Starting to look like Stesak wasn't the only one


Unobtanium Member
Jan 3, 2009
Drinking wine, eating cheese, catching rays
Seems the Denver Post has spiked a story that they broke, concerning the same kind of bribery scam in Colorado:

A Democrat candidate running against a Senate incumbent is offered a job by the White House as an incentive to drop out of the primary race. Sounds like the Joe Sestak scandal in which he alleged that someone in the White House offered him a job in order to drop out of the race against the incumbent senator from Pennsylvania, Arlen Specter. Right? Well, yes. However, this also perfectly describes another similar scandal in which it is alleged that the White House offered a job to Andrew Romanoff in order to drop out of the primary race for the senate from Colorado against incumbent Michael Bennet. And the amazing thing about this scandal is that the newspaper that broke it has since remained completely silent on any further reporting.

First the scandal details as reported by Michael Riley for the Denver Post in this September 27, 2009 article: D.C. job alleged as attempt to deter Romanoff - The Denver Post

WASHINGTON — Not long after news leaked last month that Andrew Romanoff was determined to make a Democratic primary run against Sen. Michael Bennet, Romanoff received an unexpected communication from one of the most powerful men in Washington.

Jim Messina, President Barack Obama's deputy chief of staff and a storied fixer in the White House political shop, suggested a place for Romanoff might be found in the administration and offered specific suggestions, according to several sources who described the communication to The Denver Post.

Romanoff turned down the overture, which included mention of a job at USAID, the foreign aid agency, sources said.

Read more: Denver Post Goes Silent on Senate Candidate Job Offer Scandal

Hopey-changey strikes again! :rolleyes:
I see our Statist Brothers and sisters are hugely ignoring this thread. No surprise here.

Now I have a question? Since we know there have been deals cut by Obama and/or his STAFF...(I don't buy into the 'Bill Clinton did it' shit one iota...especially since he had NOT the authority for it)...

But during the Healthcare debate, and Obama was up on the Hill in several 'closed door meetings'? What did he offer and to WHOM for their vote for the piece of shit Law they passed?

This isn't over by a long shot. :eusa_think:
Interesting, isn't this a felony?

It all depends what they can prove. It took them days to come up with a pitiful scenario and it isn't going away soon. I'm sure Sestak was offered a deal to take a pitiful non-paying position if he would drop his bid for the Senate seat. :cuckoo: ...What I do wonder about it WHY the O. political regime, wanted him to.... Any ideas??
Interesting, isn't this a felony?

It all depends what they can prove. It took them days to come up with a pitiful scenario and it isn't going away soon. I'm sure Sestak was offered a deal to take a pitiful non-paying position if he would drop his bid for the Senate seat. :cuckoo: ...What I do wonder about it WHY the O. political regime, wanted him to.... Any ideas??

I can only think that they figured that Spector could win in November because of name recognition. With a new guy up there a republican could win.
hope you're including what bush did on behalf of arlen spector.

and what reagan did on behalf of the congress member from hawaii.

loons. now you know why no one takes you seriously.
Interesting, isn't this a felony?

It all depends what they can prove. It took them days to come up with a pitiful scenario and it isn't going away soon. I'm sure Sestak was offered a deal to take a pitiful non-paying position if he would drop his bid for the Senate seat. :cuckoo: ...What I do wonder about it WHY the O. political regime, wanted him to.... Any ideas??

Obama most likely promised Specter an easy win for the Penn. democrat senate race. He needed Specter's votes and Sestak was supposed to roll over.
Interesting, isn't this a felony?

It all depends what they can prove. It took them days to come up with a pitiful scenario and it isn't going away soon. I'm sure Sestak was offered a deal to take a pitiful non-paying position if he would drop his bid for the Senate seat. :cuckoo: ...What I do wonder about it WHY the O. political regime, wanted him to.... Any ideas??

Both Sestak and Romanoff are much farther to the left than the democrat candidates they beat--making a very easy win for the Republican in Pennsyvania and Colorado.

If they didn't exist or win--the incumbants would still lose--but have a much better chance of not getting massacred in the voting booth---:lol::lol:
As we have seen since Tricky Dickie walked through the West Wing...

It's not the crime, it's the coverup that gets you hung. The man who first got elected to congress by invalidating the incumbent who previously held the seat's election petition forms using dirty tricks to get legislation passed? Why am I not surprised.

Oh and for the Bush and Reagan did it too argument? If they had actually done it, why didn't you prosecute? Libs controlled congress under Reagan AND the last 2 years of Bush 43. You're now saying that we have to tolerate this level of corruption?

Next time, you have someone dead to rights on corruption, pull the trigger and we'll do the same. Serve the nation best.

There would need to be a crime to prosecute...

That does not stop the delusional left from making the following claims...

Bush stole 2 elections.

Bush lied about Iraq.

Cheney and Bush were really working for the oil companies.

Among others.

You're forgetting the biggy: "Outing Valerie Plame" as an agent. Despite months of investigation at a cost of millions this incident failed to get any convictions at all. It was a non event because it was a non crime. But if there had been any possibility of getting an impeachment the Dems would have gone for it. The fact they didnt tells you it was nothing.
We'll see where this one goes. Hopefully it will consume all the resources of the administration and they leave the rest of us alone.

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