Star that the sugar high has worn off...why it was just bad....


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
The look was really stunning......the X-wings coming across the lake, the other images...great...the movie...really sort of sucked...but because Lucas shafted the fans so bad on the other three, people like this one because the pain stopped.....

11 Serious Problems With The New Star Wars Movie

1. There was a lot of chatter about how the new heroes would succeed the original stars of the first trilogy. Well, it turns out Abrams made it really simple for us, because Rey is all threemajor characters from the first trilogy. She’s the idealistic dreamer with hidden Force potential. She’s the streetwise pilot who has a lot of skills and knows how to get out of a jam. And she’s the damsel who’s a lot tougher than she looks at first. I think the filmmakers wanted to make sure they had a “strong female character” in the lead, which is fine, but what we got was a total Mary Sue.

This is annoying because it removes a lot of tension and interest from the movie. Rey almost never needs help to do anything. She’s a self-sufficient scavenger (no uncle or aunt here!), she defeats the aliens targeting the droid by herself, she does all the work escaping in the Falcon, fixes the Millennium Falcon for Solo, saves Finn from the monster thing, escapes from prison on her own, and beats Kylo Ren in a fight by herself with no training whatsoever. She’s basically a force of nature who just kicks ass the whole movie, and has no real flaws. She even appears to just naturally know Force powers like the Jedi mind trick, even though as far as I could tell nobody taught her anything.


5. Kylo Ren was a piss-weak whiny loser. I guess they’re setting him up as a confused, vulnerable young guy who can be redeemed, possibly even by the end of the next movie, but I’m not even sure we want him to be redeemed. What would he add by being on the good side? He’s more or less a whiny angst-ridden goof, and the fact he’s basically a Vader cosplayer only makes it worse.

Obviously, we don’t want a pure Vader clone, but because Ren is so weak it really weakens the tension of the film. He’s a borderline incompetent villain who is always screwing up and actually gets his ass kicked by some 15-year-old girl at the end. I guess all his screw-ups sort of set him up to murder Han as a means of proving himself, but it also doesn’t seem to change him much– he’s still a weakling after killing Han.

Also, what’s the deal with Kylo’s Darth Vader obsession? He knows he went back to the Light Side in the end, right? Wouldn’t Vader’s ultimate “failure” really demean him in Kylo’s eyes? Instead, we’re told he worries he’s not as strong as Vader was.

Read more: 11 Serious Problems With The New Star Wars Movie

Read more: 11 Serious Problems With The New Star Wars Movie
You guys are not true Star Wars fans. Sense I could the suck in this force.
Anti-science trash is what it is. A 90 pound woman isn't going to do the shit you see in this movie.

At least not very fucking often.

It's a movie about a mystical "force" that gives people special powers, and the 90 pound woman is what threw you off? :dunno:
Am I entitled to see Star Wars? Otherwise, I am waiting until it comes out on Netflix.
Star Wars is not really the kind of thing that appeals to perpetually butthurt rubes. I could have predicted 2aguy and others like him would hate it.
Did I enjoy it? Yes. Did it kill episode 1-2-3 ? Absolutely. But was it over-rated? Massively.

It lacked any originality whatsoever. Things did come to easy to the heros. It was very anti-climatic, including the very predictable Solo death. And Carrie Fisher forgot that she was supposed to act. Acting includes showing emotion.

It didn't deserve the hype, but I did still enjoy it and look forward to the next one.
Star Wars is not really the kind of thing that appeals to perpetually butthurt rubes. I could have predicted 2aguy and others like him would hate it.

Wrong…the first movie was great…..the others got worse and worse. This one is simply a remake of the first movie.
Star Wars is not really the kind of thing that appeals to perpetually butthurt rubes. I could have predicted 2aguy and others like him would hate it.

Wrong…the first movie was great…..the others got worse and worse. This one is simply a remake of the first movie.
Thanks for your minority opinion. I think there are some kids at the playground, go yell at them to stop having fun.
I just returned from seeing it and I must say, I'm disappointed. In addition to the problems mentioned in the link, many of which I didn't notice in the movie, I agree that it was not very original.

Every scene in this movie was a repeat of a scene from one of the others. Mostly IV.

I liked the action, I liked the CGI, but it did not live up to the hype.
Anti-science trash is what it is. A 90 pound woman isn't going to do the shit you see in this movie.

At least not very fucking often.

Well, that's a load of crap. She doesn't do anything more or less what Luke did in IV, on top of that, she has a history that hints at her definitely having special abilities.

This is a fine movie. It really moved a nice clip the way the old ones did. This was better than anything in the prequels, which just kind of lumbered along. The story is mostly retread as it comes full circle to a new generation, but who goes to Star Wars for plot points? I'm hoping for an adventure movie to really move, and this one moves. I still like Mad Max better this year in terms of action movies, but TFA is a fun movie.
After watching this movie I immediately texted home to say the movie sucked and why didn't you tell me about it. Bigger Death Star with small hole to disable. Ugly ass big nose young earth Vader who like most millenials is a wuss. Girl is astonishing and carries whole movie. Black kid has no purpose and his,character is never developed, we don't know why he is here or where he came from or what his mission is. He brings nothing to the table. This recycled mush, how sick is Hans and princess saying we had some good times together, make me puke. Chewy was good, good ballast. I can't start a car that has been sitting for two years cold turkey but you can start a spaceship! Man please. Parade out r2d2 and other relics for old times sake, the lameness continues.

So we have no plot, no new tech marvels, no new spaceships, very few new characters, and hype out the ass. Disney has conned all of us for a huge payday. The largest grossing movie in history is nothing more than recycled space junk and we have been had. I love the franchise but this movie was not worthy.

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