Stephen Colbert - Public Crybaby

Most people didn't vote for Trump. Hillary had 3 million more votes than him. Remember?
Yet here we are, bitching about it won't solve anything. Colbert is humorous in a cheap shot tacky way, but he is reminding me of Limbaugh more and more. Beating a dead horse, Limbaugh had Clinton, Colbert has Trump. Enough already.

Absurd comparison. Neither Colbert nor his peers dehumanize and polarize as Limblob does/did. Never heard Colbert venture anywhere near calling a grad student a slut and demanding she post videos of his fantasies "so we can watch". No comparison whatsoever.
No, it's a spot on comparison. Both are beating a dead horse for political reasons, the spin or politics is irregardless.

Go ahead --- just try to bring us a video of Colbert going "slut! slut! slut!" or anything even vaguely similar, that isn't a direct satire on those who DO do it.

Rotsa ruck.
I used to like Colbert, but he's let that big fuzzy hat of his get into his brain cells. I think He actually believes his own shtick now, and he dictates whats popular and whats acceptable. Limbaugh is just as self righteous, and yet again that's were the comparison has merit.
Most people didn't vote for Trump. Hillary had 3 million more votes than him. Remember?
/---- But Trump had far more counties than Hildabeast and that is just as valid as the number of popular votes.


Moron post of the day right there. Rump won more counties because he won counties with five people in them, Dumbass.
/---- It's just as valid Spanky and you can't stand it. BTW name one county with a population of 5. Go ahead Tinkerbell, I dare you.

Poll: Fox News most trusted (and least trusted) network in America

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Poll: Fox News most trusted (and least trusted) network in America
Muvin, Muvin, Muvin....
Keep that goalpost muvin

Who moved a goal post? I didn't make Fox the least trusted of all the cable networks. They worked hard to accomplish that.
This thread is about Colbert whining. Then a leftie brought up ratings. Then you brought up trust.

Keep on keeping on

Then why did you bring up Fox News if this thread is about Colbert?

Talk about moving goal posts.
When most people feel disgruntled about something. they usually keep quiet about it, and just go about trying to improve it in whatever way they think they can. Not Stephen Colbert. Sad Stephen wears his sorrow on his face 5 nights a week on CBS TV, for all of America to see.

Undoubtedly, there are many others who are unable to accept the results of the 2016 election, and Donald Trump as POTUS, and they tune in to Colbert's nightly cryfest, masquerading as levity. Wouldn't you think these poor souls would do a little constructive criticism, and examine why they are in the minority of American citizens, and why most Americans voted for Trump over the worst candidate for POTUS that has ever been nominated ?

Well, until they do, I guess they'll all just sob together, while pretending it's a laughing matter. OK. Whatever.

He's laughing all the way to the bank cracking jokes about your orange hero and Trump butt suckers like YOU!

Poll: Fox News most trusted (and least trusted) network in America

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PBS 52 29 19
Fox News 41 46 13
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Poll: Fox News most trusted (and least trusted) network in America
Muvin, Muvin, Muvin....
Keep that goalpost muvin

Who moved a goal post? I didn't make Fox the least trusted of all the cable networks. They worked hard to accomplish that.
This thread is about Colbert whining. Then a leftie brought up ratings. Then you brought up trust.

Keep on keeping on

Then why did you bring up Fox News if this thread is about Colbert?

Talk about moving goal posts.
To prove ratings mean shit. Sorry you were too dumb to figure it out. Perhaps I should have pointed to the ratings of a children's program to make it more obvious.
BFD, California isn't the whole country and doesn't represent the country as a whole, that's why we have the electoral college, but you keep bitterly clinging to that PV if it gives you some consolation.
California isn't the whole country, but it IS part of the country.....something RussianWrs want to forget.
Which country, Mexico? That'll change though, as our president deports the freeloaders who vote illegally in every election.

Nice trick if you can "deport" something you can't even prove exists.
Nice trick if you can get somebody to believe what you just said. :lol:

That's exactly the point. You can't do it.
I axed the OP over and over and over for a link to his fantasyland hallucinations. Let's take a look at how it would work, based on his responses:

OP: "You there, Ricky Ricardo. Did you vote for Rump??".

Irving Schwartz: "Huh? Uh, no actually I didn't"

OP: "Bad answer. Most of America voted for Rump. Come with me Rodriguez. You're being deported".

Irving Schwartz: "Dafuk?

OP:: "You didn't vote for Rump, Gomez, so obviously you're an illegal. You're being deported. Bring Morticia with you".

Irving Schwartz: "Chuck you Farley. On what basis?"

OP: "Because "everybody knows" the Democrats brought in illegals to cost Rump the popular vote. And you're one of them. 'Everybody knows', get it? "

Irving Schwartz:: "Bull Fucking Shit. Where's your evidence?"

OP: "We don' need no steenkeeng evidence. Because, again, EVERYBODY KNOWS!!
Amirite, Everybody?"

: "Dafuk?" :cuckoo:

There's a solid case right there. Good script for Judge Judy. Plaintiff: "Everybody knows she stole my garden!"
I think it's psychiatrist time for you, buddy. You are a meltdown in progress, snowflake.
BFD, California isn't the whole country and doesn't represent the country as a whole, that's why we have the electoral college, but you keep bitterly clinging to that PV if it gives you some consolation.
Hillary didn't win the AMERICAN popular vote. She won that COMBINED with the votes of millions of illegal aliens, which California has been stacking the state with, for years, for just that reason.
Haha ha.... what ever happened to your orange liar proving there were 3-6 million illegals voting?
Imagine you having to carry the water of this pathological liar.Now that's tough work.
Oh yes I'm afraid she did. By over two percentage points. You can jump in the River De Nial all you like but it changes nothing on the shore. Them's the numbers, like 'em or lump 'em. Speaking of :crybaby:

Haha. And your link? Didn't think so.

"The" numbers ? HA HA HA. Only "the" numbers which includes millions of illegal alien votes, which you are brainwashed into believing don't exist (or just go along with the lie that they don't).

The REAL numbers >> ie. In the AMERICAN votes (the only legitimate ones), Trump won both votes - popular and electoral, both in landslides. Keep yammering your liberal talking points though if it makes you feel better. Poor soul.

As for "link". Link to what ? One of your liberal university, media, or think tank "reports".. HA HA HA. Liberals think we all are taken in by that methodology. No link needed, detached one. Simple logic explains very sufficiently.

1. During the campaign, Trump said he would deport millions of illegal aliens.

2. Illegal aliens do things illegally. It's a way of life, for them.

3. There is virtually nothing to stop illegals from voting. Nothing.

That's all you need to know.
lol. Yeah nothing to stop illegals voting... except getting caught and being deported.
Your elevator doesn't quite reach the top floor.
Stephen Colbert has been killing it. His take downs of the orange clown have been legendary. He gives him so much material EVERY SINGLE DAY. It's a comedy treasure chest. Top it off with the the best band on late night TV, with Jon Baptiste and you have a ratings bonanza that makes people want to watch every night.
Thanks Stephen.

Poor Fallon. Ever since he tried to normalize the pussy grabber, his ratings have been in the toilet.
Poll: Fox News most trusted (and least trusted) network in America

Do you trust...? % trust it % don't trust it % unsure
PBS 52 29 19
Fox News 41 46 13
NBC News 39 42 19
CNN 38 43 20
MSNBC 35 44 21
CBS News 34 43 23
ABC 32 42 26
Comedy Central 26 46 28
Poll: Fox News most trusted (and least trusted) network in America
Muvin, Muvin, Muvin....
Keep that goalpost muvin

Who moved a goal post? I didn't make Fox the least trusted of all the cable networks. They worked hard to accomplish that.
This thread is about Colbert whining. Then a leftie brought up ratings. Then you brought up trust.

Keep on keeping on

Then why did you bring up Fox News if this thread is about Colbert?

Talk about moving goal posts.
To prove ratings mean shit. Sorry you were too dumb to figure it out. Perhaps I should have pointed to the ratings of a children's program to make it more obvious.

Either that, or you could just STFU.
The popular vote means something important. It means trump and his minions do not have a mandate, nor the political capital to do what they want, and what they want is to rape America and Americans.

Q. Why?

A. Because that's what a power elite of plutocrats do, rape and pillage.
Trump won the AMERICAN popular vote. Illegal alien votes are irrelevant.

Getting a Legal Right Through Illegal Means Is a Contradiction

So are the votes of anchor babies. Do those who study it have any data on how many of those illegally franchised voters there are? More than anything else, this insult to America nullifies SCROTUS's self-granted right to interpret the Constitution.
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In fact I say the union should break up, and divided up this way…
Fine. We'll take the places where there are universities and concert halls and huge population centers and banks and museums. You take the soy bean fields.

There are more people living in a ten square block section of Brooklyn than in my entire county. Should those folks be disenfranchised because they, as the majority of Americans, did not vote for the second worst nominee of all time, Donald Trump?
California isn't the whole country, but it IS part of the country.....something RussianWrs want to forget.
Which country, Mexico? That'll change though, as our president deports the freeloaders who vote illegally in every election.

Nice trick if you can "deport" something you can't even prove exists.
Nice trick if you can get somebody to believe what you just said. :lol:

That's exactly the point. You can't do it.
I axed the OP over and over and over for a link to his fantasyland hallucinations. Let's take a look at how it would work, based on his responses:

OP: "You there, Ricky Ricardo. Did you vote for Rump??".

Irving Schwartz: "Huh? Uh, no actually I didn't"

OP: "Bad answer. Most of America voted for Rump. Come with me Rodriguez. You're being deported".

Irving Schwartz: "Dafuk?

OP:: "You didn't vote for Rump, Gomez, so obviously you're an illegal. You're being deported. Bring Morticia with you".

Irving Schwartz: "Chuck you Farley. On what basis?"

OP: "Because "everybody knows" the Democrats brought in illegals to cost Rump the popular vote. And you're one of them. 'Everybody knows', get it? "

Irving Schwartz:: "Bull Fucking Shit. Where's your evidence?"

OP: "We don' need no steenkeeng evidence. Because, again, EVERYBODY KNOWS!!
Amirite, Everybody?"

: "Dafuk?" :cuckoo:

There's a solid case right there. Good script for Judge Judy. Plaintiff: "Everybody knows she stole my garden!"
I think it's psychiatrist time for you, buddy. You are a meltdown in progress, snowflake.

What, you don't like my screenplay? Made the OP run into hiding, didn't it?

Hey, I'll take it to Martin Scorsese.
Which country, Mexico? That'll change though, as our president deports the freeloaders who vote illegally in every election.

Nice trick if you can "deport" something you can't even prove exists.
Nice trick if you can get somebody to believe what you just said. :lol:

That's exactly the point. You can't do it.
I axed the OP over and over and over for a link to his fantasyland hallucinations. Let's take a look at how it would work, based on his responses:

OP: "You there, Ricky Ricardo. Did you vote for Rump??".

Irving Schwartz: "Huh? Uh, no actually I didn't"

OP: "Bad answer. Most of America voted for Rump. Come with me Rodriguez. You're being deported".

Irving Schwartz: "Dafuk?

OP:: "You didn't vote for Rump, Gomez, so obviously you're an illegal. You're being deported. Bring Morticia with you".

Irving Schwartz: "Chuck you Farley. On what basis?"

OP: "Because "everybody knows" the Democrats brought in illegals to cost Rump the popular vote. And you're one of them. 'Everybody knows', get it? "

Irving Schwartz:: "Bull Fucking Shit. Where's your evidence?"

OP: "We don' need no steenkeeng evidence. Because, again, EVERYBODY KNOWS!!
Amirite, Everybody?"

: "Dafuk?" :cuckoo:

There's a solid case right there. Good script for Judge Judy. Plaintiff: "Everybody knows she stole my garden!"
I think it's psychiatrist time for you, buddy. You are a meltdown in progress, snowflake.

What, you don't like my screenplay? Made the OP run into hiding, didn't it?

Hey, I'll take it to Martin Scorsese.
Hey, if it'll get you off welfare, I'm all for it. Good luck, buddy. :thup:
While everyone is pissing on the campfire of lies in the OP, let's further consider his main complaint. Stephen Colbert is a satirist. He is an American. America permits satirists to ply their trade.

Those on the receiving end of satire have a couple of options. They could laugh along with the satirist. They could ignore the satirist. They could attack the satirist.

Which of these options is the most noble, the most endearing, the most mature?

Birds of a feather, it is said, flock together. Trump cannot abide any criticism. Be it from pundits either responsible or irresponsible, satirists, everyday garden variety citizens or colleagues. His supporters are cut from the same cloth.
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The popular vote means something important. It means trump and his minions do not have a mandate, nor the political capital to do what they want, and what they want is to rape America and Americans.

Q. Why?

A. Because that's what a power elite of plutocrats do, rape and pillage.
Trump won the AMERICAN popular vote. Illegal alien votes are irrelevant.

Getting a Legal Right Through Illegal Means Is a Contradiction

So are the votes of anchor babies. Do those who study it have any data on how many of those illegally franchised voters there are? More than anything else, this insult to America nullifies SCROTUS's self-granted right to interpret the Constitution.

None of this repudiates my assessment of Plutocrats.

Anchor babies are United States Citizens, as anyone who has read and understands the first paragraph of the 14th Amendment to the Constitution of the United States.

That fact is settled law, as is Roe v. Wade - if Trump's nominee for the Supreme Court decides to change either of them, and votes for their repeal, he perjured himself in the hearing before the Senate.

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