Stem Cells a Fountain of Youth?


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
Stem cells: A fountain of youth? | Fox News

In the current study, the authors isolated a pool of stem cells from muscle tissue, noting that as the cells aged they lost their ability to proliferate, differentiate and regenerate.

Interestingly, by using mice with accelerated aging, they were able to show that transplantation of young muscle stem cells could rescue the aging mouse and increase its lifespan. Typically, these mice lived for an average of 21 days, but when the researchers transplanted young muscle stem cells into their bodies, their lifespan more than doubled.

Interestingly, further experimentation revealed the beneficial effect was not due to the cells themselves reconstituting the aging tissue, but rather due to a compound secreted by the young stem cells that actually induced changes in the old stem cells. The old cells, when cultured with the young cells, began to act young again, with increased proliferation and differentiation.
New way to harvest stem cells from blood...
Scientists succeed! Turn blood into stem cells
5 Sept.`12 - Take building block 'back to when that person was a 6-day-old embryo'
Jesus Diaz at Gizmodo describes the results of a research project at Johns Hopkins as clearing “path to the fountain of eternal youth.” And Brian Dodson at Gizmap explains the scientists “have developed a reliable method to turn the clock back on blood cells, restoring them to a primitive stem cell state from which they can then develop into any other type of cell in the body.”

In what could be a blow to the scientific process, encouraged by Barack Obama, to destroy embryonic lives to obtain stem cell tissue, officials at Johns Hopkins have confirmed the development of a way to obtain stem cells, those basic building blocks of human life, without destroying embryonic life. “Taking a cell from an adult and converting it all the way back to when that perseon was a 6-day-old embryo creates a completely new biology toward our understanding of how cells age and what happens when things go wrong, as in cancer development,” said Elias Zambidis, an assistant professor of oncology and pediatrics at Johns Hopkins Institute for Cell Engineering and the Kimmel Cancer Center.

In an announcement from the research center, he explained that the team on which he worked took cord blood cells, treated them with growth factors, and used plasmids to transfer four genes into them. “They then delivered an electrical pulse to the cells, making tiny holes in the surface through which the plasmids could slip inside. Once inside, the plasmids triggered the cells to revert to a more primitive cell state,” the research center reported. “The discovery could be the key to cure the incurable – from heart attacks to severed spinal cords to cancer – and open the door, some day, to eternal youth,” wrote Diaz at Gizmodo.

He said there are number of significant developments now. “To start with, it uses normal adult blood cells from the patient, so there’s no need to keep umbilical cords in storage. It also doesn’t use any virus reprogramming, so it’s completely safe. It’s also very efficient: researchers successfully transformed about 50 to 60 percent of adult blood cells into embryonic stem cells that can then be turn[ed] into any type of cell – a heart muscle cell, a bone cell, a nerve cell, anything.” The study was published on the PLOS (Public Library of Science) One, and is called “Growth Factor-Activated Stem Cell Circuits and Stromal Signals Cooperatively Accelerate Non-Integrated iPSC Reprogramming of Human Myeloid Progenators.”

I can't tell you how excited progressives are going to be that they have finally found a way to legally cannibalize infants.
I can feel the thrumming excitement at the prospect of slathering themselves with dead baby pulp and "young child dental pulp" in order to take years off....
The truth is "young" stem cells are embryonic.

Except for the "dental pulp" type that they're working on.
I can feel the thrumming excitement at the prospect of slathering themselves with dead baby pulp and "young child dental pulp" in order to take years off....

This no longer requires stem cells from murdered babies, KG.
They love those superlatives when grant time rolls around don't they? A little exaggeration and media hype never hurts when you are looking for a free ride from taxpayers.
Being Anti-science hurts are cause conservatives. We should be for the truth.

This conservative understands science, but I am struggling to understand your sentence.

I can feel the thrumming excitement at the prospect of slathering themselves with dead baby pulp and "young child dental pulp" in order to take years off....

This no longer requires stem cells from murdered babies, KG

Young stem cells:

Dental Pulp, a Promising Target for Source of Young Stem Cells

"Dental pulp (DP) can be extracted from child's primary teeth (deciduous), whose loss occurs spontaneously by about 5 to 12 years. Thus, DP presents an easy accessible source of stem cells without ethical concerns."

Stem cells definition of Stem cells in the Free Online Encyclopedia.

"Human stem cells have typically been extracted from surplus fertilized embryos produced during in vitro fertilization
procedures. Some experimenters, however, have used embryos that were fertilized especially to produce stem cells. In so-called therapeutic cloning a nucleus from a patient's body cell, such as a skin cell, would be inserted into an egg that has had its nucleus removed to produce a blastocyst whose stem cells could be used to create tissue that would be compatible with that of the patient. Such a procedure was reported in 2005 to have been successfully undertaken in part by South Korean researchers who produced stem cell lines using genetic material from patients, but the data was later determined to be fabricated. Because extraction of embryonic stem cells destroys the embryo, the use of embryonic stem cells has been opposed by opponents of abortion."
I can feel the thrumming excitement at the prospect of slathering themselves with dead baby pulp and "young child dental pulp" in order to take years off....

This no longer requires stem cells from murdered babies, KG

Young stem cells:

Dental Pulp, a Promising Target for Source of Young Stem Cells

"Dental pulp (DP) can be extracted from child's primary teeth (deciduous), whose loss occurs spontaneously by about 5 to 12 years. Thus, DP presents an easy accessible source of stem cells without ethical concerns."

Stem cells definition of Stem cells in the Free Online Encyclopedia.

"Human stem cells have typically been extracted from surplus fertilized embryos produced during in vitro fertilization
procedures. Some experimenters, however, have used embryos that were fertilized especially to produce stem cells. In so-called therapeutic cloning a nucleus from a patient's body cell, such as a skin cell, would be inserted into an egg that has had its nucleus removed to produce a blastocyst whose stem cells could be used to create tissue that would be compatible with that of the patient. Such a procedure was reported in 2005 to have been successfully undertaken in part by South Korean researchers who produced stem cell lines using genetic material from patients, but the data was later determined to be fabricated. Because extraction of embryonic stem cells destroys the embryo, the use of embryonic stem cells has been opposed by opponents of abortion."

Yes, typically at the time that was written, but these NEW techniques are not typical.

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