Staying Power of Music


Platinum Member
Mar 10, 2017
It seems that fewer and fewer bands and songs have what it takes to stay alive over the long term. What is happening to the newer bands and songs that makes them no longer relevant after such a short time?
It seems that fewer and fewer bands and songs have what it takes to stay alive over the long term. What is happening to the newer bands and songs that makes them no longer relevant after such a short time?

Pretty simple. Lack of talent and originality. It's been done before and they are not writing music that speaks to the heart and the times. For one thing, older people identify with older bands, and the younger kids ain't finding it largely because these are fucked up times, the world is majorly fucked up by progressiveness and political correctness to a level of chaos, hate, invalidity, hypocrisy and disorder now that there isn't much that can speak to the heart or soul for these kids today in any sort of lasting, meaningful way that rings true (deeply impresses) because they themselves don't know what that is.
It seems that fewer and fewer bands and songs have what it takes to stay alive over the long term. What is happening to the newer bands and songs that makes them no longer relevant after such a short time?
Consolidation of media companies. As corporations control a larger section of the industry there is less diversity in music and less of an opportunity for original content to be fostered. Therefore your musical tastes are being dictated to you.
It seems that fewer and fewer bands and songs have what it takes to stay alive over the long term. What is happening to the newer bands and songs that makes them no longer relevant after such a short time?
Consolidation of media companies. As corporations control a larger section of the industry there is less diversity in music and less of an opportunity for original content to be fostered. Therefore your musical tastes are being dictated to you.

The same holds true for television, et al. It is always a battle for the creative artist to get corporate backing to be heard because all they see is the money and want "safe" bets.
It seems that fewer and fewer bands and songs have what it takes to stay alive over the long term.
Um... since the "long term" has yet to arrive.... how do you know this? Your statement is inherently nonsensical.
That's right, commies only think about the hear and now, long term doesn't compute for them. Sorry about that.
Dang you are stupid. Like, embarrassingly stupid. Enjoy your whiny little bitch music thread.

But, in the meantime, take Trump's testicles out of your ears and listen to this:

It seems that fewer and fewer bands and songs have what it takes to stay alive over the long term. What is happening to the newer bands and songs that makes them no longer relevant after such a short time?
Consolidation of media companies. As corporations control a larger section of the industry there is less diversity in music and less of an opportunity for original content to be fostered. Therefore your musical tastes are being dictated to you.

The same holds true for television, et al. It is always a battle for the creative artist to get corporate backing to be heard because all they see is the money and want "safe" bets.
Very true...but in this day and age it has gone to the extreme. If you examine the number of media companies which control what you watch, read, and listen to, it has shrunk drastically over the past 30 years.
It seems that fewer and fewer bands and songs have what it takes to stay alive over the long term. What is happening to the newer bands and songs that makes them no longer relevant after such a short time?
Consolidation of media companies. As corporations control a larger section of the industry there is less diversity in music and less of an opportunity for original content to be fostered. Therefore your musical tastes are being dictated to you.

The same holds true for television, et al. It is always a battle for the creative artist to get corporate backing to be heard because all they see is the money and want "safe" bets.
Very true...but in this day and age it has gone to the extreme. If you examine the number of media companies which control what you watch, read, and listen to, it has shrunk drastically over the past 30 years.

Yep, and they are more interested in finding people just to put our their message and agenda they have in mind rather than looking for talent and hearing what the creative individual has to say.
It seems that fewer and fewer bands and songs have what it takes to stay alive over the long term.
Um... since the "long term" has yet to arrive.... how do you know this? Your statement is inherently nonsensical.
That's right, commies only think about the hear and now, long term doesn't compute for them. Sorry about that.
Dang you are stupid. Like, embarrassingly stupid. Enjoy your whiny little bitch music thread.

But, in the meantime, take Trump's testicles out of your ears and listen to this:


If you want sultry women...

It seems that fewer and fewer bands and songs have what it takes to stay alive over the long term. What is happening to the newer bands and songs that makes them no longer relevant after such a short time?

There's never gonna be another classic band or song. Everything these days lasts only as long as the the next download comes along. Songs and bands are popular maybe a week tops. It's just too easy for any old body to sell their crap for 99 cents a pop.

Back in the day you'd cut grass all week to save up for an album, then when you saved enough you got on your bike and went to a real life record store, bought your album, came home and played it while you flipped through the album art.

Those days are gone. Now it's just a bunch of clicks on your device. Totally different.
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It seems that fewer and fewer bands and songs have what it takes to stay alive over the long term. What is happening to the newer bands and songs that makes them no longer relevant after such a short time?

There's never gonna be another classic band or song. Everything these days lasts only as long as the the next download comes along.

Back in the day you'd cut grass all week to save up for an album, the nwhe nyo usaved enough you got on your bike and went to a real life record store, bought your album, came home and played it while you flipped through the album art.

Those days are gone. Now it's just a bunch of clicks on your device. Totally different.

Not 50 years like before
We'll probably never see great bands like the Beatles, Led Zeppelin or Pink Floyd again. Bands that were original and talented and are still listened to today. There is a real lack of quality in pop and rock music made today. Very disturbing and disappointing.
It seems that fewer and fewer bands and songs have what it takes to stay alive over the long term. What is happening to the newer bands and songs that makes them no longer relevant after such a short time?

Pretty simple. Lack of talent and originality. It's been done before and they are not writing music that speaks to the heart and the times. For one thing, older people identify with older bands, and the younger kids ain't finding it largely because these are fucked up times, the world is majorly fucked up by progressiveness and political correctness to a level of chaos, hate, invalidity, hypocrisy and disorder now that there isn't much that can speak to the heart or soul for these kids today in any sort of lasting, meaningful way that rings true (deeply impresses) because they themselves don't know what that is.
Also the music industry is partly to blame. They squash originality and go for what fits the formula to make money.
It seems that fewer and fewer bands and songs have what it takes to stay alive over the long term. What is happening to the newer bands and songs that makes them no longer relevant after such a short time?

They are all derivative to what has already happened.

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