Spill, baby spill....42,000 gallons a day

Gee Slacker, you really do know how to put one over, don't ya?

You sound like a whiny little bitch who never moved outta their parents house, because everyone knows it's easier to steal stories from people you've heard shit from, than to actually enlist and do the work.

It's reflected repeatedly in your posts. And yes, 10 years is the cutoff time for a nondisclosure statement.

Military people know that, civilian retards such as yourself don't. Why? Because most of you fuckers don't sign them with the military, you sign them with your company, and your company signs them with the military.

Next, you're gonna tell us that you're a Jack Bauer type super spy, and the reason you didn't post was because you were tracking down the Times Square bomber.

I believe you speak truth about as much as I believe the moon is made of green cheese.
Gee Slacker, you really do know how to put one over, don't ya?

You sound like a whiny little bitch who never moved outta their parents house, because everyone knows it's easier to steal stories from people you've heard shit from, than to actually enlist and do the work.

It's reflected repeatedly in your posts. And yes, 10 years is the cutoff time for a nondisclosure statement.

Military people know that, civilian retards such as yourself don't. Why? Because most of you fuckers don't sign them with the military, you sign them with your company, and your company signs them with the military.

Next, you're gonna tell us that you're a Jack Bauer type super spy, and the reason you didn't post was because you were tracking down the Times Square bomber.

I believe you speak truth about as much as I believe the moon is made of green cheese.

Okay douchebag, I had every intention of letting you go but I see you still feel the need to try and save face..... Okay punk lets finish this....

1. First you are utterly full of shit about disclosure..... Completely and totally FULL OF SHIT!!! Got that? know why? Well thats easy, you were given a military contract to sign at some point during processing stating (among various other things) you promise to not discuss things that may be of a sensitive nature regarding your time, service and blah blah blah in the military/DOD/DON whatever... GOt it? okay...

Now if you get a job where other forms of sensitive materials or data or whatever are in any way shape or form related to any task duty, etc, etc. you are ordered to do, You will be given a background check, and all that entails, and then you will be given a talking to, and then if you meet the criteria and pass your checks, then you will get another paper either a NDA through homeland sec. Or an new or rev. sf312 depending on the situation.. Follow me?

Now if you actually had done the job you claimed you did, you would know that.... You would also know what i meant when I mentioned it... I even said not your standard military disclosure agreement, but the one you had to have signed before doing your job you claimed you did... Yeah if you were smart you could have tried to use that and bullshit your way out, but you weren't very smart and showed how full of shit you really are...

2. Any time a nuke is even transported from a locker to another there is a tech on hand and big brass to sign it and confirm transport and receipt without anything out of the ordinary.... And loading onto an aircraft??? You tried to tell us it was just you and couple other guys, and sometimes there wasn't even an Ordinance man around because they couldn't always pass the clearance checks, it was you guys in the hanger, doors locked with Marines outside?Where are the two marines supposed to be inside those doors? Where is the tech? Where is the brass? Where is the loadout paperwork or handheld input? just you a guy who was what a nurse? and orderly? a deckhand or engineers mate? What?..... BULLSHIT!!!!

Now I can't help but wonder if you have done this before on here? Has your military service ever been an issue on this board before? has anyone else ever called you out on your bullshit in the past? because you went all defensive over it PDQ.

Now you ignorant little asshole, I do not give a rats ass what rowboat you were peeling potatoes on. But trying to bullshit some kind of idea you are better than anyone else is another matter.....

Barnacle bill, I served my country in the way I was the most useful just as I do today.... I am very sorry I couldn't take time out of my busy schedule to go and play sailor with you... if its any comfort to you, go to my profile page theres a pic of me there maybe you should see it before you make another ignorant assumption... I lettered in football, wrestling and baseball. I also coach these days. I am by no means the person you seem to have in your little pea brain.... I do a lot more than type at a desk... would you like a rundown of all my other activities now dickhead?

I can safely say I have walked over more manly men than you just to take a piss... So save your bullshit bullying tactics punk, I am not amused...

Just another internet fake trying to bullshit out some clout.... GO shit in your hat cooksmate bikerbitch.....:lol::lol:
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By the way Gee Slacker, why are you such a pussy?

HHAHAHAHHA! you mean why am I not a fake like you? I obviously have more knowledge on the bullshit your claiming than you do, why didn't I just lie about it and claim some story like you did? I could have done a much better job than your pathetic attempt... its called honesty, integrity, character, and a sense of honor that goes beyond self...... A career Navy man would now this, and a career navy man would know the difference between that and the way you just showed your ass....

keep on talking.... Show your ass some more punk.... 10 year disclosure... HAHHAHAHAHAHA! Idiot!
By the way Gee Slacker, why are you such a pussy?

OMFG!!!! Dude all of your homophobe insults and bullshit has just been made all too clear...

I just saw where you spend most of your spare time on here.... HHAHAHAHHAHHAAHAHA!

You and Huggy hang out in his closet homosexual thread. All of your big tough guy talk, all of your "I'm a more manly man than you cause I served", and all your bullshitting and in reality you sit around in Huggy's "special thread" all day talking about who you do and don't like....:lol::lol::lol::lol:


You two are like a sewing circle or more accurately like my Daughter and her friends in the backseat when I take them to cheerleading.... WTF????

Dude your sexual preference is your business, and I am not one to tell a person who to love or want to diddle. BUT...

Maybe coming into threads and starting out calling another guy a what was it again? Sperm something er other? Anyway maybe doing that after spending hours playing grab ass in Huggy's closet isn't such a good idea.....

i read some of the posts and it was disturbing to say the least.... You two talked about sending this and that person to what you called "the homo cage" ??? And you even asked about setting up a camera in it because gay porn was making a comeback????? And your pal Huggy always the optimist said sure why not...... WTF man????

No wonder you have to insult with all the penis and mouth or ass references... Dude come out of the closet already! Your closet has no door on it now, we can all see you..... its alright we don't care... Hell man, my neighbors are life partners so its all cool...

Guess this puts a whole new perspective on your navy career doesn't it.... yeah........ Don't worry man don't ask don't tell, its all good.....

just from now on.... Do me a favor and knock off the butch act... I am not into that sorta thing, and when I tell you what a dickhead you are, it isn't a sexual overture... you're just a dickhead....
Interesting...........a stupid person such as yourself just posted a response to your response to meNice to see that you think about me fuckwad.

Tell ya what asshole...........you wanna report me and prove what how much you're right, send me a PM, and I'll let you know exactly who I am.

Address and phone provided, unless you're scared.
Interesting...........a stupid person such as yourself just posted a response to your response to meNice to see that you think about me fuckwad.

Tell ya what asshole...........you wanna report me and prove what how much you're right, send me a PM, and I'll let you know exactly who I am.

Address and phone provided, unless you're scared.


You delusional, self absorbed, pretentious moron, who the fuck said anything like that? First you aren't worth the time, second you did not actually "out" anything. All you did was make a claim you did something. Your description of it, the fact you didn't know the NDA's required prior to PRP acceptance or the debriefing and follow up/departure NDA(s) upon leaving that job, and your behavior regarding the whole thing show you are bullshitting about this particular job...


You ignore me and I will ignore you and we will both be happier...
Interesting...........a stupid person such as yourself just posted a response to your response to meNice to see that you think about me fuckwad.

Tell ya what asshole...........you wanna report me and prove what how much you're right, send me a PM, and I'll let you know exactly who I am.

Address and phone provided, unless you're scared.


You delusional, self absorbed, pretentious moron, who the fuck said anything like that? First you aren't worth the time, second you did not actually "out" anything. All you did was make a claim you did something. Your description of it, the fact you didn't know the NDA's required prior to PRP acceptance or the debriefing and follow up/departure NDA(s) upon leaving that job, and your behavior regarding the whole thing show you are bullshitting about this particular job...


You ignore me and I will ignore you and we will both be happier...

Ignore you? Why?

You're way too much fun to fuck with you overblown ego driven pud pounder.

You ain't put out nothing yet other than your wonderful displays of stupidity.

Kinda nice to watch a retard drool and roll around on the floor. Actually funny in a pathetic sad way.

Sort of like watching Glen Beck.
Interesting...........a stupid person such as yourself just posted a response to your response to meNice to see that you think about me fuckwad.

Tell ya what asshole...........you wanna report me and prove what how much you're right, send me a PM, and I'll let you know exactly who I am.

Address and phone provided, unless you're scared.


You delusional, self absorbed, pretentious moron, who the fuck said anything like that? First you aren't worth the time, second you did not actually "out" anything. All you did was make a claim you did something. Your description of it, the fact you didn't know the NDA's required prior to PRP acceptance or the debriefing and follow up/departure NDA(s) upon leaving that job, and your behavior regarding the whole thing show you are bullshitting about this particular job...


You ignore me and I will ignore you and we will both be happier...

Ignore you? Why?

You're way too much fun to fuck with you overblown ego driven pud pounder.

You ain't put out nothing yet other than your wonderful displays of stupidity.

Kinda nice to watch a retard drool and roll around on the floor. Actually funny in a pathetic sad way.

Sort of like watching Glen Beck.

You watch Glenn Beck? Thats taking your brain in your own hands!

Isn't it clear what Beck can do to the normal thought proccess??
Well Huggy, watching Glen Beck is kinda like watching a horror flick about someone going insane and wanting to kill people.

On occasion, a good psycho thriller is fun to watch. Ever see "The Devil's Rejects"?

Glen Beck falls into that category. Besides.........being uninformed about what the lunatics in the asylum are thinking is more dangerous than watching them on occasion.
Interesting...........a stupid person such as yourself just posted a response to your response to meNice to see that you think about me fuckwad.

Tell ya what asshole...........you wanna report me and prove what how much you're right, send me a PM, and I'll let you know exactly who I am.

Address and phone provided, unless you're scared.


You delusional, self absorbed, pretentious moron, who the fuck said anything like that? First you aren't worth the time, second you did not actually "out" anything. All you did was make a claim you did something. Your description of it, the fact you didn't know the NDA's required prior to PRP acceptance or the debriefing and follow up/departure NDA(s) upon leaving that job, and your behavior regarding the whole thing show you are bullshitting about this particular job...


You ignore me and I will ignore you and we will both be happier...

Ignore you? Why?

You're way too much fun to fuck with you overblown ego driven pud pounder.

You ain't put out nothing yet other than your wonderful displays of stupidity.

Kinda nice to watch a retard drool and roll around on the floor. Actually funny in a pathetic sad way.

Sort of like watching Glen Beck.

No comment on why you didn't know what NDA's I was talking about bullshitter?

Yeah thought not... Again, thanks for clarifying how full of shit you are asshole... Next time spare us the bullshit....
Well Huggy, watching Glen Beck is kinda like watching a horror flick about someone going insane and wanting to kill people.

On occasion, a good psycho thriller is fun to watch. Ever see "The Devil's Rejects"?

Glen Beck falls into that category. Besides.........being uninformed about what the lunatics in the asylum are thinking is more dangerous than watching them on occasion.

Why don't you two go back to your little closet thread if you want kiss each other.....:lol::lol: Two macho men in their sewing circle.... How manly....:lol::lol:
Well Huggy, watching Glen Beck is kinda like watching a horror flick about someone going insane and wanting to kill people.

On occasion, a good psycho thriller is fun to watch. Ever see "The Devil's Rejects"?

Glen Beck falls into that category. Besides.........being uninformed about what the lunatics in the asylum are thinking is more dangerous than watching them on occasion.

Why don't you two go back to your little closet thread if you want kiss each other.....:lol::lol: Two macho men in their sewing circle.... How manly....:lol::lol:

Look you litttle faggot. My foot is getting sore from all the ass kickings you've recieved... not just mine but Gunny and Rob ....Every time I see your stupid "Slacker" name my foot wants to go and hide....:lol::lol: You don't know enough to ALLWAYS have the last word.....
Well Huggy, watching Glen Beck is kinda like watching a horror flick about someone going insane and wanting to kill people.

On occasion, a good psycho thriller is fun to watch. Ever see "The Devil's Rejects"?

Glen Beck falls into that category. Besides.........being uninformed about what the lunatics in the asylum are thinking is more dangerous than watching them on occasion.

Why don't you two go back to your little closet thread if you want kiss each other.....:lol::lol: Two macho men in their sewing circle.... How manly....:lol::lol:

Look you litttle faggot. My foot is getting sore from all the ass kickings you've recieved... not just mine but Gunny and Rob ....Every time I see your stupid "Slacker" name my foot wants to go and hide....:lol::lol: You don't know enough to ALLWAYS have the last word.....

Ass beatings??? you mean like the one your little butt buddy just took? Yeah the little ass-wipe didn't know what he was talking about, and he got outed for it...

Whether he served in the navy who gives a rats ass? The fact he tried to use that to bully me and stifle a debate is without question and easily seen here.

Whats more the fact he was bullshitting to try and seem bigger and better is also plain as day and without question....

Gunny did not kick anyones ass, he wasn't trying to. He thought I was calling bikerbitch a liar on whether or not he served, and even stated what he thought of both of you (pretty accurately too :lol:) ... I explained what it was about, he asked what I do that gave me any insight. I told him, and that was that. There was no ass kicking unless you are talking about what he thinks of the two of you...:lol:

As far as you or bikerbitch kicking any ass? HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! well you two definitely like ass, from the way you two girls act in your little closet its all too clear. But I think its more likely ass for kissing.....:lol::lol::lol:

What do you guys call it again??? The "HOMO CAGE?" :lol::lol::lol:

yeah sounds real manly pal... Sit around in your little mutual appreciation man-love thread and insult people. Claiming you will send them to a HOMO CAGE, and then bikerbitch's wanting to set up a camera in it because he said gay porn is making a comeback....:lol::lol::lol::lol:

He talks about being so much more a man than me, and does that? HAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

Sure buddy sure.... nothing more manly than sitting around with another man deciding who is cool or popular, and then condemning those not in your favor to the "HOMO CAGE".....:lol::lol:

Spare me you two are ridiculous man.....:lol:
Why don't you two go back to your little closet thread if you want kiss each other.....:lol::lol: Two macho men in their sewing circle.... How manly....:lol::lol:

Look you litttle faggot. My foot is getting sore from all the ass kickings you've recieved... not just mine but Gunny and Rob ....Every time I see your stupid "Slacker" name my foot wants to go and hide....:lol::lol: You don't know enough to ALLWAYS have the last word.....

Ass beatings??? you mean like the one your little butt buddy just took? Yeah the little ass-wipe didn't know what he was talking about, and he got outed for it...

Whether he served in the navy who gives a rats ass? The fact he tried to use that to bully me and stifle a debate is without question and easily seen here.

Whats more the fact he was bullshitting to try and seem bigger and better is also plain as day and without question....

Gunny did not kick anyones ass, he wasn't trying to. He thought I was calling bikerbitch a liar on whether or not he served, and even stated what he thought of both of you (pretty accurately too :lol:) ... I explained what it was about, he asked what I do that gave me any insight. I told him, and that was that. There was no ass kicking unless you are talking about what he thinks of the two of you...:lol:

As far as you or bikerbitch kicking any ass? HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! well you two definitely like ass, from the way you two girls act in your little closet its all too clear. But I think its more likely ass for kissing.....:lol::lol::lol:

What do you guys call it again??? The "HOMO CAGE?" :lol::lol::lol:

yeah sounds real manly pal... Sit around in your little mutual appreciation man-love thread and insult people. Claiming you will send them to a HOMO CAGE, and then bikerbitch's wanting to set up a camera in it because he said gay porn is making a comeback....:lol::lol::lol::lol:

He talks about being so much more a man than me, and does that? HAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

Sure buddy sure.... nothing more manly than sitting around with another man deciding who is cool or popular, and then condemning those not in your favor to the "HOMO CAGE".....:lol::lol:

Spare me you two are ridiculous man.....:lol:

Well I don't claim to know everything but I have read both Ford's and Chevrolet's sales manuals...and one GOLDEN rule is that if a customer mentions something three times they are definitly interested in that thing..without exception...Soooo...

You are telling me you want to take the HOMO CAGE for a spin? What would it take for you to rent that sucker today..right now?
Look you litttle faggot. My foot is getting sore from all the ass kickings you've recieved... not just mine but Gunny and Rob ....Every time I see your stupid "Slacker" name my foot wants to go and hide....:lol::lol: You don't know enough to ALLWAYS have the last word.....

Ass beatings??? you mean like the one your little butt buddy just took? Yeah the little ass-wipe didn't know what he was talking about, and he got outed for it...

Whether he served in the navy who gives a rats ass? The fact he tried to use that to bully me and stifle a debate is without question and easily seen here.

Whats more the fact he was bullshitting to try and seem bigger and better is also plain as day and without question....

Gunny did not kick anyones ass, he wasn't trying to. He thought I was calling bikerbitch a liar on whether or not he served, and even stated what he thought of both of you (pretty accurately too :lol:) ... I explained what it was about, he asked what I do that gave me any insight. I told him, and that was that. There was no ass kicking unless you are talking about what he thinks of the two of you...:lol:

As far as you or bikerbitch kicking any ass? HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! well you two definitely like ass, from the way you two girls act in your little closet its all too clear. But I think its more likely ass for kissing.....:lol::lol::lol:

What do you guys call it again??? The "HOMO CAGE?" :lol::lol::lol:

yeah sounds real manly pal... Sit around in your little mutual appreciation man-love thread and insult people. Claiming you will send them to a HOMO CAGE, and then bikerbitch's wanting to set up a camera in it because he said gay porn is making a comeback....:lol::lol::lol::lol:

He talks about being so much more a man than me, and does that? HAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

Sure buddy sure.... nothing more manly than sitting around with another man deciding who is cool or popular, and then condemning those not in your favor to the "HOMO CAGE".....:lol::lol:

Spare me you two are ridiculous man.....:lol:

Well I don't claim to know everything but I have read both Ford's and Chevrolet's sales manuals...and one GOLDEN rule is that if a customer mentions something three times they are definitly interested in that thing..without exception...Soooo...

You are telling me you want to take the HOMO CAGE for a spin? What would it take for you to rent that sucker today..right now?

So when you two douchebag closet cases make it a regular part of your man-love mutual admiration thread conversations, it means you are not only interested but obsessed correct??

No I do not want to play in your weird man-love cage. Sorry but I do not share in your repressed sexuality issues. I am hetero, I am ok with that.. I do not put on airs, nor do I try and hide my real feelings or preferences behind immature and pretentious homophobic dogma.

Behind every blatant homophobic, there is an insecure and frightened person trying to come out......:lol::lol:
Hey Goo Smack.......wanna try again? I told you what I did, as well as what I loaded and told you why.

It's pussified penis puffing perverts such as yourself that try to blow it up into something it's not. You're just pissed because another poster verified it and you were standing around with your dick in your hand.

Good thing you DIDN'T join the military, you'd have gotten your ass kicked daily for being such a whiny pansy.

By the way.......have your testicles dropped yet? Live long enough, you MIGHT make it to puberty.
Hey Goo Smack.......wanna try again? I told you what I did, as well as what I loaded and told you why.

It's pussified penis puffing perverts such as yourself that try to blow it up into something it's not. You're just pissed because another poster verified it and you were standing around with your dick in your hand.

Good thing you DIDN'T join the military, you'd have gotten your ass kicked daily for being such a whiny pansy.

By the way.......have your testicles dropped yet? Live long enough, you MIGHT make it to puberty.

Another poster verified what?

I am sorry I missed that part.... What was verified? Oh yeah he verified what he thinks of you and your butt buddy....

Want me to go on or do you want to act like an adult now? I can go on and show exactly why you are full of shit if you like... I would prefer you show some good sense, learn you can't bully people with bullshit and go on about your very odd way playing grab-ass with huggy in his man love thread. But if you would rather I show exactly why you are full of shit I will oblige you bikerbitch....
Hey Goo Smack.......wanna try again? I told you what I did, as well as what I loaded and told you why.

It's pussified penis puffing perverts such as yourself that try to blow it up into something it's not. You're just pissed because another poster verified it and you were standing around with your dick in your hand.

Good thing you DIDN'T join the military, you'd have gotten your ass kicked daily for being such a whiny pansy.

By the way.......have your testicles dropped yet? Live long enough, you MIGHT make it to puberty.

Another poster verified what?

I am sorry I missed that part.... What was verified? Oh yeah he verified what he thinks of you and your butt buddy....

Want me to go on or do you want to act like an adult now? I can go on and show exactly why you are full of shit if you like... I would prefer you show some good sense, learn you can't bully people with bullshit and go on about your very odd way playing grab-ass with huggy in his man love thread. But if you would rather I show exactly why you are full of shit I will oblige you bikerbitch....

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zM8ym0FqM_k]YouTube - Child having tantrum in supermarket[/ame]
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Hey Goo Smack.......wanna try again? I told you what I did, as well as what I loaded and told you why.

It's pussified penis puffing perverts such as yourself that try to blow it up into something it's not. You're just pissed because another poster verified it and you were standing around with your dick in your hand.

Good thing you DIDN'T join the military, you'd have gotten your ass kicked daily for being such a whiny pansy.

By the way.......have your testicles dropped yet? Live long enough, you MIGHT make it to puberty.

Another poster verified what?

I am sorry I missed that part.... What was verified? Oh yeah he verified what he thinks of you and your butt buddy....

Want me to go on or do you want to act like an adult now? I can go on and show exactly why you are full of shit if you like... I would prefer you show some good sense, learn you can't bully people with bullshit and go on about your very odd way playing grab-ass with huggy in his man love thread. But if you would rather I show exactly why you are full of shit I will oblige you bikerbitch....

Yeah probably best you don't say anything huh closet man. Your help hasn't worked out very well for him so far. in fact your help has made him look like a closet case...:lol::lol:

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