Sperm gene discovery may lead to male birth control, scientists say


Platinum Member
Jul 20, 2011
Don't harsh my zen, Jen!
Sperm gene discovery may lead to male birth control, scientists say - HealthPop - CBS News

Oh, please. Please, please, please-please.


(CBS News) A male birth control pill might not be so far-fetched, now that Scottish scientists have uncovered a key gene essential for sperm development.

The gene - called Katnal1 - is critical for sperm production because it enables sperm to mature in the testes. Thus, if scientists can somehow regulate this gene with a pill, sperm production will be stalled.

"If we can find a way to target this gene in the testes, we could potentially develop a non-hormonal contraceptive," study author Dr. Lee Smith, a reader in genetic endocrinology at the Medical Research Council Center for Reproductive Health at the University of Edinburgh in Scotland, said in a news release.
Yes. And I hope they don't do that stupid-ass "Oh, I'M sorry: We have to test it for the rest of your natural life."

They probably will, if they have a male birth control pill college kids will be popping those like candy before they go out during the weekend, unwanted pregnancies will totally plummet.
Imagine a world without unwanted children.

This would mean true equality
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Yes. And I hope they don't do that stupid-ass "Oh, I'M sorry: We have to test it for the rest of your natural life."

They probably will, if they have a male birth control pill college kids will be popping those like candy before they go out during the weekend, unwanted pregnancies will totally plummet.

I think perhaps the opposite would happen.
i dont think i would trust a man with birth control......sorry


That's exactly my point. You are currently talking to two females who are vigilant. What percentage of sexually-active women are making a conscious effort to avoid pregnancy? Why should it all be up to her to make sure this doesn't happen, especially if her approach is haphazard at best.

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