suite.

Thank you for proving beyond a doubt the statement I have made before. Forget climate change, you right wing turds don't even believe pollution is harmful to human, fish and fowl.

And besides confirming that you side with polluters you are a fucking liar. On a previous thread you claimed you support cleaning up coal burning plants...a LIE.

Do you have a cartoon for liars and regressive turds who support giving a pass to entities that cause human injury and death?

What kind of morals would someone have who supports killing fellow citizens?


Heaven forbid we require coal burning power plants to obey the law that is over a decade old. Many of the power plants did obey the law and install the pollution controls. But there are still many who have not.
Last edited:
The answer is, because they love you. They don't hate you for your use of fossil fuels and then bad mouthing the same people who have provided you the energy you so much enjoy.

That's an appropriate possibility.. Could also be because they don't want to tear down 40% of the nations' electrical generation with NOTHING ELSE TO REPLACE IT WITH..

OR -- could be because there are too many exemptions under CURRENT law to make much of a diff making the law tighter.. It's the same logical thinking that stems from the 80/20 rule of hiway pollution. 20% of the cars provide 80% of the pollution.. Go after the 20% jerk-off enviro-nuts and leave the 80% alone until you get the balls to ENFORCE existing law !!!!

Isn't that the Democrat Modus? Ask for MORE laws -- before you figure out how to enforce the ONES YOU ALREADY HAVE? Math and logic are NOT their strong suite.

Thank you for proving beyond a doubt the statement I have made before. Forget climate change, you right wing turds don't even believe pollution is harmful to human, fish and fowl.

And besides confirming that you side with polluters you are a fucking liar. On a previous thread you claimed you support cleaning up coal burning plants...a LIE.

Do you have a cartoon for liars and regressive turds who support giving a pass to entities that cause human injury and death?

What kind of morals would someone have who supports killing fellow citizens?


Heaven forbid we require coal burning power plants to obey the law that is over a decade old. Many of the power plants did obey the law and install the pollution controls. But there are still many who have not.

How's the view from that high ground BFGrn?? Can I put up a graph of the number
of botched surgeries expected from operating under flaky wind power? Or the decline in education that will occur under solar power when kids can't read or do their homework?

I DID say that I thoroughly believed there was a such a thing as clean coal technology... It OUGHT to be given a thorough shake-out on NEW generators.. NOT --- wasting money trying to retrofit 50 and 60 yr old facilities that have done the best they can to lower emissions.. Am I right about that?? Of course..


Note the 80/20 rule applies here as well.. New plants built about 1990 or so are an order of magnitude CLEANER than the BULK of the old clunkers.. Build NEW plants.. Close old ones == much cleaner air..

Now what really makes your grandstanding obnoxious is that you don't realize WHO OWNS and OPERATES the oldest dirtiest plants in the nation.. Yup -- the US of A govt who wants to bully OTHERS about their coal fired electrical generators.. Even TVA has made progress on these old plants..

TVA credits pollution reduction at power plants for clearer air in the Smokies |

The mountains of East Tennessee are getting back to being more smoky and less smoggy because the Tennessee Valley Authority has spent a combined $5.3 billion since the 1970s curtailing air pollutants created at its 11 coal-burning power plants, TVA officials say.

Two big ozone-producing culprits -- sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxide -- have been reduced by more than 90 percent from peak levels. And with more planned coal plant closures -- and another $2.2 billion slated for emission control -- those levels are expected to continue to decline, said Duncan Mansfield, a spokesman for TVA.

By 2017, nearly 30 units at its coal-burning power plants will be closed, converted or cleaned up with emission-reducing "scrubbers" as part of an agreement with the Environment Protection Agency, Mansfield said.

Quick QUick now Squirrel Dog --- RUN to your Dear Leader and Shout in HIS FACE about the number of heart attacks due to "pollution".. Not mine.. Tell him you don't wanna WAIT til 2017 for HIM to get it done...

Let us know what he says...
BTW: I aint' gonna sabotage this thread by redirecting the OP this far off topic.. So if anyone wants to discuss pollution --- I suggest they start their own thread..

Apologies to the OP for following BFGrn down his burrow...
That's an appropriate possibility.. Could also be because they don't want to tear down 40% of the nations' electrical generation with NOTHING ELSE TO REPLACE IT WITH..

OR -- could be because there are too many exemptions under CURRENT law to make much of a diff making the law tighter.. It's the same logical thinking that stems from the 80/20 rule of hiway pollution. 20% of the cars provide 80% of the pollution.. Go after the 20% jerk-off enviro-nuts and leave the 80% alone until you get the balls to ENFORCE existing law !!!!

Isn't that the Democrat Modus? Ask for MORE laws -- before you figure out how to enforce the ONES YOU ALREADY HAVE? Math and logic are NOT their strong suite.

Thank you for proving beyond a doubt the statement I have made before. Forget climate change, you right wing turds don't even believe pollution is harmful to human, fish and fowl.

And besides confirming that you side with polluters you are a fucking liar. On a previous thread you claimed you support cleaning up coal burning plants...a LIE.

Do you have a cartoon for liars and regressive turds who support giving a pass to entities that cause human injury and death?

What kind of morals would someone have who supports killing fellow citizens?


Heaven forbid we require coal burning power plants to obey the law that is over a decade old. Many of the power plants did obey the law and install the pollution controls. But there are still many who have not.

How's the view from that high ground BFGrn?? Can I put up a graph of the number
of botched surgeries expected from operating under flaky wind power? Or the decline in education that will occur under solar power when kids can't read or do their homework?

I DID say that I thoroughly believed there was a such a thing as clean coal technology... It OUGHT to be given a thorough shake-out on NEW generators.. NOT --- wasting money trying to retrofit 50 and 60 yr old facilities that have done the best they can to lower emissions.. Am I right about that?? Of course..


Note the 80/20 rule applies here as well.. New plants built about 1990 or so are an order of magnitude CLEANER than the BULK of the old clunkers.. Build NEW plants.. Close old ones == much cleaner air..

Now what really makes your grandstanding obnoxious is that you don't realize WHO OWNS and OPERATES the oldest dirtiest plants in the nation.. Yup -- the US of A govt who wants to bully OTHERS about their coal fired electrical generators.. Even TVA has made progress on these old plants..

TVA credits pollution reduction at power plants for clearer air in the Smokies |

The mountains of East Tennessee are getting back to being more smoky and less smoggy because the Tennessee Valley Authority has spent a combined $5.3 billion since the 1970s curtailing air pollutants created at its 11 coal-burning power plants, TVA officials say.

Two big ozone-producing culprits -- sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxide -- have been reduced by more than 90 percent from peak levels. And with more planned coal plant closures -- and another $2.2 billion slated for emission control -- those levels are expected to continue to decline, said Duncan Mansfield, a spokesman for TVA.

By 2017, nearly 30 units at its coal-burning power plants will be closed, converted or cleaned up with emission-reducing "scrubbers" as part of an agreement with the Environment Protection Agency, Mansfield said.

Quick QUick now Squirrel Dog --- RUN to your Dear Leader and Shout in HIS FACE about the number of heart attacks due to "pollution".. Not mine.. Tell him you don't wanna WAIT til 2017 for HIM to get it done...

Let us know what he says...

Once a liar always a liar. Provide links to back up you claims. I don't see any TVA plants on any worst lists.
Thank you for proving beyond a doubt the statement I have made before. Forget climate change, you right wing turds don't even believe pollution is harmful to human, fish and fowl.

And besides confirming that you side with polluters you are a fucking liar. On a previous thread you claimed you support cleaning up coal burning plants...a LIE.

Do you have a cartoon for liars and regressive turds who support giving a pass to entities that cause human injury and death?

What kind of morals would someone have who supports killing fellow citizens?


Heaven forbid we require coal burning power plants to obey the law that is over a decade old. Many of the power plants did obey the law and install the pollution controls. But there are still many who have not.

How's the view from that high ground BFGrn?? Can I put up a graph of the number
of botched surgeries expected from operating under flaky wind power? Or the decline in education that will occur under solar power when kids can't read or do their homework?

I DID say that I thoroughly believed there was a such a thing as clean coal technology... It OUGHT to be given a thorough shake-out on NEW generators.. NOT --- wasting money trying to retrofit 50 and 60 yr old facilities that have done the best they can to lower emissions.. Am I right about that?? Of course..


Note the 80/20 rule applies here as well.. New plants built about 1990 or so are an order of magnitude CLEANER than the BULK of the old clunkers.. Build NEW plants.. Close old ones == much cleaner air..

Now what really makes your grandstanding obnoxious is that you don't realize WHO OWNS and OPERATES the oldest dirtiest plants in the nation.. Yup -- the US of A govt who wants to bully OTHERS about their coal fired electrical generators.. Even TVA has made progress on these old plants..

TVA credits pollution reduction at power plants for clearer air in the Smokies |

The mountains of East Tennessee are getting back to being more smoky and less smoggy because the Tennessee Valley Authority has spent a combined $5.3 billion since the 1970s curtailing air pollutants created at its 11 coal-burning power plants, TVA officials say.

Two big ozone-producing culprits -- sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxide -- have been reduced by more than 90 percent from peak levels. And with more planned coal plant closures -- and another $2.2 billion slated for emission control -- those levels are expected to continue to decline, said Duncan Mansfield, a spokesman for TVA.

By 2017, nearly 30 units at its coal-burning power plants will be closed, converted or cleaned up with emission-reducing "scrubbers" as part of an agreement with the Environment Protection Agency, Mansfield said.

Quick QUick now Squirrel Dog --- RUN to your Dear Leader and Shout in HIS FACE about the number of heart attacks due to "pollution".. Not mine.. Tell him you don't wanna WAIT til 2017 for HIM to get it done...

Let us know what he says...

Once a liar always a liar. Provide links to back up you claims. I don't see any TVA plants on any worst lists.

Gonna cost ya. I don't like to be constantly called a liar by folks who don't really respond to the hard work I've done here. Read my tagline again.. I don't think you got the message yet about "lying"...

I'm tempted to just neg you.. We shouldn't even be discussing this here. But your ignorance and combatness and just plain bullying --- they ALL need some fixin'...

Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) | PolluterWatch

Coming in a distant fourth is the U.S. Government with 77 million tons. This might seem odd at first glance, but Uncle Sam is the official owner of the power plants operated by the Tennessee Valley Authority.

Of course, that's only CO2 --- but YOU consider that a pollutant dontcha?

6 TVA coal plants named among dirtiest

Six Tennessee Valley Authority coal plants are among the 50 dirtiest in the nation, a study by a Washington, D.C.-based environmental group shows.

TVA is implementing a $6 billion program to curb air pollution at its coal plants but still had plants in Alabama, Kentucky and Tennessee cited for being among the biggest polluters of the nation's 359 power plants.

TVA's worst plants for sulfur dioxide pollution linked with acid rain included the Johnsonville and Kingston plants in Tennessee. Using different pollutants measured during 2004 by the Environmental Protection Agency, both plants produced more than twice as much sulfur pollutants per unit of electricity generated than the average plant, the study showed

That's better.. A list you haven't seen or disregarded no doubt...

EIP Report: TVA, One of Nation's Top Polluters, Should No Longer Be Allowed to... -- WASHINGTON, Dec. 14 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ --

EIP Report: TVA, One of Nation's Top Polluters, Should No Longer Be Allowed to Exploit Federal Status to Evade Environmental Laws and Marketplace Competition

Eight decades after President Franklin Delano Roosevelt created the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) to bring power to the southeastern United States, the TVA should no longer be exempt from federal environmental enforcement and the healthy influence of competition in its region, according to a major new report released today by the nonprofit Environmental Integrity Project (EIP).

In a separate letter to the White House, EIP and leading national and southeastern U.S. environmental organizations urged the Obama Administration and Congress to take action to reform the TVA. (See below.)

Although both the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the TVA Inspector General (IG) have documented numerous violations of environmental law, the Justice Department has never taken this utility to court. Although this utility is virtually independent, completely self-financing, and responsible under the law for its own legal defenses, it has been allowed to hide behind legal doctrines meant to protect federal agencies and U.S. taxpayers.

Recently new EIP report naming TVA as one of the nations top polluters..

Obama's moment to overhaul the TVA -
TVA is the nation's largest utility. Federally owned, it is an icon of the New Deal, and yet it has the worst environmental record of any utility in the nation. Three days before Christmas, a sludge dam at its Kingston coal-fired steam plant failed, inundating houses and hundreds of acres with 5 billion gallons of watery ash, and filling the Emory River with coal waste and heavy metals.

Wow --- "worst environmental record of any utility in the nation".. EXEMPT from litigation by special favors. SLOW to clean up it's own act while chastizing others. Your Dear Leader has some 'splainin' to do huh?

Now go get in the GOVT'S face --- not mine. And DEMAND they stop polluting...

And don't forget to read my footer.......
How's the view from that high ground BFGrn?? Can I put up a graph of the number
of botched surgeries expected from operating under flaky wind power? Or the decline in education that will occur under solar power when kids can't read or do their homework?

I DID say that I thoroughly believed there was a such a thing as clean coal technology... It OUGHT to be given a thorough shake-out on NEW generators.. NOT --- wasting money trying to retrofit 50 and 60 yr old facilities that have done the best they can to lower emissions.. Am I right about that?? Of course..


Note the 80/20 rule applies here as well.. New plants built about 1990 or so are an order of magnitude CLEANER than the BULK of the old clunkers.. Build NEW plants.. Close old ones == much cleaner air..

Now what really makes your grandstanding obnoxious is that you don't realize WHO OWNS and OPERATES the oldest dirtiest plants in the nation.. Yup -- the US of A govt who wants to bully OTHERS about their coal fired electrical generators.. Even TVA has made progress on these old plants..

Quick QUick now Squirrel Dog --- RUN to your Dear Leader and Shout in HIS FACE about the number of heart attacks due to "pollution".. Not mine.. Tell him you don't wanna WAIT til 2017 for HIM to get it done...

Let us know what he says...

Once a liar always a liar. Provide links to back up you claims. I don't see any TVA plants on any worst lists.

Gonna cost ya. I don't like to be constantly called a liar by folks who don't really respond to the hard work I've done here. Read my tagline again.. I don't think you got the message yet about "lying"...

I'm tempted to just neg you.. We shouldn't even be discussing this here. But your ignorance and combatness and just plain bullying --- they ALL need some fixin'...

Of course, that's only CO2 --- but YOU consider that a pollutant dontcha?

That's better.. A list you haven't seen or disregarded no doubt...

EIP Report: TVA, One of Nation's Top Polluters, Should No Longer Be Allowed to... -- WASHINGTON, Dec. 14 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ --

EIP Report: TVA, One of Nation's Top Polluters, Should No Longer Be Allowed to Exploit Federal Status to Evade Environmental Laws and Marketplace Competition

Eight decades after President Franklin Delano Roosevelt created the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) to bring power to the southeastern United States, the TVA should no longer be exempt from federal environmental enforcement and the healthy influence of competition in its region, according to a major new report released today by the nonprofit Environmental Integrity Project (EIP).

In a separate letter to the White House, EIP and leading national and southeastern U.S. environmental organizations urged the Obama Administration and Congress to take action to reform the TVA. (See below.)

Although both the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the TVA Inspector General (IG) have documented numerous violations of environmental law, the Justice Department has never taken this utility to court. Although this utility is virtually independent, completely self-financing, and responsible under the law for its own legal defenses, it has been allowed to hide behind legal doctrines meant to protect federal agencies and U.S. taxpayers.

Recently new EIP report naming TVA as one of the nations top polluters..

Obama's moment to overhaul the TVA -
TVA is the nation's largest utility. Federally owned, it is an icon of the New Deal, and yet it has the worst environmental record of any utility in the nation. Three days before Christmas, a sludge dam at its Kingston coal-fired steam plant failed, inundating houses and hundreds of acres with 5 billion gallons of watery ash, and filling the Emory River with coal waste and heavy metals.

Wow --- "worst environmental record of any utility in the nation".. EXEMPT from litigation by special favors. SLOW to clean up it's own act while chastizing others. Your Dear Leader has some 'splainin' to do huh?

Now go get in the GOVT'S face --- not mine. And DEMAND they stop polluting...

And don't forget to read my footer.......

I really don't care what your footer says, you are a cynical lying sack of shit. You have constantly and at times vehemently protected polluters and have never stated or even hinted at support for protecting citizen's rights to breathe clean air and drink clean water.

Where you and I differ is I don't care if the polluter is the government or a private corporation. They should be held to the SAME standard. But you right wing regressive turds see ONLY government as evil, and private polluters as just shrewd and prudent entrepreneurs.

ALL polluters can only continue to pollute by malfeasance of the free market. All of the federal environmental laws, every one of the 28 major environmental laws, were designed to restore free-market capitalism in America by forcing actors in the marketplace to pay the true cost of bringing their product to market.

Sound environmental policy is identical to sound economic policy. They are not at odds. The free market promotes efficiency, and efficiency means the elimination of waste, and pollution is waste. The free market encourages us to properly value our natural resources, and it's the undervaluation of those resources that causes us to use them wastefully.

We need to stop treating the planet as if were a business in liquidation by trying to convert our natural resource to cash as quickly as possible, to have a few years of pollution-based prosperity, which is only an illusion of a prosperous economy. Because our children are going to pay for our joyride. They're going to pay for it with muted landscapes, poor health, and huge cleanup costs that are going to amplify over time, and that they will never, ever be able to pay off. Environmental injury is deficit spending. It's a way of loading the cost of our generation's prosperity onto the backs of our children.

Here is a footer for you to read.

"We didn't inherit this land from our ancestors, we borrow it from our children."
Lakota Sioux Proverb

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