Spitting on Dr Kings legacy

he is all up in the republican party of Texas and he thinks Dr King doesnt deserve to be honored as a major player in the civil rights fight in this country.

He thinks all the credit goes to white men.
Your party picked him to head a top spot.

Be honest for half a second
I have read the first two pages of this thread.

Does anyone have an actual quote of what David Barton said or is this only coming off the fingertips of some blog writer with a grudge?

I have read the first two pages of this thread.

Does anyone have an actual quote of what David Barton said or is this only coming off the fingertips of some blog writer with a grudge?


Hit pieces don't work like that. You don't provide any source documentation. You provide as few facts as possible, and you insinuate as much as possible.

Nothing in the article mentions how many people are attending the event, what a person had to do in order to be considered a co-host, or even what the actual purpose of the event is. It insinuates fund raising but if you're a partisan fuck that means the guy is going to be working intimately with Perry to develop his campaign strategy and policy goals.
Ok... so... Obama SHOULD NOT be held responsible for anything Jeremia Wright said (as he watched from the pews for 20 years)...

but Perry SHOULD be held responsible for something that David Barton said (as part of a group Perry is not affiliated with), because they went to the same retreat.

Got it.

Bill Ayers much? :cool:

Did you even read the article?

1) Perry isn't spitting on dr king
2) People who think that it was all the people and not just martin luther king who were responsible for the civil rights movement are not racists.
3) No where in your link, or the links within the links, are david barton's actual words to back up the frivolous claims you and this article you linked are making.

Oh and tell george sorros and your media matters bosses that if they want they can pay me to stop destroying every single unsubstantiated post and claim you make ;)
I have read the first two pages of this thread.

Does anyone have an actual quote of what David Barton said or is this only coming off the fingertips of some blog writer with a grudge?


I think it is the latter.

I haven't been able to find the original quote.
I have read the first two pages of this thread.

Does anyone have an actual quote of what David Barton said or is this only coming off the fingertips of some blog writer with a grudge?


Hit pieces don't work like that. You don't provide any source documentation. You provide as few facts as possible, and you insinuate as much as possible.

Nothing in the article mentions how many people are attending the event, what a person had to do in order to be considered a co-host, or even what the actual purpose of the event is. It insinuates fund raising but if you're a partisan fuck that means the guy is going to be working intimately with Perry to develop his campaign strategy and policy goals.

What proof do you have that the blog writer has a grudge? And no, gut feelings dont count
Barton and Peter Marshall initially tried to purge the standards of key figures of the civil rights era, such as César Chávez and Thurgood Marshall, though they were forced to back down amid a deafening public uproar. They have since resorted to a more subtle tack; while they concede that people like Martin Luther King Jr. deserve a place in history, they argue that they shouldn't be given credit for advancing the rights of minorities. As Barton put it, "Only majorities can expand political rights in America's constitutional society." Ergo, any rights people of color have were handed to them by whites--in his view, mostly white Republican men.

from the article

That's nice. You're proving the same point everyone agrees with over and over again. Barton is a jackass. Now, can you pull something from the article that actually supports your belief that Rick Perry is responsible for that guy being a jackass, intimately knows the guy, or even gives two fucks what the guy has to say?

Nope...I don't know that

What I do know is that Rick Perry holds some extreme fundamentalist christian views and is surrounding himself with advisors who hold the same views. Barton fits the bill of an extremist christian based advisor. These social conservatives will push anti gay, anti science ,anti evolution, anti immigrant and in Bartons case, racist views that will influence his platform

And that scares the shit out of me
Can anyone tell me how much MLK's offspring "charged" the government to use his likeness in the statue they were dedicating this weekend?

After that, tell me how much other prominent political figures offspring charge the government to use their fore-fathers images?

WASHINGTON -- The Rev. Martin Luther King Jr.'s family has charged the foundation building a monument to the civil-rights leader on the National Mall about $800,000 to use his words and image -- and at least one scholar thinks that Dr. King would find such an arrangement offensive.

The memorial is being paid for almost entirely through a fund-raising campaign led by the Martin Luther King Jr. National Memorial Project Foundation.

"I don't think the Jefferson family, the Lincoln family [or] any other group of family ancestors has been paid a licensing fee for a memorial in Washington," said Cambridge University historian David Garrow, author of a Pulitzer Prize-winning biography of Dr. King. ". . . [He would've been] absolutely scandalized."

Financial documents revealed that the foundation paid $761,160 in 2007 to Intellectual Properties Management Inc., an entity run by the King family. They also showed that a $71,700 "management" fee was paid to the family estate in 2003.
Something just feels... wrong... with this.

MLK's family are CAPITALISTS. That's gonna blow some minds. :lol:
I think I have figured conservatives out, they didn't have moms? If they had had a mom they would be considerate and they would consider the company they keep. But since conservatives didn't have moms we'll have to excuse their bad friends, racist sidekicks, ignorant nationalists, and just plain stupid and nutty comrades. See how easy it is to understand conservatives, whenever faced with something that makes no intelligent sense, you just need to look for the reason why, then you'll know why Rick Perry has so many idiots so close to him. He didn't have a mom. Poor guy.

"The organizers of Perry's rally were from ministries founded by two apostles/prophets of the movement — The Call, and the International House of Prayer founded by Mike Bickle. Bickle, who led part of Perry's event, has claimed that Oprah Winfrey is a precursor of the Antichrist, and Engle has claimed that gay people are controlled by "demonic spirits." Both have served on the Council of Prophetic Elders initiated by Wagner."

The New Apostolic Reformation: The Evangelicals Engaged In Spiritual Warfare : NPR
he is all up in the republican party of Texas and he thinks Dr King doesnt deserve to be honored as a major player in the civil rights fight in this country.

He thinks all the credit goes to white men.
he said king does not deserve all of the credit!! or do the other people that sacrificed even count??......typical libb liar!!
look at all the racists on the right.

But I htought you guys said you dont have racists?

Just so I know, do you ever respond directly to things people say or do you just have the most ironic username here? I won't hold my breath waiting for a reply.
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I have read the first two pages of this thread.

Does anyone have an actual quote of what David Barton said or is this only coming off the fingertips of some blog writer with a grudge?


Hit pieces don't work like that. You don't provide any source documentation. You provide as few facts as possible, and you insinuate as much as possible.

Nothing in the article mentions how many people are attending the event, what a person had to do in order to be considered a co-host, or even what the actual purpose of the event is. It insinuates fund raising but if you're a partisan fuck that means the guy is going to be working intimately with Perry to develop his campaign strategy and policy goals.

What proof do you have that the blog writer has a grudge? And no, gut feelings dont count

I didn't say he had a grudge, but since you quote me I'll respond. The OP provided abundant proof here.
That's nice. You're proving the same point everyone agrees with over and over again. Barton is a jackass. Now, can you pull something from the article that actually supports your belief that Rick Perry is responsible for that guy being a jackass, intimately knows the guy, or even gives two fucks what the guy has to say?

Nope...I don't know that

What I do know is that Rick Perry holds some extreme fundamentalist christian views and is surrounding himself with advisors who hold the same views. Barton fits the bill of an extremist christian based advisor. These social conservatives will push anti gay, anti science ,anti evolution, anti immigrant and in Bartons case, racist views that will influence his platform

And that scares the shit out of me

God bless you
I think I have figured conservatives out, they didn't have moms? If they had had a mom they would be considerate and they would consider the company they keep. But since conservatives didn't have moms we'll have to excuse their bad friends, racist sidekicks, ignorant nationalists, and just plain stupid and nutty comrades. See how easy it is to understand conservatives, whenever faced with something that makes no intelligent sense, you just need to look for the reason why, then you'll know why Rick Perry has so many idiots so close to him. He didn't have a mom. Poor guy.

"The organizers of Perry's rally were from ministries founded by two apostles/prophets of the movement — The Call, and the International House of Prayer founded by Mike Bickle. Bickle, who led part of Perry's event, has claimed that Oprah Winfrey is a precursor of the Antichrist, and Engle has claimed that gay people are controlled by "demonic spirits." Both have served on the Council of Prophetic Elders initiated by Wagner."

The New Apostolic Reformation: The Evangelicals Engaged In Spiritual Warfare : NPR
and most libbs did not grow up with a dad!! and Perry is going to show he is superior to Obama!!

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