Students Learn How To Kill Jews


Gold Supporting Member
Dec 5, 2008
Ft Worth,TX
Palestinian school children not only learn about the boycott but the PA encourages them to learn the fine art of killing Jews,

By Ari Yashar

First Publish: 3/26/2015, 9:01 PM

How does the Palestinian Authority (PA) education system look? A broadcast aired on official PA TV this Sunday and Wednesday gave an in-depth look at how children are being exposed to arts, theater - along with boycotting Israel and "killing Jews."

In a broadcast from a school in Hevron holding a theater contest that was meant to use "culture" to teach children to boycott Israeli products, a boy interviewed said "I came to rehearse the play in order to boycott Israeli products and fight the Jews, kill them, and defeat them," as translated by Palestinian Media Watch (PMW).

The PA TV reporter, in introducing the theater contest, said "instilling the culture of boycotting occupation products in the hearts of children and adolescents was the goal that led the (PA) Ministry of Education to place this issue at the center of all school activities throughout the homeland."

Watch Child Reveals PA Teaches To Kill Jews - Middle East - News - Arutz Sheva

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