Star of Disney's "Mulan" supports the brutal Hong Kong Police as they oppress citizens...


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
Wow....siding with repressive communist china....did she do this on her own, or is she under orders from someone in China...?

Nolte: Disney Faces Boycott after 'Mulan' Star Sides with Hong Kong Police

Using Weibo, which is basically China’s version of Twitter, to her 65 million followers on Wednesday, the actress shared an image from China’s Communist Party newspaper, the People’s Daily, that read, “I support the Hong Kong police; you can beat me up now.”

She added the hashtag “#IAlsoSupportTheHongKongPolice” with a heart emoji and the sentiment, “What a shame for Hong Kong.”

And now the boycott hashtag — as of this writing — is the top trender on Twitter and almost all of the comments reacting to it are critical.
Walt Disney has cursed them from the grave over what they've done to his company.
Wow....siding with repressive communist china....did she do this on her own, or is she under orders from someone in China...?

Nolte: Disney Faces Boycott after 'Mulan' Star Sides with Hong Kong Police

Using Weibo, which is basically China’s version of Twitter, to her 65 million followers on Wednesday, the actress shared an image from China’s Communist Party newspaper, the People’s Daily, that read, “I support the Hong Kong police; you can beat me up now.”

She added the hashtag “#IAlsoSupportTheHongKongPolice” with a heart emoji and the sentiment, “What a shame for Hong Kong.”

And now the boycott hashtag — as of this writing — is the top trender on Twitter and almost all of the comments reacting to it are critical.
Why do you hate police #BlueLivesMatter
Wow....siding with repressive communist china....did she do this on her own, or is she under orders from someone in China...?

Nolte: Disney Faces Boycott after 'Mulan' Star Sides with Hong Kong Police

Using Weibo, which is basically China’s version of Twitter, to her 65 million followers on Wednesday, the actress shared an image from China’s Communist Party newspaper, the People’s Daily, that read, “I support the Hong Kong police; you can beat me up now.”

She added the hashtag “#IAlsoSupportTheHongKongPolice” with a heart emoji and the sentiment, “What a shame for Hong Kong.”

And now the boycott hashtag — as of this writing — is the top trender on Twitter and almost all of the comments reacting to it are critical.
Why do you hate police #BlueLivesMatter

Chinese police are government thugs, not agents of law and order.
Wow....siding with repressive communist china....did she do this on her own, or is she under orders from someone in China...?

Nolte: Disney Faces Boycott after 'Mulan' Star Sides with Hong Kong Police

Using Weibo, which is basically China’s version of Twitter, to her 65 million followers on Wednesday, the actress shared an image from China’s Communist Party newspaper, the People’s Daily, that read, “I support the Hong Kong police; you can beat me up now.”

She added the hashtag “#IAlsoSupportTheHongKongPolice” with a heart emoji and the sentiment, “What a shame for Hong Kong.”

And now the boycott hashtag — as of this writing — is the top trender on Twitter and almost all of the comments reacting to it are critical.
Why do you hate police #BlueLivesMatter

You're not terribly bright, are you...
Walt Disney has cursed them from the grave over what they've done to his company.
He was a Nazi sympathizer so you could be right

Prior to World War II, he went on a goodwill tour of South America at the request of the U.S. Government, which was concerned about blunting growing Nazi sympathies in the region. During the war, he approved several short films criticizing or lampooning the Nazis, such as "Education for Death", "Reason vs. Emotion", and "Der Fuhrer's Face", as well as the feature-length film "Victory through Air Power", which advocated the use of strategic bombing to help defeat the Axis powers. His studio made dozens of films for the military essentially at cost, to better train soldiers and sailors to fight the Nazis.

If Walt had sympathies toward Nazis and Nazi Germany, he had a funny way of showing it you fucking moron.
I remember when anything Disney was involved with was wholesome, moral and righteous. Now the brand of Disney is at about street level. Lying, stealing and cheating are more the norm. It's obvious that this dweeb, Mulan, is half a socialist to be rooting for the cops against the great protestors for Democracy. WTF ever happened to Disney. The USA is totally with the Hong Kong protestors.

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