
Starbucks should be more Progressive by charging only rich folks to use their bathrooms.

It's the Progressive way.
Starbucks should be more Progressive by charging only rich folks to use their bathrooms.

It's the Progressive way.

Let's get realistic here.

This Starbucks probably locked it's bathrooms because it's in an urban area where they have a lot of homeless. The vast majority of them don't.

These two guys were also being kind of rude by not buying something.
The barista clearly overreacted by calling the cops on these two guys.
The cops overreacted by arresting them.

This isn't complicated.
Gosh. At a time of such strife, such anger, such division, I want to thank Starbucks™ for this delightful moment of fun and comedy.


Did you read the comments in the link? Some good stuff there.
Not only has this been great fun, but it's been a great social experiment, too.

This is what happens when you drop your standards in the interest of being "fair".

Will the Regressives learn anything from this? No, of course not. Not a chance.

The thing is, would they have arrested two white guys for doing essentially the same thing?

And the answer is, definitely not. Trust me, I'm in Starbucks a lot. See lots of people come in, sit at tables, use the unlocked bathrooms, never buy anything. Most of them are white. It's just not that big of a deal.

the overreaction of this (now ex-)employee and the Philly PD is why we are talking about this, not Stormy Mac's boogeyman of "Political Correctness".

Starbucks has always billed itself as this 'Thirdspace"- not home and not work - and arresting these two guys kind of spoiled that image.
Starbucks should be more Progressive by charging only rich folks to use their bathrooms.

It's the Progressive way.

Let's get realistic here.

This Starbucks probably locked it's bathrooms because it's in an urban area where they have a lot of homeless. The vast majority of them don't.

These two guys were also being kind of rude by not buying something.
The barista clearly overreacted by calling the cops on these two guys.
The cops overreacted by arresting them.

This isn't complicated.

Starbucks made it complicated trying to be PC.

Dumbass leftists lol
If someone wants to use the bathroom they should be able to do so.
Even people who are not customers and are clearly transients ?
Yes. They may not be customers then, but allowing them to use the restroom may be what makes all the difference. That person using the restroom will remember the hard time that they were not given over using it and then maybe buy something later on. Respectful moments are remembered just as much as those that are negative if not more.

God bless you always!!!


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