So why does a woman have a "choice" to kill but I won't have a choice regarding a mask?

Partial birth abortion is a political term, not a medical one.
It's real.......And I understand why they want to cover it up, if people knew exactly what happens and how often they would be outraged.

The Facts of Partial-Birth Abortion

*Warning-Graphic* A Partial Birth Abortion Filmed | MRCTV
Such nonfactual information about partial birth abortion. Go spend just a little time & look up reasons for late term abortions.
wearing a mask is to protect the people around you & they wear a mask to protect you.

a mask is 75% effective, so if everyone assumed they are contagious & wears a mask, the number of cases will go down dramatically.

Actually, everyone will still eventually get infected. It will just take a lot longer if everyone wears masks.

Its called "flattening the curve" so the health system doesn't get overwhelmed. Has nothing to do with saving lives or preventing illness.

BTW, those areas with Draconian style mask laws have just as many case as those areas with more freedom.
Not to mention: “The CDC just this week released their study about mask wearing on COVID-positive cases: 85% of the positive cases in America are from people who say they wore the mask everyday, all the time, or at least almost all the time. 85% of the positive cases, Can you imagine the outcry if condoms had the same effective rate as masks
Wearing a mask is a minor inconvenience.

Only 5 year old brats have tantrums about minor inconveniences.
The below shows Deaths from COVID and in comparison ALL Deaths by age...
The issue is the MSM hates Trump. Translate into tremendous negative coverage of COVID when compared to other deaths.
For example blown out of proportion COVID age 15-44 6,000 COVID deaths... BUT where is the MSM regarding ALL DEATHS..150,000!
Why all this MSM coverage hatred of Trump because they donated to Hillary 96% of their donations! Pure hatred of Trump and it has
a direct affect ON ALL our lives... 6,000 deaths age 15-44 from 2/1/20 to 10/21/20 while 150,000 deaths from all causes!
So it isn't a TANTRUM but a realistic awareness that dumb people like you who believe the MSM blown out of proportion COVID!!!
So I just heard Dr. Fauci recommend a national law that we all should wear masks because it would save thousands of lives....hmmm...
So I don't have a choice it appears.
National law forcing me to wear a mask.
OK... the reporters lament that if WE all wore masks according to a national law we could save 200,000 lives!
Hmmm... Choice.
I won't a choice of wearing a mask or not.
If I don't wear a mask I'm breaking a law.
SO folks... in the USA so far in 2020, 702,510 lives were taken because of choice.
I don't think there is need... 230,000 deaths, 90% or more people over age 65
VS 702,511 in one year potential presidents, inventors, future tax payers, musicians, etc. DEAD.

I would like to have a choice!
Yeah wearing a mask is exactly the same as having an abortion

Wearing a mask is NOT a choice as these people have found out!
Woman arrested, tased for not wearing mask at middle school football game

I've yet to see a woman arrested for having an abortion.
Both are choices...but one is so innocent i.e. not wearing a mask while the other ...abortion... is the murder of a human being.
You are telling me me that is equivalent?
But I guess that is the case to people who have NO MORAL direction.
PLUS... an abortion causes a death.
Some scientists point out that wearing a mask doesn't cause a death.
QUOTE... From Mayo Clinic!!!
Yes, face masks combined with other preventive measures, such as frequent hand-washing and social distancing, help slow the spread of the virus.
A few idiots think wearing a face mask will prevent getting COVID! NOTE the word you and others seem to ignore as did Biden do in this photo!
A lot of good his "SCIENCE" belief when the dummy does this!
This idiot touts wearing a mask and then coughs into his hand that he probably shook someone else's.
ONE further personal note: I wash the sink water handles WHILE I'm washing my hands...regardless of where I am AS idiots probably like many who
believe in MASKS only turn the water OFF without understanding the faucet handles can carry the virus also! I've not seen that from the CDC/WHO or
other "scientists". Nor have I seen the MSM blame Biden for his obvious lack of "SCIENCE" when he coughs into his hand!
View attachment 407852
Comparing wearing a mask to abortion is fucking stupid.
Stupidity is not understanding the concept of "CHOICE"! I can choose to wear not wear a mask and I might be penalized.
A woman can "CHOOSE" to have an abortion and the human being being aborted HAS NO CHOICE. The baby is dead! Some choice!
If you choose not to wear a mask you could pass the corona virus to my grandmother and kill her. You could kill her and many others. You dumbass.

Your grandmother isn't in a retirement home or somewhere with additional safety procedures? You're exposing her like anyone else despite her age? What the fuck is wrong with you?
Oh my, you cannot be this stupid. You cannot reason with dumb.
wearing a mask is to protect the people around you & they wear a mask to protect you.

a mask is 75% effective, so if everyone assumed they are contagious & wears a mask, the number of cases will go down dramatically.

Actually, everyone will still eventually get infected. It will just take a lot longer if everyone wears masks.

Its called "flattening the curve" so the health system doesn't get overwhelmed. Has nothing to do with saving lives or preventing illness.

BTW, those areas with Draconian style mask laws have just as many case as those areas with more freedom.
Not to mention: “The CDC just this week released their study about mask wearing on COVID-positive cases: 85% of the positive cases in America are from people who say they wore the mask everyday, all the time, or at least almost all the time. 85% of the positive cases, Can you imagine the outcry if condoms had the same effective rate as masks
That is not what the study said. You idiot.
wearing a mask is to protect the people around you & they wear a mask to protect you.

a mask is 75% effective, so if everyone assumed they are contagious & wears a mask, the number of cases will go down dramatically.

Actually, everyone will still eventually get infected. It will just take a lot longer if everyone wears masks.

Its called "flattening the curve" so the health system doesn't get overwhelmed. Has nothing to do with saving lives or preventing illness.

BTW, those areas with Draconian style mask laws have just as many case as those areas with more freedom.
Not to mention: “The CDC just this week released their study about mask wearing on COVID-positive cases: 85% of the positive cases in America are from people who say they wore the mask everyday, all the time, or at least almost all the time. 85% of the positive cases, Can you imagine the outcry if condoms had the same effective rate as masks
That is not what the study said. You idiot.
It said the quote was misleading but the numbers are correct
Of the 154 survey participants who tested positive, 70.6% said they "always" wore a mask or face covering and 14.4% said they "often" did so. Those numbers form the basis of Carlson’s claim that 85% of people "who got the coronavirus in July (were) wearing a mask."
So again where are the numbers wrong other than they do not agree with the CDC's mask position
Wearing a mask is a minor inconvenience.

Only 5 year old brats have tantrums about minor inconveniences.
I feel the average 5 year old is more intelligent and more mature than these fricking idiots on this message board who feel wearing a mask threatens their masculinity.
Who has ever said "Mask"s threaten masculinity? An inanimate object is a threat??? Talk about a 5 year old intelligence level!
What we that are evidently much more informed by other than the BIASED MSM which by the way the latest information states 90% have given to Biden!
And dummies like you believe the MSM's constant pushing COVID... I mean check out CNN's running chart!
Yet these dummies like you and the MSM have never asked..why are we so immersed in COVID when deaths from COVID at
the following chart shows COVID accounts less then 9% of all DEATHS from all causes! YET this COVID is 24/7 every day by MSM!
207,882 COVID divided by 2,270,323 total deaths..- 9.2%!


Wearing a mask is a minor inconvenience.

Only 5 year old brats have tantrums about minor inconveniences.
I feel the average 5 year old is more intelligent and more mature than these fricking idiots on this message board who feel wearing a mask threatens their masculinity.

Don't look at me, I wear a mask every time I go into walmart. It protects me against Liberal Freakouts
Wearing a mask is a minor inconvenience.

Only 5 year old brats have tantrums about minor inconveniences.
I feel the average 5 year old is more intelligent and more mature than these fricking idiots on this message board who feel wearing a mask threatens their masculinity.

Don't look at me, I wear a mask every time I go into walmart. It protects me against Liberal Freakouts
Oh I do too! Everywhere I go, Target, etc... But today I saw something interesting. 2 shoppers weren't wearing! And Walmart's been very strict about that!
So I just heard Dr. Fauci recommend a national law that we all should wear masks because it would save thousands of lives....hmmm...
So I don't have a choice it appears.
National law forcing me to wear a mask.
OK... the reporters lament that if WE all wore masks according to a national law we could save 200,000 lives!
Hmmm... Choice.
I won't a choice of wearing a mask or not.
If I don't wear a mask I'm breaking a law.
SO folks... in the USA so far in 2020, 702,510 lives were taken because of choice.
I don't think there is need... 230,000 deaths, 90% or more people over age 65
VS 702,511 in one year potential presidents, inventors, future tax payers, musicians, etc. DEAD.

I would like to have a choice!
Yeah wearing a mask is exactly the same as having an abortion

Wearing a mask is NOT a choice as these people have found out!
Woman arrested, tased for not wearing mask at middle school football game

I've yet to see a woman arrested for having an abortion.
Both are choices...but one is so innocent i.e. not wearing a mask while the other ...abortion... is the murder of a human being.
You are telling me me that is equivalent?
But I guess that is the case to people who have NO MORAL direction.
PLUS... an abortion causes a death.
Some scientists point out that wearing a mask doesn't cause a death.
QUOTE... From Mayo Clinic!!!
Yes, face masks combined with other preventive measures, such as frequent hand-washing and social distancing, help slow the spread of the virus.
A few idiots think wearing a face mask will prevent getting COVID! NOTE the word you and others seem to ignore as did Biden do in this photo!
A lot of good his "SCIENCE" belief when the dummy does this!
This idiot touts wearing a mask and then coughs into his hand that he probably shook someone else's.
ONE further personal note: I wash the sink water handles WHILE I'm washing my hands...regardless of where I am AS idiots probably like many who
believe in MASKS only turn the water OFF without understanding the faucet handles can carry the virus also! I've not seen that from the CDC/WHO or
other "scientists". Nor have I seen the MSM blame Biden for his obvious lack of "SCIENCE" when he coughs into his hand!
View attachment 407852
Comparing wearing a mask to abortion is fucking stupid.
Stupidity is not understanding the concept of "CHOICE"! I can choose to wear not wear a mask and I might be penalized.
A woman can "CHOOSE" to have an abortion and the human being being aborted HAS NO CHOICE. The baby is dead! Some choice!
If you choose not to wear a mask you could pass the corona virus to my grandmother and kill her. You could kill her and many others. You dumbass.

Your grandmother isn't in a retirement home or somewhere with additional safety procedures? You're exposing her like anyone else despite her age? What the fuck is wrong with you?
Oh my, you cannot be this stupid. You cannot reason with dumb.

It's a direct response to what you just said, jackass. Why aren't you protecting your grandmother? You said she's exposed to young people who go to political rallies. Why the fuck would you let her do that?
Wearing a mask is a minor inconvenience.

Only 5 year old brats have tantrums about minor inconveniences.
I feel the average 5 year old is more intelligent and more mature than these fricking idiots on this message board who feel wearing a mask threatens their masculinity.

Don't look at me, I wear a mask every time I go into walmart. It protects me against Liberal Freakouts
I figured you would be a Wal-Mart shopper
So I just heard Dr. Fauci recommend a national law that we all should wear masks because it would save thousands of lives....hmmm...
So I don't have a choice it appears.
National law forcing me to wear a mask.
OK... the reporters lament that if WE all wore masks according to a national law we could save 200,000 lives!
Hmmm... Choice.
I won't a choice of wearing a mask or not.
If I don't wear a mask I'm breaking a law.
SO folks... in the USA so far in 2020, 702,510 lives were taken because of choice.
I don't think there is need... 230,000 deaths, 90% or more people over age 65
VS 702,511 in one year potential presidents, inventors, future tax payers, musicians, etc. DEAD.

I would like to have a choice!
Yeah wearing a mask is exactly the same as having an abortion

Wearing a mask is NOT a choice as these people have found out!
Woman arrested, tased for not wearing mask at middle school football game

I've yet to see a woman arrested for having an abortion.
Both are choices...but one is so innocent i.e. not wearing a mask while the other ...abortion... is the murder of a human being.
You are telling me me that is equivalent?
But I guess that is the case to people who have NO MORAL direction.
PLUS... an abortion causes a death.
Some scientists point out that wearing a mask doesn't cause a death.
QUOTE... From Mayo Clinic!!!
Yes, face masks combined with other preventive measures, such as frequent hand-washing and social distancing, help slow the spread of the virus.
A few idiots think wearing a face mask will prevent getting COVID! NOTE the word you and others seem to ignore as did Biden do in this photo!
A lot of good his "SCIENCE" belief when the dummy does this!
This idiot touts wearing a mask and then coughs into his hand that he probably shook someone else's.
ONE further personal note: I wash the sink water handles WHILE I'm washing my hands...regardless of where I am AS idiots probably like many who
believe in MASKS only turn the water OFF without understanding the faucet handles can carry the virus also! I've not seen that from the CDC/WHO or
other "scientists". Nor have I seen the MSM blame Biden for his obvious lack of "SCIENCE" when he coughs into his hand!
View attachment 407852
Comparing wearing a mask to abortion is fucking stupid.
Stupidity is not understanding the concept of "CHOICE"! I can choose to wear not wear a mask and I might be penalized.
A woman can "CHOOSE" to have an abortion and the human being being aborted HAS NO CHOICE. The baby is dead! Some choice!
If you choose not to wear a mask you could pass the corona virus to my grandmother and kill her. You could kill her and many others. You dumbass.

Your grandmother isn't in a retirement home or somewhere with additional safety procedures? You're exposing her like anyone else despite her age? What the fuck is wrong with you?
Oh my, you cannot be this stupid. You cannot reason with dumb.

It's a direct response to what you just said, jackass. Why aren't you protecting your grandmother? You said she's exposed to young people who go to political rallies. Why the fuck would you let her do that?
You have no idea how stupid you are. Dumb is dumb is dumb is terminal
So now the CDC Director says masks are better than a vaccine at protecting you from the virus,but before the CDC said that the masks did not protect you they protected others from you
So I just heard Dr. Fauci recommend a national law that we all should wear masks because it would save thousands of lives....hmmm...
So I don't have a choice it appears.
National law forcing me to wear a mask.
OK... the reporters lament that if WE all wore masks according to a national law we could save 200,000 lives!
Hmmm... Choice.
I won't a choice of wearing a mask or not.
If I don't wear a mask I'm breaking a law.
SO folks... in the USA so far in 2020, 702,510 lives were taken because of choice.
I don't think there is need... 230,000 deaths, 90% or more people over age 65
VS 702,511 in one year potential presidents, inventors, future tax payers, musicians, etc. DEAD.

I would like to have a choice!
Yeah wearing a mask is exactly the same as having an abortion

Wearing a mask is NOT a choice as these people have found out!
Woman arrested, tased for not wearing mask at middle school football game

I've yet to see a woman arrested for having an abortion.
Both are choices...but one is so innocent i.e. not wearing a mask while the other ...abortion... is the murder of a human being.
You are telling me me that is equivalent?
But I guess that is the case to people who have NO MORAL direction.
PLUS... an abortion causes a death.
Some scientists point out that wearing a mask doesn't cause a death.
QUOTE... From Mayo Clinic!!!
Yes, face masks combined with other preventive measures, such as frequent hand-washing and social distancing, help slow the spread of the virus.
A few idiots think wearing a face mask will prevent getting COVID! NOTE the word you and others seem to ignore as did Biden do in this photo!
A lot of good his "SCIENCE" belief when the dummy does this!
This idiot touts wearing a mask and then coughs into his hand that he probably shook someone else's.
ONE further personal note: I wash the sink water handles WHILE I'm washing my hands...regardless of where I am AS idiots probably like many who
believe in MASKS only turn the water OFF without understanding the faucet handles can carry the virus also! I've not seen that from the CDC/WHO or
other "scientists". Nor have I seen the MSM blame Biden for his obvious lack of "SCIENCE" when he coughs into his hand!
View attachment 407852
Comparing wearing a mask to abortion is fucking stupid.
Stupidity is not understanding the concept of "CHOICE"! I can choose to wear not wear a mask and I might be penalized.
A woman can "CHOOSE" to have an abortion and the human being being aborted HAS NO CHOICE. The baby is dead! Some choice!
If you choose not to wear a mask you could pass the corona virus to my grandmother and kill her. You could kill her and many others. You dumbass.

Your grandmother isn't in a retirement home or somewhere with additional safety procedures? You're exposing her like anyone else despite her age? What the fuck is wrong with you?
Oh my, you cannot be this stupid. You cannot reason with dumb.

It's a direct response to what you just said, jackass. Why aren't you protecting your grandmother? You said she's exposed to young people who go to political rallies. Why the fuck would you let her do that?
You have no idea how stupid you are. Dumb is dumb is dumb is terminal

Another leftist stupid douchebag. You said Trump supporters were going to kill your grandmother. What is wrong with you? You can't expose the elderly to the general public like that. Why aren't you making sure she's taken care of? Dude, you're the one who brought her up and said Trump supporters will kill her. My mother is in her 80s, we take PRECAUTIONS. She's in a retirement home with strict visitation and testing rules. She isn't mingling with the general public
Wearing a mask is a minor inconvenience.

Only 5 year old brats have tantrums about minor inconveniences.
The below shows Deaths from COVID and in comparison ALL Deaths by age...
The issue is the MSM hates Trump. Translate into tremendous negative coverage of COVID when compared to other deaths.
For example blown out of proportion COVID age 15-44 6,000 COVID deaths... BUT where is the MSM regarding ALL DEATHS..150,000!
Why all this MSM coverage hatred of Trump because they donated to Hillary 96% of their donations! Pure hatred of Trump and it has
a direct affect ON ALL our lives... 6,000 deaths age 15-44 from 2/1/20 to 10/21/20 while 150,000 deaths from all causes!
So it isn't a TANTRUM but a realistic awareness that dumb people like you who believe the MSM blown out of proportion COVID!!!
View attachment 408018

The whole mask thing is a temporary and minor inconvenience

Just act like a fucking adult will you?
Wearing a mask is a minor inconvenience.

Only 5 year old brats have tantrums about minor inconveniences.
The below shows Deaths from COVID and in comparison ALL Deaths by age...
The issue is the MSM hates Trump. Translate into tremendous negative coverage of COVID when compared to other deaths.
For example blown out of proportion COVID age 15-44 6,000 COVID deaths... BUT where is the MSM regarding ALL DEATHS..150,000!
Why all this MSM coverage hatred of Trump because they donated to Hillary 96% of their donations! Pure hatred of Trump and it has
a direct affect ON ALL our lives... 6,000 deaths age 15-44 from 2/1/20 to 10/21/20 while 150,000 deaths from all causes!
So it isn't a TANTRUM but a realistic awareness that dumb people like you who believe the MSM blown out of proportion COVID!!!
View attachment 408018

The whole mask thing is a temporary and minor inconvenience

Just act like a fucking adult will you?
An adult understands that it isn't the mask. I wear a mask when I'm NOT social distanced. Actually in cold weather the mask blocks my exhalation and it warms my intake!
So my point is NOT mask but the totally blown out of proportion the BIASED MSM has done.
Current illustration... we are spiking!!! Oh woe as hospitals are now unable to handle the "spike"! Oh woe is me you say!
WHY... MSM blowing this out of proportion.
BUT I have been tracking this on the attached spreadsheet from this web site:Coronavirus Update (Live): 44,883,948 Cases and 1,180,960 Deaths from COVID-19 Virus Pandemic - Worldometer
Summary for your pea brain: Hospitalization 16,866 serious cases! So with nearly a 1 million beds... what the hell crisis!
99.82% of cases NOT HOSPITALIZED...yet the MSM... "hospitals getting overrun"!!! Oh woe is us!!!
Now I'm sure with your short attention span this maybe too complicated for you but why the f...k is the MSM blowing this out of
proportion? Well read the 2nd attachment and keep one number in your pea brain 90%!!!
Screen Shot 2020-10-29 at 7.41.19 AM.png


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