Speed Racer: Tom Cruise's Diary


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
This is a modern media-scroll inspired by American Beauty and Days of Thunder.



American super-celebrity Tom Cruise realized his position as a 'society-media role-model' made him a natural diplomat of modern civilization, so he decided to start hyping the democratic symbolism of NASCAR (the car-racing sports organization).


Americans liked Facebook, the Super Bowl, Subway restaurants, and MTV. How would Tom Cruise's brand of 'media patriotism' fit into this 'matrix' of consumerism ornaments?


After much thinking, Cruise decided he was a lot like the cartoon race-car driver Speed Racer, a paragon of patriotic sportsmanship (at least in the universe of race-car driving!).


Americans appreciated why Cruise made the NASCAR-themed film Days of Thunder (co-starring Robert Duvall, Cary Elwes, and Nicole Kidman). Cruise was an 'American standard.'


Artists appreciated why Speed Racer media (cartoons, comics, movies, action-figures, etc.) represented American flowery and race-car ethos. Was capitalism a metaphor for Speed Racer metaphysics? Cruise believed it was...


After the live-action visually-stunning movie adaptation of Speed Racer was made in 2008, consumers were conscious of new age aesthetics (in terms of media geometry). Who doesn't like car-racing?


As with any civilization-achievement such as Speed Racer, there comes the reality of evil (and villains!). Would Cruise (and Speed Racer) be able to wrestle with the ominous presence of anti-social elements such as diabolical raceway drivers intent on creating mayhem/anarchy?


Artists did not mind creating romantic portrayals of race-car sports and the thrill of competitive instincts and why it captured the spiritual fascination with teamwork as well as sportsmanship.


No one likes car-crashes, so Cruise was busy with his media-agents working with the consumer-audience about the complexity of danger and the reality of violence. Would Cruise (aka, 'Speed Racer') be able to deal with the modern problem of terrorism and chaos?


After a new Mad Max sequel was made, consumer audiences were excited about America's perspective about the visceral thrill of race-car ethos and the sense of competitive consciousness.


Even kids and youngsters collected Hot Wheels race-car models and race-tracks, so Speed Racer (and Tom Cruise!) were fixed to be in a position of great civilization metaphysics. Would this be a real imaginarium-revolution?


Tom Cruise also made the sports-media culture film Jerry Maguire (about an ethically-challenged American sports-agent confounded by new age capitalism/consumerism values/virtues). People were thinking of Cruise as a new age 'Barbie' and therefore a 'pro-humanism' Speed Racer(!).


As with any American achievement there comes the spiritual danger of anti-Western terrorism. Terrorist groups such as ISIS and Cobra represented a new age danger regarding the marketing of networking-related vulnerabilities (i.e., capitalism-corruption). Would Speed Racer/Cruise stand against this modern problem of corruption-gauged political cynicism?


GOD: Tom Cruise is the real Speed Racer!
SATAN: Is that an achievement or a vanity?
GOD: I think Americans appreciate sportsmanship/teamwork.
SATAN: Is race-car driving a reliable symbol of civilization?
GOD: Sure it is! Capitalism is all about managing competitive instincts.
SATAN: Americans watch too many movies...
GOD: Yes, but Planet Hollywood culture is a sign of networking optimism.
SATAN: I concede that fact; after all, movies reflect peaceful psychology.
GOD: Right; even American horror-films symbolize true sanity!
SATAN: Exactly; let's hype Tom Cruise as Speed Racer and Freddy Krueger.
GOD: Why not? Everyone likes drama...
SATAN: We have to be wary of terrorism (e.g., Cobra).
GOD: I think Cruise (and Speed Racer!) can serve 'American heaven'.
SATAN: Perhaps evil (e.g., anarchy/terrorism) is a reflection of psychosis...
GOD: Planet Hollywood can in fact be a reliable form of medicine.
SATAN: I agree there's nothing wrong with 'American yoga'.




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