Sponsors Wanted For Baby-Border-Jumpers


Sep 23, 2010
This could work out if Republicans have any balls at all:


The goal is to assign a sponsor to each kid rather than let them dive into the public trough. It goes without saying that sponsors must have respectable incomes. The middle class, and the middle-class, plus the very well-off can provide more than enough candidates.

The first thing to do is gather up the names of everybody who is responsible for open-borders. Every member of the Chamber of Commerce and lobbyists top the list. Next come members of Congress and everybody in the current Administration.

Of course, on-camera media people make the list. Brit Hume tops that list. Let me say that I used to think Hume was okay, but he’s lost a lot of points lately. His take on the kids in this video is more than enough to send him down to the minors —— no pun intended:

How dumb do you have to be to believe that those kids just packed up and walked across Mexico?

Ex-border agents: Immigrant flood 'orchestrated'
'We are not gullible enough to believe thousands came without aid and assistance'
by Bob Unruh

Ex-border agents: Immigrant flood ?orchestrated?

Incidentally, the drugs and violence motive Hume cited has been debunked as the primary cause.

Parenthetically, if drugs and violence is reason for a mass migration, black kids in some of our inner-cities would have been outta here a long time ago. In fact, the government obviously cannot stop the drugs and violence; so it would be an act of compassionate to ship American kids to a country where there are no drug and violence problems.

All of the people I’ve identified so far cannot cover the number of kids in the sponsor program. The largest number of sponsors will come from the touchy-feely legions who love everything Democrats do.

Here’s what I’m suggesting:

1. Sponsors will only be chosen from the touchy-feely crowd with a proven record of advocating coerced charity.

2. Give kids to everybody on the list according to income just like the graduated tax on income. Middle class incomes get one kid; $150,000 up to a million get two kids. Millionaires get six. Billionaires get a dozen.

3. Make it mandatory that sponsors house, feed, cloth, educate, etc. out of their own pockets —— no tax deductions for their compassion.

4. If a sponsor fails to comply without disavowing a love of coerced charity confiscate everything they own to pay for the kids.

My sponsor program can work because the largest obstacle to success has been overcome; i.e., liberals cannot object to government force since force is the foundation of their compassion so long as somebody else is paying for it. This time around make them pay for it.

Serendipitously, sponsors will help educate kids in poor countries. Just ship them back to where they came from after their sponsors pay to raise and educate them here. If Brit Hume is right about them being assets their home countries need them more than does America.

Here’s the beautiful part. Even if the number of baby-border-jumpers goes to a million in the next few years, there are more than enough touchy-feely douche bags in this country to pick up the tab.
Does anyone still doubt that Sarah would have been a better vice president than Joe Biden who is up to eyeballs in every one of the Administration’s disasters? On immigration alone Sarah beats Biden every way from Sunday.

“It’s for the children!”

“This is a humanitarian crisis!”

Finally, they have won me over. I actually agree with the liberals’ war whoop. I, too, demand that this issue of young illegal aliens flooding across our border into horrendous conditions be taken care of. Now! Uncompassionate people, wake up! Though it’s claimed by Democrats ad nauseam to justify more spending to pile on our $17 trillion debt, and it’s applied to every single “crisis” their policies conjure up, and no matter the cause you’re labeled a racist if you disagree with their policies, well, this time it really IS for the children.


P.S. I see that HHS is offering a $350 million grant to provide “family planning services” to the children here illegally. The primary expenditure we need to supply in this humanitarian crisis is jet fuel to fly these children back home to their parents.

Sarah Palin
Dear Humanitarians, Since it Takes a Village to Stop Amnesty Abuse of Children, Join Me


Forget infanticide à la Kermit Gosnell and Planned Parenthood. Those same Democrats, RINO, and media ghouls who are now crying crocodile tears for the children brought here for political purposes are the same butchers who stand still for THEIR United Nations sentencing a million-plus children to death every year.

The myth of DDT versus the reality of malaria in Africa
Phyllis Schlafly
June 20, 2005

The myth of DDT versus the reality of malaria in Africa - Phyllis Schlafly - Page full

Tying a million-plus deaths a year to a UN agency sent the charity hustlers diving for cover. Some time after Schlafly’s column debunked the DDT myth the press reported that the ban on DDT had been lifted. However, the fine print said that DDT could only be sprayed indoors. Outdoor mosquitoes obviously had a better lobby than did indoor mosquitoes.

UN hustlers had to make a choice. Discard one leg of the UN’s environmental garbage and allow outdoor spraying, or keep the ban against outdoor spaying in place. Children lost the tossup.

Jackpot question: Why are Americans funding a UN agency, the WHO, that is ultimately responsible for so much death?

Also, talking heads are claiming the children are fleeing from drugs, violence and sex trafficking. I covered the drug and violence claim in the OP; however, there is a good chance the kids are fleeing from United Nations sex trafficking:

An accompanying workshop book produced by the U.N. Children’s Fund (UNICEF) tells Latin American mothers and teens: “Situations in which you can obtain sexual pleasure: 1. Masturbation. 2. Sexual relations with a partner — whether heterosexual, homosexual, or bisexual. 3. A sexual response that is directed toward inanimate objects, animals, minors, non-consenting persons.”

Finally, my common sense tells me that in order to move thousands and thousands children across Mexico the coyotes had to be involved. Coyotes do what they do for money. The question is: Who is paying them?
Why don't we just all hold hands and sing Kumbaya also? Wake up jackass. We are under an invasion. Why don't you take a dozen or so into your home? You should post your address,I will let them know your open for business . :lol::lol::lol:
How long will it be before the sleazy preezy does start assigning caregivers to feed and house these "children" some of whom are not children at all but young adults and gang members themselves. You have a big house. You can take a few in. A spare guest room will do.
Why don't we just all hold hands and sing Kumbaya also? Wake up jackass. We are under an invasion. Why don't you take a dozen or so into your home? You should post your address,I will let them know your open for business . :lol::lol::lol:

To Nova78: Read my posts over and over again until you understand what my sponsor program advocates. In short: Stick it to the open-borders crowd since none of those kids is going to be sent back home anyway.

How long will it be before the sleazy preezy does start assigning caregivers to feed and house these "children" some of whom are not children at all but young adults and gang members themselves. You have a big house. You can take a few in. A spare guest room will do.

To Katzndogz: So long as the government does it to liberals only without paying them to take the kids.
Hand em all over to an international adoption agency.

To Manonthestreet: In the event nobody has noticed —— those kids can be adopted right from their homelands. Since the kids in question are illegal aliens the only way a legitimate international adoption agency will do it is with a government guarantee that those kids can be adopted by Americans. In addition, opening the door for illegal aliens to become citizens though adoption is exactly what Taqiyya the Liar is after.

Worse case possible: Giving the United Nations the authority to place those kids. You can guess which country they will land in. One way or another Americans will lose a large piece of their sovereignty along with paying through the nose.

Politics is the only reason they were turned into illegal aliens. Notice that the president of Honduras says exactly what the U.S. Chamber of Commerce wants to hear. There is not a chance in a million those kids will be sent back regardless of what that dirt bag said.

The unprecedented rise in Honduran children fleeing to the U.S. is due to misinformation about American immigration laws and drug violence, the president of Honduras told Fusion on Friday.

“They might think they can gain legal status through this,” said President Juan Orlando Hernandez. “But on the other hand, this is a kind of displacement, because of the cartel wars and the Maras [gangs] in Central America.”


Still, the administration has stressed that children who enter the country illegally will be subject to immigration law and, potentially, deportation.

And here’s a thought for President Hernandez if he wants to unite families. Send the parents and the kids back to Honduras:

“They are kids in search of their parents and they have the complete right to be with their parents.”

Honduran President: Kids Come to the U.S. Because of ‘Misinformation’
by Ted Hesson
Posted 06/13/2014, 05:14PM
Updated 06/13/2014, 05:19PM

Honduran President: Kids Come to the U.S. Because of ?Misinformation? -- Fusion.
We have our own homeless children problem.

America's Homeless Children - Unseen, but Counted
So, who are these children and what specific challenges are they facing?
Many of these children are very young and are accompanied by adults. Others are under-aged teenagers facing the perils of the street on their own as they struggle to finish high school. Children who experience homelessness oftentimes grow up in quite traumatic conditions and, as a result, may be more likely to suffer from chronic health problems. They are also more likely to be delayed in their emotional development.
America's Homeless Children - Unseen, but Counted | Jean-Michel Giraud
Illegal immigration separate families and deportation unite families. Find the parents of these children and send them all home.
How dumb do you have to be to believe that those kids just packed up and walked across Mexico?

I can only see one thing wrong with Byron York’s article.

On immigrant surge, White House story falls apart
By Byron York | June 16, 2014

On immigrant surge, White House story falls apart | WashingtonExaminer.com

The title should be: On immigrant surge, media story falls apart.

Talking heads sold the White House’s lies, while most of us knew the whole thing was a political crock of crap.
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This could work out if Republicans have any balls at all:


The goal is to assign a sponsor to each kid rather than let them dive into the public trough. It goes without saying that sponsors must have respectable incomes. The middle class, and the middle-class, plus the very well-off can provide more than enough candidates.

The first thing to do is gather up the names of everybody who is responsible for open-borders. Every member of the Chamber of Commerce and lobbyists top the list. Next come members of Congress and everybody in the current Administration.

Of course, on-camera media people make the list. Brit Hume tops that list. Let me say that I used to think Hume was okay, but he’s lost a lot of points lately. His take on the kids in this video is more than enough to send him down to the minors —— no pun intended:

How dumb do you have to be to believe that those kids just packed up and walked across Mexico?

Ex-border agents: Immigrant flood 'orchestrated'
'We are not gullible enough to believe thousands came without aid and assistance'
by Bob Unruh

Ex-border agents: Immigrant flood ?orchestrated?

Incidentally, the drugs and violence motive Hume cited has been debunked as the primary cause.

Parenthetically, if drugs and violence is reason for a mass migration, black kids in some of our inner-cities would have been outta here a long time ago. In fact, the government obviously cannot stop the drugs and violence; so it would be an act of compassionate to ship American kids to a country where there are no drug and violence problems.

All of the people I’ve identified so far cannot cover the number of kids in the sponsor program. The largest number of sponsors will come from the touchy-feely legions who love everything Democrats do.

Here’s what I’m suggesting:

1. Sponsors will only be chosen from the touchy-feely crowd with a proven record of advocating coerced charity.

2. Give kids to everybody on the list according to income just like the graduated tax on income. Middle class incomes get one kid; $150,000 up to a million get two kids. Millionaires get six. Billionaires get a dozen.

3. Make it mandatory that sponsors house, feed, cloth, educate, etc. out of their own pockets —— no tax deductions for their compassion.

4. If a sponsor fails to comply without disavowing a love of coerced charity confiscate everything they own to pay for the kids.

My sponsor program can work because the largest obstacle to success has been overcome; i.e., liberals cannot object to government force since force is the foundation of their compassion so long as somebody else is paying for it. This time around make them pay for it.

Serendipitously, sponsors will help educate kids in poor countries. Just ship them back to where they came from after their sponsors pay to raise and educate them here. If Brit Hume is right about them being assets their home countries need them more than does America.

Here’s the beautiful part. Even if the number of baby-border-jumpers goes to a million in the next few years, there are more than enough touchy-feely douche bags in this country to pick up the tab.

Evidently you don't know what a sponsor is. Foreign students need sponsors. And were in America are you going to find a middle class that would want to take on this kind of responsibility. Middle class don't exist anymore. And tax payers pay for foster kids. We simple cannot afford this kind of tragedy. And we have our own drug, gang and violence problem.
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Parenthetically, if drugs and violence is reason for a mass migration, black kids in some of our inner-cities would have been outta here a long time ago. In fact, the government obviously cannot stop the drugs and violence; so it would be an act of compassionate to ship American kids to a country where there are no drug and violence problems.

I was right on the money:

As the White House plans to spend billions of taxpayer funds to take care of illegal immigrant children who are unlawfully entering the country, some black Americans who live in some of the most dangerous neighborhoods are wondering where they and their children can get refugee status and aid.

On Friday's Laura Ingraham Show, Elaine, a black woman from Baltimore, expressed her outrage that President Barack Obama is putting the interests of illegal immigrant children above those of American citizens. Though the number of illegal immigrant children unlawfully entering the country has spiked since Obama unilaterally enacted his temporary amnesty program in 2012, the White House has said the primary cause of the border crisis is the rampant gang violence in Central America.

"I'm living a nightmare. My whole neighborhood is so violent. There's so much crime," she said. "I have gangs everywhere here in Baltimore! I can't let my daughter ride her bicycle outside – I can't do anything, Laura! I'm trapped here."

Black American from Gang-Besieged Baltimore: 'Where Can I Get Asylum?'
by Tony Lee 11 Jul 2014

Black American from Gang-Besieged Baltimore: 'Where Can I Get Asylum?'
We have our own homeless children problem.

America's Homeless Children - Unseen, but Counted
So, who are these children and what specific challenges are they facing?
Many of these children are very young and are accompanied by adults. Others are under-aged teenagers facing the perils of the street on their own as they struggle to finish high school. Children who experience homelessness oftentimes grow up in quite traumatic conditions and, as a result, may be more likely to suffer from chronic health problems. They are also more likely to be delayed in their emotional development.
America's Homeless Children - Unseen, but Counted | Jean-Michel Giraud
Yes, we do indeed have our own homeless children. But it's far more important to care for the illegals since they represent future democrat voters. No way is Obama going to send them back, and lose all those votes.
These aren't children. They are adults. Are you going to take in a 40 year old child showing the beginnings of gray hair on the illegal's word he is 17?

Adult Illegal Immigrants Posing as Children To Enroll in High School | National Review Online

“Some of them have had gray hair and they’re telling you that they’re 17 years old and they have no documentation,” Jamie Cerulli, the Lynn mayor’s chief of staff, tells NRO. “If my children went to the public schools, I’d be very uncomfortable with all of these unaccompanied minors [that] are placed in the ninth grade

Do you want this guy in the same house with your 17 year old daughter on his word that he's 17.

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