South Sudan peace talks threatened as US gets weary


Platinum Member
Sep 30, 2011
The May 17 South Sudan peace talks in Addis Ababa enter another phase of uncertainty after the US threatened to suspend funding for the Joint Monitoring and Evaluation Commission (JMEC), saying President Salva Kiir and his allies are unable and unwilling to end the five-year civil war in the country.

The US is particularly upset by the promotion of Jok Riak, who has been linked to corruption, as army chief of staff.
The promotion of UN-sanctioned individuals to senior government positions, such as Jok Riak to Chief of Defence Forces, demonstrates the South Sudanese government’s disdain for international norms,” notes a statement from the US State Department.

Washington’s position threatens the upcoming peace talks, but the South Sudan ambassador to Ethiopia James Morgan, says that the government delegation will attend despite its displeasure at the US’s criticism.

Juba has announced that it is going to hold elections if the third phase of the peace talks fail.

However, the US is against any unilateral effort of the current government to extend its power through “sham elections, the legislature, or continued military offensives.”
“The government of South Sudan has lost credibility and the US is losing patience. The people of South Sudan deserve a government that is able and willing to lead the country to a stable future,” said the Trump administration.

But according to Juba, the US has shown that it is only interested in regime change by insisting on an agreement dictated by the Troika — US, UK and Norway — who are the key funders of the peace talks.

“The White House statement repeats the position that Washington has advanced over the past few years…. It is a naked direct interference with the internal affairs of a sovereign state,” notes Juba.
South Sudan peace talks threatened as US gets weary

No funding. Pretty simple.

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