Stores stress over how to handle a customer who won’t wear a mask

As far as I'm concerned the people running around wearing masks are fucking retards. Especially those wearing bandannas. They look like they're about to rob a train or something. I can see if you're vulnerable to getting sick and want to protect yourself, but short of wearing a bio suit, you're not really doing anything effective with a rag on your face.

No one can make you wear a mask. No one can refuse you service on that basis. There is a medical exemption for people who have a condition. You do not need to carry papers from your doctor. I have not worn a single mask. Won't buy them, don't own one. For one thing, I couldn't wear it and be out and about walking around in anything short of winter weather. I'm just waiting for the first person to flip out on me in public. The mask really doesn't protect you anyway and unless you are coughing and sick, doesn't really do much good for anyone else. It implies that everyone is guilty until proven innocent. Just what kind of pandemic is this where everyone is sick but feels fine? I never heard of a SINGLE person having the Flu yet feeling great, which makes the regular Flu FAR MORE VIRULENT. One big reason why I think this is all total BULL. I hope no one flips on me in public. I kinda have a short fuse and a bad temper and can be rather dangerous even in my old age.

I suppose that if I'm just sitting and not exerting myself and someone GIVES me a mask, I might consider wearing it. But it would be so undignified, degrading and humiliating. Like asking a black man to shine shoes.
In my state it's a mandate. If you want to shop you have to wear one.
Per which duly passed law?

Here in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, masks were proclaimed mandatory in retail establishments by our ruling She-Male
Wrong. There is a medical exemption by Governor Wolf. You are urged to wear one unless you are a child or medically necessary to go without one, like a person who already has breathing difficulty or heat exertion.
As far as I'm concerned anyone running around without a mask is a selfish asshole as well as a full on retard.

I mean talk about someone who doesn't care about anyone else!

I mean talk about someone who doesn't care about anyone else! These morons are not just risking their own lives (which would be fine) but they are risking the lives of the families and friends as well. Is obvious these mental midgets don't love their spouses, children, parents, grandparents, or even their pets.
I say we fence off a large area that's already invested with these selfish, uncaring, jerks (like Western Kansas) and heard them all in there until.this is all over.

And before someone chimes in with that "real men don't wear masks" crap, let me tell you: real men do what it takes to protect their families.

These idjits are not real men.

Nope. Stating my opinion.
As far as I'm concerned
We are not concerned with your concern. Nor with the ignorant braodbrushing of the picture you paint about others and how much they care for loved ones. Quit sniffing the paint fumes.
If you don't care for your family, go ahead a skip the mask.

Better tell anyone over a certain age goodby.
Complete nonsense.
You should however always cover your flapping pie hole.
I don't wear a mask and neither do all the grocers and clerks in my area. Most of the people who wear masks are older women or men having to shop with their paranoid wives.
Wear one or just stay at home. This really shouldn't be an issue.
How about if you have to wear a mask then stay home? After all, we are told that a mask prevents you from infecting others.

When stores and other establishments are requiring or asking you to wear a mask, why would someone like myself (who doesn't consider it an imposition) stay home? I'm not the one being a complete dick in the name of some misplaced idea of liberty vs tyranny. This isn't a stand against the British at the bridge in Concord, MA. If I'm going to venture out, I can at least show some respect and consideration for my fellow citizens by wearing a mask. Especially since no one is able to really define what the parameters of this virus transmission are...yet.
If masks are mandatory there should be maskapaloozas everywhere. Every place you pass. Every place you enter. Every place you walk or run through. Maska all over the place. ....There ain't!
If masks are mandatory there should be maskapaloozas everywhere. Every place you pass. Every place you enter. Every place you walk or run through. Maska all over the place. ....There ain't!
Here is the rub on that shortage. My wife works elective surgery and are now worried they won't have enough PPE, to continue operating.
Every person who wears a mask is selfish and doesn't care they are running healthcare out of masks.
If masks are mandatory there should be maskapaloozas everywhere. Every place you pass. Every place you enter. Every place you walk or run through. Maska all over the place. ....There ain't!
Here is the rub on that shortage. My wife works elective surgery and are now worried they won't have enough PPE, to continue operating.
Every person who wears a mask is selfish and doesn't care they are running healthcare out of masks.

Nobody I see is wearing surgical masks. If the hospital your wife works at is running out of PPE it's not the fault of anybody wearing masks in stores.
Wear one or just stay at home. This really shouldn't be an issue.
How about if you have to wear a mask then stay home? After all, we are told that a mask prevents you from infecting others.

When stores and other establishments are requiring or asking you to wear a mask, why would someone like myself (who doesn't consider it an imposition) stay home? I'm not the one being a complete dick in the name of some misplaced idea of liberty vs tyranny. This isn't a stand against the British at the bridge in Concord, MA. If I'm going to venture out, I can at least show some respect and consideration for my fellow citizens by wearing a mask. Especially since no one is able to really define what the parameters of this virus transmission are...yet.
So you are infected?
If masks are mandatory there should be maskapaloozas everywhere. Every place you pass. Every place you enter. Every place you walk or run through. Maska all over the place. ....There ain't!
Here is the rub on that shortage. My wife works elective surgery and are now worried they won't have enough PPE, to continue operating.
Every person who wears a mask is selfish and doesn't care they are running healthcare out of masks.

Nobody I see is wearing surgical masks. If the hospital your wife works at is running out of PPE it's not the fault of anybody wearing masks in stores.
I saw plenty with N95 masks out in public.
Selfish folks who are probably toilet paper hoarders also.
Wearing anything less than a proper mask is a foolish fad and only confirms the wearers virtue signaling.
I wear one to enter stores because it's not the store's fault that the governor is a psycho. Once in the store I pull it down like everyone else does. I feel like I'm rebreathing used air.

As far as I'm concerned the people running around wearing masks are fucking retards. Especially those wearing bandannas. They look like they're about to rob a train or something. I can see if you're vulnerable to getting sick and want to protect yourself, but short of wearing a bio suit, you're not really doing anything effective with a rag on your face.

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I resist wearing a fuckin mask. First of all, I'm openly carrying a gun a lot, so wearing a mask isn't a good idea and it could be fatal if I wear black.

That said I'm not going to argue with some kid who got stuck with the task of asking me to tie one on. What I can't believe is how so many people did not resist, and believed this hoax in the first place.

As far as I'm concerned anyone running around without a mask is a selfish asshole as well as a full on retard.

I mean talk about someone who doesn't care about anyone else! These morons are not just risking their own lives (which would be fine) but they are risking the lives of the families and friends as well. Is obvious these mental midgets don't love their spouses, children, parents, grandparents, or even their pets.
I say we fence off a large area that's already invested with these selfish, uncaring, jerks (like Western Kansas) and heard them all in there until.this is all over.

And before someone chimes in with that "real men don't wear masks" crap, let me tell you: real men do what it takes to protect their families.

These idjits are not real men.

Wonder which one of these pussies would say something to this guys face for wearing a mask. Yes, dumb fucks are selfish and if one of them came in my business they'd wear a mask and if they gave me a hassle I have a gun nearby.

Guys, why is this so hard to make people understand this ?
A cloth mask will NOT protect YOU, but will help protect those around you.
The idea here is, when you breath or speak, the cloth masks helps block the exhale of virus particles in to the air around you. Your mask is helping to keep the virus from spreading.

Additionally, the masks serves as a really helpful physical barrier when you cough or sneeze.
Those actions can propel this cloud of droplets from you to as much as 25 feet away. Your mask can disrupt this cloud of particles, and hinder them from traveling across the room.

You have explained it well.

Why is it that so many can not grasp this concept?
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Wear one or just stay at home. This really shouldn't be an issue.
How about if you have to wear a mask then stay home? After all, we are told that a mask prevents you from infecting others.

When stores and other establishments are requiring or asking you to wear a mask, why would someone like myself (who doesn't consider it an imposition) stay home? I'm not the one being a complete dick in the name of some misplaced idea of liberty vs tyranny. This isn't a stand against the British at the bridge in Concord, MA. If I'm going to venture out, I can at least show some respect and consideration for my fellow citizens by wearing a mask. Especially since no one is able to really define what the parameters of this virus transmission are...yet.
So you are infected?

Don't know one way or the other. No reliable anti-body test yet and since I haven't had any symptoms whatsoever, so not eligible for a actual test.
All I'm saying here is, why be a jerk? Just wear the mask and eventually, it will either all go away...or we'll all be wearing the outfit seen in the movie "Obilivion". :)

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