Stormy Daniels cleared Trump from crimes

I'm going to assume that this is an honest question and will answer in the same manner. Let me know if it's not. Everything I'm about to relate is verifiable with court documents (not media) and testimony.

#1 You use the term "campaign funds". That means donations made to the Campaign Committee to Elect Donald Trump. No one has claimed that "campaign funds" were drawn from a campiagn account to pay Daniels. Not a factor. The monies involved came from Cohen (for his part) and routed by FPOTUS#45 through the Trump Organization (a business entity, for his part).

#2 After the Buche Tape came out in October 2016, David Pecker (AMI, Inc.) had paid the door man and McDougal for their stories and not been paid back by FPOTUS#45. He backed out of paying for the Daniels story just days before the election.

#3 Michael Cohen took out a HELOC (Home Equity Line of Credit) against his home and setup a shell company depositing the money there. That money was then transferred to Daniels to pay for the NDA.

#4 Cohen then arranged with FPOTUS#45 and the Trump Organization to reimburse the $130,000 via payments of $35,000 per month for 12 months with the Trump Organization "Taxing Up" the income taxes Cohen would have to pay, plus a bonus, plus a small amount (about $50K) for reimbursement for other polling work.

These notes were submitted into evidence showing the payment schedule for the $420,000.

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#1 The DOJ and FEC cannot charge under state law, this is a New York State business law criminal case. The DOJ and FEC have no jurisdiction to prosecute.

#2 The DOJ did get involved, they charged Cohen who was convicted of felonious campaign violations.

#3 The professional investigators working for the FEC * * DID * * recommend further investigation and action. However the GOP members of the leadership commission blocked further investigation. Basically the GOP member of the FEC voted for their own version of "catch and kill".

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From what you laid out here, it sounds to me like Cohen, and Peker hatched this on their own. Where’s your tie to Trump, or that it was a campaign donation?
There is none. Because none exists…
Cohen out of the goodness of his heart took a $130K HELOC out against his house (not telling his wife) to pay a porn star for his boss who in just days would have an election day for office?

Ya, that's believable.
you may not like it, but that’s exactly the type of suck up Cohen seems to be….Then he got angry when Trump told him he’d not be going to the WH…I mean come on…He thought Trump would make him AG…AG FOR CHRIST SAKE! lol…
Cook go for it. But for what?

Extortion? Nope she didn't go to the campiagn or Trump and ask for money. She went to the media to shop her story?

Violation of the NDA? Again nope, Trump released her from the NDA (IIRC) in 2018 and did not require repayment. She's now free to talk about it.

Extortion is exactly what she wanted…She testified that before the election she was putting pressure that she was going to go to the press if she didn’t get the money…Smells of extortion, and set up…
No one claimed it did and that’s not the issue
So, it was a personal matter, settled with a legal NDA…Thanks for admitting that…The only thing this seems to be hinging on since we didn’t hear any ‘smoking guns’, is the testimony from a prostitute extortionist, and a convicted liar….
From what you laid out here, it sounds to me like Cohen, and Peker hatched this on their own. Where’s your tie to Trump, or that it was a campaign donation?
There is none. Because none exists…

Except for the evidence posted in court of the scheme being hatched by Pecker, Cohen and Trump in Trump Tower.

Why do you say things like “there is none” when it’s already in the court record?

Even IF that were true, what’s illegal about killing negative stories? Happens all the time…

Cohen want charged and convicted for killing negative stories.

Pecker didn’t enter into a non prosecution agreement for killing negative stories.

FPOTUS#45 isn’t charged with killing negative stories.

Who is telling you this?

Cohen want charged and convicted for killing negative stories.

Pecker didn’t enter into a non prosecution agreement for killing negative stories.

FPOTUS#45 isn’t charged with killing negative stories.

Who is telling you this?

You sound like even you don’t know what the case is about…
You sound like even you don’t know what the case is about…

Cohen wasn't charged and convicted of killing negative stories about his boss. He was charged and convicted (in part) on two counts of felonious criminal campaign finance charges.

Pecker didn't enter into a non-prosecution agreement for his activities for killing negative stories he entered into the agreement because of his actions were campaign finance violations.

FPOTUS#45 isn't charged with killing negative stories, he's charged with felonious falsification of New York business records in an attempt to hide Cohen's crimes.

What part of that is incorrect?



Cohen wasn't charged and convicted of killing negative stories about his boss. He was charged and convicted (in part) on two counts of felonious criminal campaign finance charges.

Pecker didn't enter into a non-prosecution agreement for his activities for killing negative stories he entered into the agreement because of his actions were campaign finance violations.

FPOTUS#45 isn't charged with killing negative stories, he's charged with felonious falsification of New York business records in an attempt to hide Cohen's crimes.

What part of that is incorrect?


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Then the prosecution has failed.
McDougal was paid by Pecker. So, now explain to me how the payment to Daniels was illegal…Be sure and lay it out with the testimony given in this trial…You can’t…

Now, the prosecution has rested their case, with nothing but inference for a jury to find beyond a reasonable doubt? Nah brah…they didn’t make a case, and Trump’s team should ask for directed verdict of not guilty based on lack of evidence.

This has to have been the biggest waste of time and NY taxpayer money in history. Only a clown would say otherwise…

The Judge is outed as a corrupt jurist, Bragg is a laughing stock among the NY bar, and the DoJ is outed even more for sending their #3 down to argue a sham case to interfere with this election.

Holy fuck. :eusa_doh:

Among other crimes, Cohen went to jail for paying Daniels.
Main article: New York investigations of The Trump Organization
The Manhattan district attorney (DA) and the New York AG opened investigations into Trump. The Manhattan DA's office decided in 2022 not to pursue charges, in part because the new DA, Alvin Bragg, worried that the case relied too much on Cohen's testimony.[220] Investigators at the Manhattan DA's office continued to speak to Cohen, interviewing him 15 times by February 2023.[221]

These were separate from the investigation by the New York State Department of Taxation and Finance which, on August 22, 2018, announced it had subpoenaed Cohen in connection with its investigation into whether the Donald J. Trump Foundation had violated New York tax laws.[222] The department also said in October 2018 it would review allegations that Trump had evaded gift taxes in his inheritance of hundreds of millions of dollars from his father.[223]

None of which speaks to Cohen's audio recording with Trump on paying David Pecker.
Lying to the press isn't a crime.
so you think the slickster never gave out hush money? hahahaahahahahahahaha you are definitely a clueless cuck sucking on the demofk dicks.

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