Straw poll - what would it take for you to support military action against NK

would that crazy fat fuck have to actually bomb Seoul or Japan?

I don't want a war; but this situation is scary

still hopeful that there is a way out; but at best we are back to 1960s - 90s style MAD

Who says he is crazy? Oh, the war machine propagandists!
would that crazy fat fuck have to actually bomb Seoul or Japan?

I don't want a war; but this situation is scary

still hopeful that there is a way out; but at best we are back to 1960s - 90s style MAD

Who says he is crazy? Oh, the war machine propagandists!
You should hear the things the North Koreans believe about their leaders. Apparently Kim Jong Un learned to drive at age 3 he is also an accomplished musical composer who is celebrated around the world. Anyone who encourages that sort of garbage about themselves is a crazy bastard.
North Korea has a crazy, entitled asshole running their country and we have a crazy, entitled asshole running our country.

This could get interesting and dangerous.
would that crazy fat fuck have to actually bomb Seoul or Japan?

I don't want a war; but this situation is scary

still hopeful that there is a way out; but at best we are back to 1960s - 90s style MAD

Who says he is crazy? Oh, the war machine propagandists!
You should hear the things the North Koreans believe about their leaders. Apparently Kim Jong Un learned to drive at age 3 he is also an accomplished musical composer who is celebrated around the world. Anyone who encourages that sort of garbage about themselves is a crazy bastard.
Thank goodness the guy running our country doesn't create myths about himself that are believed totally by his cult .

Donald Trump's Eight Best Lines Ever
would that crazy fat fuck have to actually bomb Seoul or Japan?

I don't want a war; but this situation is scary

still hopeful that there is a way out; but at best we are back to 1960s - 90s style MAD
My take on it is this...
Our country needs to have a behind closed doors meeting with the leadership of South Korea. The South Korean people are certainly going to be the hardest hit, in any altercation. Therefore it is incumbent upon them to do what's best to protect their people. Therefore they need to take the initiative. They need to attack. By doing so it gives them the luxury of preparation. They can quietly evac as many civilians as possible, and engage North Korea. This removes the "hostage situation" that North Korea has been using as leverage against South Korea and the West. This situation is only going to continue to escalate. Eventually culminating in open warfare. The best chance for minimizing casualties amongst the South Koreans is to prepare, and initiate an attack. Letting the enemy have the upper hand only guarantees a higher casualty rate amongst the South Koreans.
That is the proposition our nation should offer South Korea. If they choose to let their people remain hostages in their own country, we tell them that they are on their own. It past time they shit or get off the pot. This situation needs to be wrapped up, one way or another. The US has better things to do than play hall monitor in East Asia. Give them a take it, or leave it proposition, and let the chips fall where they may.
5th post
would that crazy fat fuck have to actually bomb Seoul or Japan?

I don't want a war; but this situation is scary

still hopeful that there is a way out; but at best we are back to 1960s - 90s style MAD

Depends on the military action. Ground troops? Nope. Bombing them further into the Middle Ages, absolutely

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would that crazy fat fuck have to actually bomb Seoul or Japan?

I don't want a war; but this situation is scary

still hopeful that there is a way out; but at best we are back to 1960s - 90s style MAD

Who says he is crazy? Oh, the war machine propagandists!
You should hear the things the North Koreans believe about their leaders. Apparently Kim Jong Un learned to drive at age 3 he is also an accomplished musical composer who is celebrated around the world. Anyone who encourages that sort of garbage about themselves is a crazy bastard.

That's right out of dictator 101 textbook. Make yourself larger than life .

The Kim's are crazy, like a fox !
Therefore they need to take the initiative. They need to attack.

One of the most incredibly foolish statements seen on this entire forum in quite some time.

ANY attack will have to result in swift, total destruction of North Korea. South Korea does not have the strength, air force, navy or, more importantly, nuclear weapons.
would that crazy fat fuck have to actually bomb Seoul or Japan?

I don't want a war; but this situation is scary

still hopeful that there is a way out; but at best we are back to 1960s - 90s style MAD

Much more action by NK, then I believe we'll have no other choice than to level the country. The guy is nuts and threatens everyone with nukes. Better now than later (a stitch in time saves nine).
Therefore they need to take the initiative. They need to attack.

One of the most incredibly foolish statements seen on this entire forum in quite some time.

ANY attack will have to result in swift, total destruction of North Korea. South Korea does not have the strength, air force, navy or, more importantly, nuclear weapons.
One of the most foolish posts I've seen on this forum to date... such a nonsensical post, presupposes that the US wouldn't offer whatever support was needed to ensure the success of said offensive. Material, or otherwise. And that is just willfully ignorant...
would that crazy fat fuck have to actually bomb Seoul or Japan?

I don't want a war; but this situation is scary

still hopeful that there is a way out; but at best we are back to 1960s - 90s style MAD

South Korea, and Japan should fight that war.....we should give them money and equipment.....but not much else......
North Korea is Bluffing… Again
Yeah... launching missles into orbit... detonating hydrogen bombs below-ground... yeah... some bluff...


Fortunately, it's no longer up to you LibTard pu$$ies, as to how we react, and when, and how extensively...

No more useless, dangerous Neville Chamberlain -esque Democratic Diplomacy tactics, offering our backsides to the North Koreans...
tRumps twin would have to attack the USA with force. Then we could retaliate with greater force and end the tRump twin's reign.
We can't be expected to maintain a war footing with our troops in preparation for NK to attack. And if we draw down we won't be prepared to defend in the event that NK attacks.

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