Study: Air/Climate Pollution From Canada’s Oil Sands Vastly Underestimated (By As Much As 4.5x)


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
The Good insane United states of America
Study: Air/Climate Pollution From Canada’s Oil Sands Vastly Underestimated (By As Much As 4.5x)

May 6th, 2017 by James Ayre
The standard way of estimating air and climate pollution originating from Canada’s oil sands operations vastly understate the reality of the situation, according to a new study from the Canadian government.
To put a figure to that assertion, the study found that actual air and climate pollution from Alberta’s oil sands operations may be up to 4.5 times higher than officially acknowledged.

Study: Air/Climate Pollution From Canada’s Oil Sands Vastly Underestimated (By As Much As 4.5x)

Canada needs to clean up there messes and we need to do the same.

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