Stephen Colbert - Public Crybaby


Diamond Member
Oct 20, 2013
When most people feel disgruntled about something. they usually keep quiet about it, and just go about trying to improve it in whatever way they think they can. Not Stephen Colbert. Sad Stephen wears his sorrow on his face 5 nights a week on CBS TV, for all of America to see.

Undoubtedly, there are many others who are unable to accept the results of the 2016 election, and Donald Trump as POTUS, and they tune in to Colbert's nightly cryfest, masquerading as levity. Wouldn't you think these poor souls would do a little constructive criticism, and examine why they are in the minority of American citizens, and why most Americans voted for Trump over the worst candidate for POTUS that has ever been nominated ?

Well, until they do, I guess they'll all just sob together, while pretending it's a laughing matter. OK. Whatever.
Most people didn't vote for Trump. Hillary had 3 million more votes than him. Remember?
If you take both trumps and Hildabeasts California votes away - trump handily won the popular vote nationwide. Shit for brains
We can't have crazy Cali determining the direction of this country...
When most people feel disgruntled about something. they usually keep quiet about it, and just go about trying to improve it in whatever way they think they can. Not Stephen Colbert. Sad Stephen wears his sorrow on his face 5 nights a week on CBS TV, for all of America to see.

Undoubtedly, there are many others who are unable to accept the results of the 2016 election, and Donald Trump as POTUS, and they tune in to Colbert's nightly cryfest, masquerading as levity. Wouldn't you think these poor souls would do a little constructive criticism, and examine why they are in the minority of American citizens, and why most Americans voted for Trump over the worst candidate for POTUS that has ever been nominated ?

Well, until they do, I guess they'll all just sob together, while pretending it's a laughing matter. OK. Whatever.


Get out the butthurt cream. Looks like you're the one crybabying, donut.
Colbert gets paid to do what he does. You get what?

When most people feel disgruntled about something. they usually keep quiet about it,


Look up and check what website you're on.
Most people didn't vote for Trump. Hillary had 3 million more votes than him. Remember?
BFD, California isn't the whole country and doesn't represent the country as a whole, that's why we have the electoral college, but you keep bitterly clinging to that PV if it gives you some consolation.
most Americans voted for Trump over the worst candidate for POTUS that has ever been nominated ?

I don't get the function of the word "over" in this sentence. What you need there, to channel Gertrude Stein, is .... a comma.

Doesn't make sense anyway. "Most Americans" didn't vote for anybody. Only 55% of the electorate voted at all. And out of that most of them voted for Clinton.
Most people didn't vote for Trump. Hillary had 3 million more votes than him. Remember?
If you take both trumps and Hildabeasts California votes away - trump handily won the popular vote nationwide. Shit for brains
We can't have crazy Cali determining the direction of this country...

Yes, by all means, let's have Gooberville lead the way!
Most people didn't vote for Trump. Hillary had 3 million more votes than him. Remember?
BFD, California isn't the whole country and doesn't represent the country as a whole, that's why we have the electoral college, but you keep bitterly clinging to that PV if it gives you some consolation.
Cali doesn't do anything. And then buys from states that do.
Most people didn't vote for Trump. Hillary had 3 million more votes than him. Remember?
BFD, California isn't the whole country and doesn't represent the country as a whole, that's why we have the electoral college, but you keep bitterly clinging to that PV if it gives you some consolation.
Cali doesn't do anything. And then buys from states that do.

Ever eat fruit? Vegetables? Use the internet or modern tech? Or do you live in a cave and subsist on juniper berries?
Most people didn't vote for Trump. Hillary had 3 million more votes than him. Remember?
FALSE. What you're saying is fabrication of liberal media. What extra (non-American, illegitimate) votes Hillary had were from the millions of illegal aliens, that Democrats have imported and protected in sanctuary cities for just that purpose.

We talked about this vote stacking and ballot stuffing 63 years ago in my 5th grade class, in 1954 when Eisenhower enacted Operation Wetback.

Hardly mater anymore now, The illegal voters are going back whee they came from. Sessions is on it. Hopefully he'll put the sanctuary city mayors in jail, where they belong.
Most people didn't vote for Trump. Hillary had 3 million more votes than him. Remember?
BFD, California isn't the whole country and doesn't represent the country as a whole, that's why we have the electoral college, but you keep bitterly clinging to that PV if it gives you some consolation.
Cali doesn't do anything. And then buys from states that do.

Ever eat fruit? Vegetables? Use the internet or modern tech? Or do you live in a cave and subsist on juniper berries?

California’s Hidden Coal Use - IER
If you take both trumps and Hildabeasts California votes away - trump handily won the popular vote nationwide. Shit for brains
We can't have crazy Cali determining the direction of this country...
I say we get the world's largest chainsaw, cut California's eastern border completely, and let the whole mess drift out into the ocean (or just give it back to Mexico) Who needs all their disaster problems (earthquakes, fires, floods, mudslides, etc)
Most people didn't vote for Trump. Hillary had 3 million more votes than him. Remember?

Translation...:crybaby::crybaby::crybaby: Trump whooped Hillary's ass in a landslide winning 30 states including Hillary's blue states of PA, MI, and WI now that's a spanking. Nobody cares that CA turned out in higher numbers, total votes is not how we elect presidents in our country. Go lick your wounds losers.
Get out the butthurt cream. Looks like you're the one crybabying, donut.
Colbert gets paid to do what he does. You get what?

Pay or no pay, he's crying like a newborn, and so are you. I'm not crying. I'm happy. I voted for Trump. I got what I want. And Sessions ? And Gorsuch ? Things are looking better and better every day.
Most people didn't vote for Trump. Hillary had 3 million more votes than him. Remember?
If you take both trumps and Hildabeasts California votes away - trump handily won the popular vote nationwide. Shit for brains
We can't have crazy Cali determining the direction of this country...
And if pigs had wings they could fly.
The electoral college system worked perfectly… elections have consequences. Live with It bed wetter

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