"Stealing America" my response to the DNC's "Stealing Democracy" advert.

Feb 28, 2009
These idiots really put out a spot that basically says they don't want to see any job creation. Calling people "shills for big business" while 22 million sit at home, unemployed.

So, here's my response:

It just shows you how out of touch with reality these folks are. The USCC is the enemy because they chanmpion business? They are the Chamber of Commerce... not the Chamber of Government. It's what they do.
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It just shows you how out of touch with reality these folks are. The USCC is the enemy because they chanmpion business? They are the Chamber of Commerce... not the Chamber of Government. It's what they do.
They cannot help themselves, they are programmed to attack anyone or anything that's not a frothing, slobbering, tail wagging, lapdog Obamaphile.
It just shows you how out of touch with reality these folks are. The USCC is the enemy because they chanmpion business? They are the Chamber of Commerce... not the Chamber of Government. It's what they do.
They cannot help themselves, they are programmed to attack anyone or anything that's not a frothing, slobbering, tail wagging, lapdog Obamaphile.

:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: Don't stop! I love it when you try to pretend to be mainstream. What a hoot.
It just shows you how out of touch with reality these folks are. The USCC is the enemy because they chanmpion business? They are the Chamber of Commerce... not the Chamber of Government. It's what they do.
They cannot help themselves, they are programmed to attack anyone or anything that's not a frothing, slobbering, tail wagging, lapdog Obamaphile.

:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: Don't stop! I love it when you try to pretend to be mainstream. What a hoot.

Just as much as we mind you pretending to be whatever the HELL you think you are Jokey.
It just shows you how out of touch with reality these folks are. The USCC is the enemy because they chanmpion business? They are the Chamber of Commerce... not the Chamber of Government. It's what they do.
They cannot help themselves, they are programmed to attack anyone or anything that's not a frothing, slobbering, tail wagging, lapdog Obamaphile.

:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: Don't stop! I love it when you try to pretend to be mainstream. What a hoot.
I wouldn't ever want to be "mainstream" that's what I do in the restroom, liquid-wise. If not that in there, I'm giving birth to more stinky turds such as you. Except I perform abortions on those, by flushing them.

We'll also note in passing, you have nothing at all to say about the video.
:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: Don't stop! I love it when you try to pretend to be mainstream. What a hoot.

Just as much as we mind you pretending to be whatever the HELL you think you are Jokey.

:lol:Dumb-ass thinks that hating Capitalism is mainstream.:lol:

Dumbass Mud thinks he understands me at all? I believe in regulated capitalism, or Mud is going to have to push his broom for even a lower wage than what he has now.
They cannot help themselves, they are programmed to attack anyone or anything that's not a frothing, slobbering, tail wagging, lapdog Obamaphile.

:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: Don't stop! I love it when you try to pretend to be mainstream. What a hoot.
I wouldn't ever want to be "mainstream" that's what I do in the restroom, liquid-wise. If not that in there, I'm giving birth to more stinky turds such as you. Except I perform abortions on those, by flushing them.

We'll also note in passing, you have nothing at all to say about the video.

The OP is worthless, the video is worthless, and you have added nothing of worth. MM, move on.
For once, GTF, added something to the conversation. Mud, pay attention.
:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: Don't stop! I love it when you try to pretend to be mainstream. What a hoot.
I wouldn't ever want to be "mainstream" that's what I do in the restroom, liquid-wise. If not that in there, I'm giving birth to more stinky turds such as you. Except I perform abortions on those, by flushing them.

We'll also note in passing, you have nothing at all to say about the video.

The OP is worthless, the video is worthless, and you have added nothing of worth. MM, move on.
If you think pointing out fear mongering, lying and conspiracy crap that even the NYT panned is "worthless" then you're kind of an idiot.

The DNC is actually saying to 22 million unemployed workers, "you should vote for us to keep the CofC and Rove from bringing jobs back to America, those shills for big business."

I'll let you move on. There's hundreds of threads for you to troll.
These idiots really put out a spot that basically says they don't want to see any job creation. Calling people "shills for big business" while 22 million sit at home, unemployed.

So, here's my response:


Good One--but democrats can't believe that the United States Chamber of Commerce is involved in trying to "steal" the election with foreign contributions---:lol::lol:

The Chamber of Commerce in the United States is all about business and AMERICAN JOBS.
I just can't believe the desperation of the DNC and this administration right now--:lol:
Just as much as we mind you pretending to be whatever the HELL you think you are Jokey.

:lol:Dumb-ass thinks that hating Capitalism is mainstream.:lol:

Dumbass Mud thinks he understands me at all? I believe in regulated capitalism, or Mud is going to have to push his broom for even a lower wage than what he has now.

I understand you pretty well. Sneering at that vid spells it out.

The Dems in Washington have been clear. They say food-stamps are better then pay checks. They say unemployment provides better stimulus then spending your own money. You know I'm not making this up. Many of them keep it to themselves but Nancy Pelosi is their canary.

Demonizing businesses is their way of fighting to keep their jobs. We need something positive and they give us nothing but negativity. Their rhetoric is causing businesses to cut back or fold out of fear yet all they can do is blame someone else and you're not bright enough to recognize that or you're just too partisan to want to.

You're blissfully ignorant Jake.

You need to pay attention.
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The Dems in Washington have been clear. They say food-stamps are better then pay checks. They say unemployment provides better stimulus then spending your own money. You know I'm not making this up. Many of them keep it to themselves but Nancy Pelosi is their canary.
It just is what it is.
Good One--but democrats can't believe that the United States Chamber of Commerce is involved in trying to "steal" the election with foreign contributions---:lol::lol:
Who knows what the DNC really believes. Clearly though, they think their followers are mindless dolts.

Wait, they are.

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