Stocks in a NOSE DIVE....Thanks to OBAMA!

Let's charge .25 cents for every stock or bond purchased or sold on the markets, foreign or domestic; then, apply the income generated to universal health care for all Americans.
.25 cents, or 25 cents?

Yep. one quarter of a dollar raised by millions of transactions every day. It will keep the day traders at bay, and when they go nuts keep the automatic computer traders from over reacting.
Let's charge .25 cents for every stock or bond purchased or sold on the markets, foreign or domestic; then, apply the income generated to universal health care for all Americans.
.25 cents, or 25 cents?

Yep. one quarter of a dollar raised by millions of transactions every day. It will keep the day traders at bay, and when they go nuts keep the automatic computer traders from over reacting.
25 cents for each stock is profoundly stupid.

That's literally 50 times greater that what even Bernie Sanders is calling for.

I'm not seeing the 'plunge'.
Let's charge .25 cents for every stock or bond purchased or sold on the markets, foreign or domestic; then, apply the income generated to universal health care for all Americans.
.25 cents, or 25 cents?

Yep. one quarter of a dollar raised by millions of transactions every day. It will keep the day traders at bay, and when they go nuts keep the automatic computer traders from over reacting.
25 cents for each stock is profoundly stupid.

That's literally 50 times greater that what even Bernie Sanders is calling for.

I wrote for each transaction - one share, 100 shares, 1000 shares of the same stock. .50 cent fee for 100 shares of stock A, and 10,000 shares of stock B.

Clear now?

Look up the total market volume on the NYSE and and you'll get an idea of how much revenue can be amassed in a day, in one year to reduce our debt and or pay to subsidize health care.
According to Liberals:
The economy is doing awesome because of Obama.

Unemployment is down because of Obama.

Conservatives are committing 'Seppuku' because gas process are so low...all because of Obama.

...then that must mean that the sudden, record-setting stock market nose dive HAS to be Obama's doing as well.

(Let the Liberal excuse making / denial begin... :p)

Obama's bubble economy shows signs of bursting.

Interest rate has been at zero for the whole of Obama's spendingonomy. Seems that if interest rates are increased even that one bit, the whole house of cards built on regressive logic starts to fall. What a surprise (Only every economist saw this one coming).
Yeah, like austerity from hell and deregulations of everything will grow a damn thing.

You people are sick. The problem with our country at this time is our regulations, anti-trust laws and ability to form new companies because of the unenforcement of such is killing our economy.

The big businesses that you have your mouth around are cheating this country for everything we're worth. They don't give a damn about this country.

What do you republicans want??? Do the opposite of what we need to do.
Another America-bashing thread by the usual RWNJ's who can't stand that their country has recovered stronger than most any other country in the world since the Republican-made Great Recession of 2008-2009.

10 million jobs
A halfing of the unemployment

But because the chinese economy was built on shit = we have to feel it too...And yet, Obama is blamed for it.
Another America-bashing thread by the usual RWNJ's who can't stand that their country has recovered stronger than most any other country in the world since the Republican-made Great Recession of 2008-2009.

10 million jobs
A halfing of the unemployment

But because the chinese economy was built on shit = we have to feel it too...And yet, Obama is blamed for it.

If only China spent more time on science, education, and infrastructure... :scared1:
Did you congratulate Obama when the stocks were soaring?

Nope, which why we don't blame him for the drop. Thing is he was not responsible for the soar either.
"We" does not seem to include the OP.

I read sarcasm in the OP.
No, the OP was a pathetic try at covering up the fact the Gnu Right has been since Day One blaming everything bad that happens anywhere on the planet on Obama, and never once attributed anything positive to him. Therefore, they knew if anything good anywhere happened, they have to credit Obama or else be called out for their hypocrisy. And that is why whenever any topic anywhere was started about a good jobs report, for example, the rubes rushed in to find a downside. Anything good had to be diminished or dismissed to avoid being caught as hypocrites.

This topic is a desperate attempt to project their hypocrisy onto others.

I suppose it works on the people who are as equally stupid as the topic starter.

I am waiting for Obama to blame the recent selloff on Bush. He blamed everything that went wrong for his first 4 years on Bush. Why quit now!
Did you congratulate Obama when the stocks were soaring?
Did you congratulate Obama when the stocks were soaring?

I didn't, but I will give 10 to 1 that you blamed Bush when it crashed in 2008

Why not?

I blame Bush for not overturning Clinton's housing policy instead of embracing it.

President Clinton's tenure was characterized by economic prosperity and financial deregulation, which in many ways set the stage for the excesses of recent years. Among his biggest strokes of free-wheeling capitalism was the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act, which repealed the Glass-Steagall Act, a cornerstone of Depression-era regulation. He also signed the Commodity Futures Modernization Act, which exempted credit-default swaps from regulation. In 1995 Clinton loosened housing rules by rewriting the Community Reinvestment Act, which put added pressure on banks to lend in low-income neighborhoods. It is the subject of heated political and scholarly debate whether any of these moves are to blame for our troubles, but they certainly played a role in creating a permissive lending environment.

25 People to Blame for the Financial Crisis - TIME
Damn, that President Obama sure is powerful huh? Crashing China's economy and all.

That's nothing, Democrats claim Bush tanked the WORLD economy in 2008. It was amazing!

Didn't he cause the deregulation of the housing sector? He was president, right?

You really think it was that simple? It was 80 plus years of bad policies, bad choices, government no making corrections. Look at the overspending in all sectors, over expansion, also Clinton did some deregulation that contributed. Many bubbles popped in 2008. One man didn't create it, it was brewing as early as the mid 90's.
According to Liberals:
The economy is doing awesome because of Obama.

Unemployment is down because of Obama.

Conservatives are committing 'Seppuku' because gas process are so low...all because of Obama.

...then that must mean that the sudden, record-setting stock market nose dive HAS to be Obama's doing as well.

(Let the Liberal excuse making / denial begin... :p)

Blame China and their shaky market.

Its not China. Its the FED.

Watching the news today and listening to the economists, one thing became clear, it was China that caused investors to get nervous and sell off stocks. Why? Because China is experimenting with their stock market rules, and what happens in their markets has a ripple effect over the whole world.

BTW.............did you know that if the market drops more than 7 percent in China, they immediately close the markets for the day? But, the problem is, the next day when the markets open, the sell off continues, dropping their market even further. Over the past week, they have had to close their markets at least twice, which has contributed to the fall in markets over the world.

But, if you want to blame Obama, then realize something, even with the current drop in the markets, it is STILL at the highest levels that it has ever been and has more than doubled since Obama took office.

Obama isn't to blame, it's the new rules in China's stock market and their experimenting with it that has caused the drop.

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