Southern Poverty Law Center proves their irrelevance.

Quantum Windbag

Gold Member
May 9, 2010
Guess what, if you have a lot of consensual sex and don't call the other person back, and then brag about, the SPLC officially labels you a hate group.

Roosh Vörek is a Maryland-raised PUA (“pick up artist”) whose specialty is sex with foreign women; his blog is a sales vehicle for his books like Bang: The Pick Up Bible and Bang Iceland: How to Sleep With Icelandic Women in Iceland, which one Icelandic feminist group described as a “rape guide.” Vörek likes to talk about his many “notches” (seductions) and such things as “American ***** who I want to hate fuck.” He adds: “I’ll be the first to admit that many of my bangs in the United States were hate fucks. The masculine attitude and lack of care these women put into their style or hair irritated me, so I made it a point to fuck them and never call again.”

Misogyny: The Sites | Southern Poverty Law Center
With all the good work SPLC does I can't believe any serious person who is not a bigot or a racist sympathizer would blindly attack the SPLC as an institution.

Institutions have flaws, but going after hate groups and the Metzgers while everyone sat on the sidelines was a profile in courage.

Of course I don't always agree with them all of the time. Who the heck does? Who but an ideological nincompoop would demand ideological purity or political correctness from an institution?

Oh, that would be a blowhardo windbagh


Damn those hateful SPLC-ers

Berhanu v. Metzger | Southern Poverty Law Center

Berhanu v. Metzger
Popular Name:
White Aryan Resistance/Skinheads Case

Fighting WAR
In 1988, Tom and John Metzger sent their best White Aryan Resistance (WAR) recruiter to organize a Portland skinhead gang. After being trained in WAR's methods, the gang killed an Ethiopian student. Tom Metzger praised the skinheads for doing their "civic duty."
I have long admired Morris Dees for his work fighting the Klan. He is the one who sued the KKK on behalf of a mother whose son was lynched in Alabama. He won something like $7 million for her. And since they didn't have that kind of money, the Klan had to give her their Headquarters in Mississippi.

How awesome is that? A black woman get possession of KKK HQ!

But looking at Dee's SPLC web page in the OP link, I see someone who is trying way too hard to be politically correct.

So a guy acts like a pig toward women. He isn't actually raping them. If a woman lays down with a pig, well, it takes two to tango, as they say.

To say he is taking advantage of women is to say they are too weak-minded to not sleep with him. Which is a kind of sexism in itself.
the splc names anyone not a complete liberal a hate group or person.

sure, occasionally they actual hammer an actual hate group, but their list is so vast, they make it so that no thinking person can take them seriously when they cry wolf, again.
Guys like this give decent guys a bad name, irresponsible liars poison the dating well for the rest of us.
Guess what, if you have a lot of consensual sex and don't call the other person back, and then brag about, the SPLC officially labels you a hate group.

Roosh Vörek is a Maryland-raised PUA (“pick up artist”) whose specialty is sex with foreign women; his blog is a sales vehicle for his books like Bang: The Pick Up Bible and Bang Iceland: How to Sleep With Icelandic Women in Iceland, which one Icelandic feminist group described as a “rape guide.” Vörek likes to talk about his many “notches” (seductions) and such things as “American ***** who I want to hate fuck.” He adds: “I’ll be the first to admit that many of my bangs in the United States were hate fucks. The masculine attitude and lack of care these women put into their style or hair irritated me, so I made it a point to fuck them and never call again.”

Misogyny: The Sites | Southern Poverty Law Center

I don't see the term "hate group" in your link.
Guess what, if you have a lot of consensual sex and don't call the other person back, and then brag about, the SPLC officially labels you a hate group.

Roosh Vörek is a Maryland-raised PUA (“pick up artist”) whose specialty is sex with foreign women; his blog is a sales vehicle for his books like Bang: The Pick Up Bible and Bang Iceland: How to Sleep With Icelandic Women in Iceland, which one Icelandic feminist group described as a “rape guide.” Vörek likes to talk about his many “notches” (seductions) and such things as “American ***** who I want to hate fuck.” He adds: “I’ll be the first to admit that many of my bangs in the United States were hate fucks. The masculine attitude and lack of care these women put into their style or hair irritated me, so I made it a point to fuck them and never call again.”

Misogyny: The Sites | Southern Poverty Law Center

I don't see the term "hate group" in your link.

They damned sure aren't love groups. Bastards like that do not deserve women.
Guess what, if you have a lot of consensual sex and don't call the other person back, and then brag about, the SPLC officially labels you a hate group.

Roosh Vörek is a Maryland-raised PUA (“pick up artist”) whose specialty is sex with foreign women; his blog is a sales vehicle for his books like Bang: The Pick Up Bible and Bang Iceland: How to Sleep With Icelandic Women in Iceland, which one Icelandic feminist group described as a “rape guide.” Vörek likes to talk about his many “notches” (seductions) and such things as “American ***** who I want to hate fuck.” He adds: “I’ll be the first to admit that many of my bangs in the United States were hate fucks. The masculine attitude and lack of care these women put into their style or hair irritated me, so I made it a point to fuck them and never call again.”

Misogyny: The Sites | Southern Poverty Law Center

I don't see the term "hate group" in your link.

Do you know what misogyny means?

So that would make a "misogyny site"...
Guess what, if you have a lot of consensual sex and don't call the other person back, and then brag about, the SPLC officially labels you a hate group.

Misogyny: The Sites | Southern Poverty Law Center

I don't see the term "hate group" in your link.

Do you know what misogyny means?

So that would make a "misogyny site"...

Making a list of sites with what they consider misogynistic views isn't the same thing as "officially labeling them a 'hate group'", which is what I was referring to.
Sure it is. Misogyny is a form of hate. So labeling a site a misogyny site is to label it a hate site.
With all the good work SPLC does I can't believe any serious person who is not a bigot or a racist sympathizer would blindly attack the SPLC as an institution.

Institutions have flaws, but going after hate groups and the Metzgers while everyone sat on the sidelines was a profile in courage.

Of course I don't always agree with them all of the time. Who the heck does? Who but an ideological nincompoop would demand ideological purity or political correctness from an institution?

Oh, that would be a blowhardo windbagh


Damn those hateful SPLC-ers

Berhanu v. Metzger | Southern Poverty Law Center

Berhanu v. Metzger
Popular Name:
White Aryan Resistance/Skinheads Case

Fighting WAR
In 1988, Tom and John Metzger sent their best White Aryan Resistance (WAR) recruiter to organize a Portland skinhead gang. After being trained in WAR's methods, the gang killed an Ethiopian student. Tom Metzger praised the skinheads for doing their "civic duty."

They did great work, in the past. If they still did great work, even relevant work, I would support them completely. They turned themselves from a group that fights for civil rights and against the death penalty into the Drudge Report of civil rights groups.
Guys like this give decent guys a bad name, irresponsible liars poison the dating well for the rest of us.

Decent guys can get around the fact that assholes exist. My guess is your problem is that you are actually a jerk, and are upset that this asshole is better at getting women into bed than you.
Guess what, if you have a lot of consensual sex and don't call the other person back, and then brag about, the SPLC officially labels you a hate group.

Roosh Vörek is a Maryland-raised PUA (“pick up artist”) whose specialty is sex with foreign women; his blog is a sales vehicle for his books like Bang: The Pick Up Bible and Bang Iceland: How to Sleep With Icelandic Women in Iceland, which one Icelandic feminist group described as a “rape guide.” Vörek likes to talk about his many “notches” (seductions) and such things as “American ***** who I want to hate fuck.” He adds: “I’ll be the first to admit that many of my bangs in the United States were hate fucks. The masculine attitude and lack of care these women put into their style or hair irritated me, so I made it a point to fuck them and never call again.”
Misogyny: The Sites | Southern Poverty Law Center

I don't see the term "hate group" in your link.

Maybe because even the SPLC can't actually call one guy a group.

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