Special Forces Bein Sent To Iraq To Defend Obama Political Legacy!


Platinum Member
Jun 6, 2007
President Barack Obama is acting like a disgrace sending in three-hundred Special Forces into Iraq. It is all being done to protect Mr. Obama's political legacy so that when Iraq permanently implodes and splits into three countries Mr. Obama and his allies can say his administration did everything they responsibly could to stop it the lesson here is America should not invade another sovereign country under false premises like George W. Bush did in 2003 on Iraq. It is completely indefensible that these 300 Special Forces are being sent into Iraq to defend the sectarian corrupt government of Prime Minister Nouri al Maliki, America with this act is taking the side of Shia domination in Iraq which is completely against America's values of fairness and human rights. For those Special Forces soldiers being sent to Iraq that are killed or seriously disabled there Mr. Obama has their blood on his hands he has committed a grave act of injustice toward those Americans in violating his Presidential duties for personal benefit in sending these troops into Iraq.

Members of Congress should pass a resolution calling for getting these three-hundred Americans out of Iraq and not putting any U.S. military in Iraq outside of protecting U.S. embassies and consulates in Iraq for America should not be siding with the Shia faction in this Iraq Civil War it is against American values, it harms our reputation and it will create hatred toward America amongst Sunni Muslims worldwide! U.S. Generals and commanders for those Special Forces being sent to Iraq should establish operational rules for those Special Forces that do the best they can to keep these soldiers out of harms way and protect them from injury to account for this indefensible deployment by the President.

There is almost countless responsible people throughout the world publicly saying there is no military solution to the current Iraq war only a political solution a national unity government and changes to the Iraq constitution that prevent the Shia sectarian abuses that have taken place over the last three years. If this political solution comes to fruition, any al Qaeda like terrorist threat from Iraq against America will melt away. Those voices saying America needs to sound the alarms that Iraq is on the verge of becoming an al Qaeda like camp, in the form of this ISIS group face, manufacturing deadly terrorism that it will export throughout the world is garbage and should be ignored by the American people. First, the terrain of Iraq isn't like the terrain of Afghanistan with its huge and rough mountain ranges where terrorist can hide. Moreover, has the public really noticed the vast majority of the pictures coming out of Iraq showing these ISIS fighters, for heaven's sake these fighters are teenagers and young men in their twenties their not hardened terrorist when a political solution solidifies offer these ISIS fighters jobs, a college education and the hope of getting married with a good life and you'll see this group disappear!

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