Steroids: The Perfume


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
This is a capitalism-parable inspired by the culture-sentimental films Crazy People, Toys, Ruthless People, and Children of the Revolution.

This one (my last one!) is dedicated to Donald Trump!

Signing off,



Maria Sharapova was a very well-respected tennis celebrity and winner of multiple Grand Slam tournaments. However, she was now facing doping allegations (use of performance-enhancing drugs). Sharapova had read of various high-profile American athletes such as baseball-titan Barry Bonds being implicated in steroids-scandals and wondered how the American press would handle her particular allegation-controversy (especially since she enjoyed competing at the U.S. Open --- one of the prestigious Grand Slam tournaments!). Sharapova began perusing the World Wide Web to look at what pedestrians and everyday Americans were saying/blogging regarding her doping-allegation controversy in the headlines.

A crazy democracy-philosopher and Internet-blogger from Algeria named Leo was posting messages about capitalism-corruption contributing to the moral tests being presented to modern-day celebrity-athletes (such as Maria Sharapova!). Sharapova read Leo's posts and realized that his pseudo-fanatical messages (e.g., "The American Dream is now a steroids depression!") represented the fears/concerns of everyday people who somehow felt 'ignored' by the American Dream. Sharapova came up with a brilliant marketing-scheme. Sharapova decided to write to Leo and offered to meet with him (to discuss his views on celebrity-athletes taking steroids!). Leo was thrilled and met Sharapova at a hotel.

SHARAPOVA: Thanks for meeting with me, Leo; I liked your blogs!
LEO: I care about steroids-hysteria in the press; I'm concerned about capitalism!
SHARAPOVA: Cool. Well, as you know, I'm involved in steroids-scandals in the media.
LEO: I know, but why did you want to meet with me personally?
SHARAPOVA: I was wondering if you wanted to market a men's cologne with me.
LEO: A cologne? What does cologne/perfume have to do with steroids controversy?
SHARAPOVA: Bear with me, dude. The cologne is Montblanc, and I'm a spokesperson.
LEO: So why do you want a pedestrian-radical blogger to market cologne with you?
SHARAPOVA: Just think! Capitalism 'diplomats' advertising cologne is 'chemistry-religious.'
LEO: Oh, that's clever. So now, capitalism 'citizens' (like you and me!) are joining forces.
SHARAPOVA: Precisely. We say things in our ads like, " better than steroids."
LEO: Hehe, that's like that capitalism-parody film Crazy People...I like it.
SHARAPOVA: Yes, since Montblanc cologne bottles are black, you and I wear black in ads.
LEO: Alright, but as you might know, I sometimes dress as Scarecrow in my blogs.
SHARAPOVA: That's perfect! You dress as Scarecrow (in black), and we'll do cologne ads.
LEO: Well, Maria, I have to admit --- maybe teamwork can 'cure' fanaticism!



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