Standing Strong! Refuses To Endorse Statement At G7 That Migrants Are Beneficial To Western Nations


Gold Member
Jul 11, 2013
To the ladies and gentlemen of the United States that our founders specifically created this country for via the Naturalization Act of 1790, I bring good news. We are witnessing a bold strong leader on the world stage standing up to corrupt leaders of European countries on the brink of destroying themselves with migration of Muslims from the third world, all due to political correctness and a globalist agenda. Our president is taking a Nationalist approach at this summit putting America and its people first. He is doing this because it's true, Muslims are not beneficial to Western Nations. They refuse to assimilate due to their Islamic faith that labels Christians as infidels that should be killed if we don't adhere to its demands and way of life. With that said, this is true leadership. As an American patriot, I'm proud of him.

Stormy climate at G7 as Trump goes his own way

President Trump Stands Up to G7 Leaders, Refuses to Ratify Climate Agreement
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To the ladies and gentlemen of the United States that our founders specifically created this country for via the Naturalization Act of 1790, I bring good news. We are witnessing a bold strong leader on the world stage standing up to corrupt leaders of European countries on the brink of destroying themselves with migration of Muslims from the third world, all due to political correctness and a globalist agenda. Our president is taking a Nationalist approach at this summit putting America and its people first. He is doing this because it's true, Muslims are not beneficial to Western Nations. They refuse to assimilate due to their Islamic faith that labels Christians as infidels and killed. With that said, this is true leadership. As an American patriot, I'm proud of him.

Stormy climate at G7 as Trump goes his own way

President Trump Stands Up to G7 Leaders, Refuses to Ratify Climate Agreement

Good! Globalism and "global warming" crap is not for the good of any country!
Of course he refused to endorse the truth. He NEVER tells the truth. That's why you like him. He's just like you.

And BREITBART again?
You really have no shame.
To the ladies and gentlemen of the United States that our founders specifically created this country for via the Naturalization Act of 1790, I bring good news. We are witnessing a bold strong leader on the world stage standing up to corrupt leaders of European countries on the brink of destroying themselves with migration of Muslims from the third world, all due to political correctness and a globalist agenda. Our president is taking a Nationalist approach at this summit putting America and its people first. He is doing this because it's true, Muslims are not beneficial to Western Nations. They refuse to assimilate due to their Islamic faith that labels Christians as infidels and killed. With that said, this is true leadership. As an American patriot, I'm proud of him.

Stormy climate at G7 as Trump goes his own way

President Trump Stands Up to G7 Leaders, Refuses to Ratify Climate Agreement

Good! Globalism and "global warming" crap is not for the good of any country!
You're right. Global warming isn't good for any country. That's why the world is trying to combat it while the backward Tramp administration remains in the dark ages to benefit Big Oil.
Morons think there's a planet B.

Planet A is doing just fine. They really should dredge plastic out of the ocean whirlpools, though. That's pretty bad.

Oh yeah and morons in California ought to make fire cuts in their forests, derp!

Zomy! You can't cut the trees! They cry when you do!

Then they all burn down and are dead because they wouldn't cut a few.
Maybe Trump's right. His grandfather was a migrant, and if he'd just stayed in his own country we wouldn't be stuck with his filth descendant in the White House.

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