Split from Trump likely shows that Mike Flynn is cooperating with Mueller


Diamond Member
Jun 15, 2016
Central Oregon Coast
Bob is rollin' 'em up like the Trump cabal was the Gambino Family - Tick Tock! :wink:

WASHINGTON — Lawyers for Michael T. Flynn, President Trump’s former national security adviser, notified the president’s legal team in recent days that they could no longer discuss the special counsel’s investigation, according to four people involved in the case — an indication that Mr. Flynn is cooperating with prosecutors or negotiating a deal.

Mr. Flynn’s lawyers had been sharing information with Mr. Trump’s lawyers about the investigation by the special counsel, Robert S. Mueller III, who is examining whether anyone around Mr. Trump was involved in Russian efforts to undermine Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign.

That agreement has been terminated, the four people said. Defense lawyers frequently share information during investigations, but they must stop when doing so would pose a conflict of interest. It is unethical for lawyers to work together when one client is cooperating with prosecutors and another is still under investigation.​


A Split From Trump Indicates That Flynn Is Moving to Cooperate With Mueller
This "split" can be the result of a dozen possible factors. Their interests are not the same, hence it is no surprise.

The Leftist Media tries to play up this non-development as "bad news for Trump" as it does virtually every event in Washington.

And yet...here we are, more than a year after the spurious "collusion" charges were made, and NOT A DROP OF EVIDENCE HAS BEEN PRODUCED OR EVEN HINTED OF ANY CONSPIRACY.

Just as important, it remains unclear what criminal laws WOULD HAVE BEEN broken had representatives of the campaign communicated with "the Russians" about Hillary's emails, the DNC email revelations, etc. Because there is nothing illegal in this sort of activities; it's just a matter of people who want the same thing keeping in touch.

This may be the biggest non-story of the last decade. It comes up every fukkin' day in the "news," doesn't it? And yet, there is nothing there.
This "split" can be the result of a dozen possible factors. Their interests are not the same, hence it is no surprise.

The Leftist Media tries to play up this non-development as "bad news for Trump" as it does virtually every event in Washington.

And yet...here we are, more than a year after the spurious "collusion" charges were made, and NOT A DROP OF EVIDENCE HAS BEEN PRODUCED OR EVEN HINTED OF ANY CONSPIRACY.

Just as important, it remains unclear what criminal laws WOULD HAVE BEEN broken had representatives of the campaign communicated with "the Russians" about Hillary's emails, the DNC email revelations, etc. Because there is nothing illegal in this sort of activities; it's just a matter of people who want the same thing keeping in touch.

This may be the biggest non-story of the last decade. It comes up every fukkin' day in the "news," doesn't it? And yet, there is nothing there.

I'll wait to see what Bob says .. in the meantime, you may reassume the position. :D


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