Soviet Novocherkassk massacre

It was a free and romantic time, this spirit is similar to the cowboy spirit of the Wild West. It is precisely what the left wickedness is afraid of: the revival of the national spirit, the retreat from the slavish mentality of the herd of Prussianism, an individual feat.
In Gagarin, they saw the hero, they looked into the sky and they were sincerely happy about their successes. This is the domination of that part of the people that opposes the Prussian idea of socialism, this is the Aryan spirit and this is the American spirit. The difference is that they look at the Hero not with envy, but with admiration. It has always been that way. Since ancient times, the Arians admired Indra's feat, the boys wanted to be like a Hero, they wanted to be great warriors, just like the Soviet boys wanted to be Spaceman like Gagarin. They all used to said they wanted to be astronauts. And leftist regimes make boys want to be gay and drug addicts and swindlers.
The ideological writers promoted by the Stalinists tended to devalue the heroic idea. Dostoevsky painted the image of a vicious knight in Stavrogin's portrait, and Gorky wrote a story of Danko, where the hero pulled out his heart and sanctified the path, but all gave a damn about him.

This is work with mass consciousness, a kind of pedagogy of the left.

By the way, Cervantes also did this.
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Schiller created an intermediate image, when the Hero still performs a feat and is blessed for this, but already with the dominance of church control, a meekly-minded hero who values obedience above heroism.
That is, he promoted Prussianism when it still did not outweigh the values of chivalry in Europe.
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In general, this is the most important difference between the right and left electorate, if we take it in its pure form, without the manipulations of the left sophists. The left voter wants to lower the Hero to his level, the right voter wants to raise himself to the Hero level. The right one looks up to the sky, and the left one looks down into the swamp. The swamp is the birthplace of the leftist idea. The Heaven is the birthplace of the right idea. That is why the ancient Europeans worshiped the earth, and the steppes of Asia the sky.
The Soviet Union was supposed to be a worker's paradise.

In the beginning, the workers had some input. At least during the Lenin years.

During the Stalin years, that was quickly taken away. The unions became mouthpieces for the communist party.

And then we have the People's Army slaughtering the proletariat in the streets:

The Novocherkassk massacre (Russian: Новочеркасский расстрел, romanized: Novocherkasskiy rasstrel) was a massacre committed against unarmed protesters on June 2, 1962, in the Russian city of Novocherkassk by the Soviet army and KGB officials.[1] A few weeks earlier workers organised a labor strike at the Novocherkassk Electromotive (Electric Locomotive) Building Factory (NEBF).

"Information from a variety of sources is more or less unanimous that some seventy or eighty people were killed".

Arrests, show trials and cover-ups ensued: more than 200 were arrested; seven people were convicted and sentenced to death over various "crimes" such as "mass disorder" and approximately hundreds of others were imprisoned up to 15 years (terms of some of which were later reduced);[5] news about events never appeared in the state-controlled press and they were held secret up until 1992.[6][7] The 26 dead were secretly buried by KGB operatives in false graves which were never disclosed to relatives until June 2, 1994 when all bodies were discovered and reburied at the official memorial.

Are you surprised that the dream of many working people met a bitter end under communism in the Soviet Union?

what is extra interesting here , that it all about proteins , the poor workers in this city just could not get enough proteins...

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