
The ClayTaurus said:
So maybe they should move to Germany then? (being facetious) I don't really get what those European countries have to do with a woman having 16 kids in the United States.

Your rebuttal to population increase due to immigration is something I hadn't thought of.

I included European population problems because of your statement about world overpopulation. As far as the US still having "green spaces" here are the populations of Montana 926,865 and Nebraska 1,747,214, still plenty of wide open spaces.

I personnally love kids and IF I could afford it I'd probably have 1 more (already have 4). I wouldn't have anywhere near 16 since I think I'd be pulling my hair out. Kids are great and if this woman can raise them to be good people than I say go for it. My mother-in-law grew up dirt poor in a family of 10 and except for 1 brother they all are doing very well (middle class). They weren't socially irresponsible and I don't think this woman is either.
Zhukov said:
If I could afford it, I would.

Really? Not me, there wouldn't be enough of me to go around when I was needed. Like I said, I found it difficult tending to the needs of 6, 5 not being my own. I love working with kids, but would not want to be a full time parent to that many.
Zhukov said:
If I could afford it, I would.

I don't know if I have the time investment that would be required. It is important for me to have time with each of my children, with them all together and separately. I think it is important for me to be a strong part of their life, not just to provide food. I think 16 children would take too much of my time from each of the children.
no1tovote4 said:
I don't know if I have the time investment that would be required. It is important for me to have time with each of my children, with them all together and separately. I think it is important for me to be a strong part of their life, not just to provide food. I think 16 children would take too much of my time from each of the children.

You have 4 don't you? All girls right?

Girls rock!
Said1 said:
You have 4 don't you? All girls right?

Girls rock!

4! :eek:

No, I just counted again. Only three. Whew, you had me in a panic there!


I've said it before and truly do believe it. There is a reason that daughter and laughter are spelled much the same.
no1tovote4 said:
4! :eek:

No, I just counted again. Only three. Whew, you had me in a panic there!


I've said it before and truly do believe it. There is a reason that daughter and laughter are spelled much the same.

LOL. I thought you had four. Something about you and the number 4, must be something about your post name. :D

When I first started my homecare business, I had a group of 5 girls (plus my daughter). Let's just it was never boring and I laughed A LOT!

Oh, and had my hair and make up done regularly. :D
The ClayTaurus said:
Replacement levels?

(from here)
I'd like to see where you make this conclusion from...

And I think the world is overpopulated or will be soon (within the next generation), but that's probably just me.
If you had read the whole report you would have noted that the birth rate in 2005 for the US is 2.08 children per woman. That my friend is "BARELY" replacement rate. I noticed that you only pulled out a graph that shows absolutely nothing and made no sense what-so-ever. Nect time read the whole article.
nukeman said:
If you had read the whole report you would have noted that the birth rate in 2005 for the US is 2.08 children per woman. That my friend is "BARELY" replacement rate. I noticed that you only pulled out a graph that shows absolutely nothing and made no sense what-so-ever. Nect time read the whole article.

I already conceded this. My mistake. Next time read the whole thread.
The ClayTaurus said:
I already conceded this. My mistake. Next time read the whole thread.
I had not relized the thread had grown so quickly so my mistake..
no1tovote4 said:
I have assumed nothing. I look at what evidence I have. My point is we cannot assume they are irresponsible because of the number of children. Traditionally a godparent took on the raising as well as the religious upbringing in event of the parents death. I am a godparent, I have adopted my godchild because of the death of her parents.

I then extrapolate what I would do in their situation. I would ask specific people to be the guardian of each child in the event of the death of both parents as I did with my three. I would make sure of insurance as well as many different investments to insure that if I died and my wife was left she would have the monetary resources to care for the children. It would take a major catastrophe to kill off all of my investments at the same time, if that event were to take place we would likely be hunter/gatherers and much of this would be moot large families would be needed to gaurantee the survival of the species.

And I have never said that this particular family was irresponsible, so I am not sure why you keep debating this point with me... :huh:

Personally, I don't think I could find 3 people I would be comfortable having raise my child, let alone all the people I would need to raise 16. Also, if my kids have to be split up and live with different people, then that's just sad.

No, you have assumed that they took on greater risk and I stated that there is no evidence of that and in fact evidence to the contrary. They clearly have large resources in order to be able to purchase that house, while living in another at the same time as affording groceries etc for 18 people. They have shown a huge responsibility level and would probably take a risk assessment into consideration when making choices on whether to have more children. The risk can only be greater if they did not have the resources they so clearly do have. The dearth of information in the article doesn't take into account the information I got from the Discovery Health special on the family.

But if all I were going on was the article then the information in the article does tell you that the gentleman is a former Senator, not likely to get there without logic, has the resources to pay for all of this, once again not likely to get there or to keep it without logic and planning. It was based on deductive reasoning, I asked the question "What would I need to get to a place where I could do all that?"

I did not see the Discovery Channel program, but as I have said, I am talking generally about families with tons of kids, not commenting specifically on this family. It really doesn't matter to me if this particular family has millions and owns an insurance company, as it is not something we can necessarily extrapolate to most other large familes.

BTW - I am not saying that your points are invalid, only that we are not in a good position to judge these people. I personally would not have 16 kids, I think it would take from personal time with my children and I think they need that time.

On this point we have always agreed. Whether they can handle 16 children, come what may, only time will tell. I wish them only the best.

Good debate, btw. :)
Mr. P said:
Did that way back, yea must of missed it. No need to repeat, myself.
No I saw what you wrote, I was merely referring to you adding something insightful with your last comment.
Hobbit said:
Yeah, that's why she needs to give it a rest. That or stop being a retard every time they ask the baby's name. Could be worse, though. She could've named one of the kids "Apple."

Just to talk about stupid names, my girlfriends cousin just recently had a baby and named (this is funny), King
USMCDevilDog said:
Just to talk about stupid names, my girlfriends cousin just recently had a baby and named (this is funny), King
Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes apparently considered or are considering naming their child "Xenu"

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