Stone: FISA warrant a violation of my civil rights


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
My critics have flipped because I only recently recalled a contact who was both Russian and an FBI informant in the country on a visa requested by the FBI’s Miami office saying his presence in the country served a “public benefit.”

Stone: FISA Warrant A “Violation of My Civil Rights”


Oh jack slapped they'll always dig and dig and dig becaus savages dig well so htey can piece together their lies to prosecute someone. Most of the end up being DA's. Ever notice most pricks in the prosecutions of people are die hard Democrats. DA's are some real pricks they hang people for brownie points so they can win that " JUDGE" position. Oh the JUDGE imaggine that the one who puts your life and freedom in their hands as they play " GOD" and get off on it all. Yet the same pricks don't even believe in God. Kinda funny how those dots all line up when you know how to fkn connect them.
If I was about to go to jail like he is, I would probably make stupid claims like that too.

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