Still Unhealthy And Unfit To Be President: Hillary Suffers Coughing Fit Giving Commencement Speech


Gold Member
Jul 11, 2013
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You do know or maybe you don't that some bp meds and others cause fits of coughing? Lisinopril is a bad one.
Yep...she is coughing again.....she needs to get back on her the video at the link...

Hilarious Hillary

Did you hear? Hillary Clinton hacked her way (in every sense of the work “hack”—see the second video below) through a commencement address at her alma mater Wellesley College today, where, among other things, she claimed we live at a time when truth and reason are under assault. This is supposed to be an attack on Trump, of course, but as I have argued here before, it is the postmodern left that has attacked the idea of truth and the role of reason as tools of the oppressive patriarchy. Even language itself, if you are a deep-dish “Foucultist” (as I like to call them), is a purely subjective or socially-constructed tool of power and oppression.
I'm pretty sure Hillary could handle daily tweet storms. That's pretty much all that a president does, right?

Anyway, good to see that she's still occupying space in your head.

What's next - an 'Obama is going to jail any day now' thread?
Yep...she is coughing again.....she needs to get back on her the video at the link...

Hilarious Hillary

Did you hear? Hillary Clinton hacked her way (in every sense of the work “hack”—see the second video below) through a commencement address at her alma mater Wellesley College today, where, among other things, she claimed we live at a time when truth and reason are under assault. This is supposed to be an attack on Trump, of course, but as I have argued here before, it is the postmodern left that has attacked the idea of truth and the role of reason as tools of the oppressive patriarchy. Even language itself, if you are a deep-dish “Foucultist” (as I like to call them), is a purely subjective or socially-constructed tool of power and oppression.

Wasn't Trump unable to say "radical Islamic terror" because he was "exhausted" ?

Official: Trump's 'radical Islamic terrorism' wording changed because he's 'exhausted'

Trump gets tired - and let's the terrorists win.
The grey old mare she ain't what she used to be
Yep...she is coughing again.....she needs to get back on her the video at the link...

Hilarious Hillary

Did you hear? Hillary Clinton hacked her way (in every sense of the work “hack”—see the second video below) through a commencement address at her alma mater Wellesley College today, where, among other things, she claimed we live at a time when truth and reason are under assault. This is supposed to be an attack on Trump, of course, but as I have argued here before, it is the postmodern left that has attacked the idea of truth and the role of reason as tools of the oppressive patriarchy. Even language itself, if you are a deep-dish “Foucultist” (as I like to call them), is a purely subjective or socially-constructed tool of power and oppression.

Wasn't Trump unable to say "radical Islamic terror" because he was "exhausted" ?

Official: Trump's 'radical Islamic terrorism' wording changed because he's 'exhausted'

Trump gets tired - and let's the terrorists win.

Is that your rock over there?
I just saw another lefty trying to crawl under it... Best go save it
So you are thanking Trump seeing he is your God according to you and Melania is your Goddess... As for Hillary health, well who gives a damn because she lost the Electoral College and is a has been politician that matter not anymore except to those on the left that still believe she won and those like you that fear one day your God Trump will be discover to be a human waste of life...
Yes, it's true! Hillary is an unhealthy woman and would've never have been able to handle the rigorous daily duties the presidency requires, especially for 4 years. This is the latest example of her being a sick woman. We can thank God for blessing this nation with an alpha male healthy president named Donald Trump. This has been Steve McGarrett's Hillary Health Watch. Thank you!

Not unhealthy....she is hiding a really bad illness.....
Yes, it's true! Hillary is an unhealthy woman and would've never have been able to handle the rigorous daily duties the presidency requires, especially for 4 years. This is the latest example of her being a sick woman. We can thank God for blessing this nation with an alpha male healthy president named Donald Trump. This has been Steve McGarrett's Hillary Health Watch. Thank you!

Not unhealthy....she is hiding a really bad illness.....
I agree. It was just being talked about on the radio she's suffering from Parkinsons.
Hillary's new hobby is taking up the majority of her time. ... :cool:

Shit like her, (ALL liberals) need to die soon and in the same kind of pain they inflict on everyone else. I just hope someone is there to film her as she calls out for redemption but without renouncing her friends and actions and there is none.
Scary! I watched some of Crooked Hillary's speech and he is clearly mentally ill. It was a mishmash of self-centered whining, celebrating the invasion of the West by Muslim savages, bitching about losing the election despite the attempts for her to rig it, just real low class, filthy crap.

Shit like her, (ALL liberals) need to die soon and in the same kind of pain they inflict on everyone else. I just hope someone is there to film her as she calls out for redemption but without renouncing her friends and actions and there is none.
You're a pussy. The only things you kill are Busch tall boys and the hopes and dreams of those unfortunate enough to be associated with you
Instead of her nose growing, whenever she lies these days she breaks into a coughing fit... :p
Notice there are helpers with "a lozenge" nearby? And then she apparently swallows it. So it can't be a throat lozenge, unless she has a huge throat that can handle large items!

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