South Park "apologizes" to Algore


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Mar 23, 2013
The Real World
I'm a big South Park fan. Love the show. They have ripped on my beliefs and ripped the same shit I do. Their last show was shoved at me as proof they accepted global warming, so somehow I needed to re-evaluate my understanding of the issue.

Which is why I posted this in politics because GW is a political agenda.

If you watch the show and know the background, these guys continue to tear apart the character of algore, they have to acknowledge "Manbearpig" (GW) is "real" and have to kiss his ass to get him to help stop it.

I don't care if they've changed their minds and live under solar shades and drive electric cars, they still make funny entertainment like Seth Mcfarland. I can still enjoy his humor, absorb his ridicule and not end up on his lawn in the middle of the night to vandalize shit, and it's stupid to look into entertainment for messages on what you should believe or behave. Besides, these guys ridicule everyone, and it's not inspired by hate. That's why most liberals don't have the fan base, because they're inspired and consumed with hate.

Climate change is real, according to pretty much every scientist in existence. It's just a matter of how much of a difference human activity is actually making.

As for SP, Matt and Trey have been irreverent toward everyone, everything, every religion, etc. They produce hot garbage sometimes, but when they're on, it's a great and intelligent show.
South Park hasn't been consistently funny in at least a decade.....In any event, the political musings of a couple dudes who make cartoons is of no consequence.
Political cartoons have influenced our political system for over a hundred years
South Park hasn't been consistently funny in at least a decade.....In any event, the political musings of a couple dudes who make cartoons is of no consequence.
Political cartoons have influenced our political system for over a hundred years

Way over a hundred years. Federalist Party.
The funny thing is liberals who believe in everything al gore says don't buy carbon credits and they never attack gore for his ginormous carbon footprint.

That statement, is just one statement that describes every liberal and what they all are.
The funny thing is liberals who believe in everything al gore says don't buy carbon credits and they never attack gore for his ginormous carbon footprint.

That statement, is just one statement that describes every liberal and what they all are.
Those are not liberals those are idiots..
I read a headline about the episode yesterday, but haven't watched it yet. I'm sure plenty of conservatives will now call Parker and Stone brainwashed AGW liberals, while ignoring their many years of overwhelmingly trashing left wing ideas. Nothing I have read about this episode is inconsistent with their previous views. I never saw the "Manbearpig" episode as even a denial of global warming, so much as a criticism of the alarmist narrative set by Al Gore.
Whatever happened to South Park Republicans...

Since criticizing Trump they have become persona non grata. Forget the fact that they've been trashing the left longer than Trump has been a Republican.
I read a headline about the episode yesterday, but haven't watched it yet. I'm sure plenty of conservatives will now call Parker and Stone brainwashed AGW liberals, while ignoring their many years of overwhelmingly trashing left wing ideas. Nothing I have read about this episode is inconsistent with their previous views. I never saw the "Manbearpig" episode as even a denial of global warming, so much as a criticism of the alarmist narrative set by Al Gore.

That is one of the significant pieces of evidence that MMGW is bullshit, the most vocal alarmists absorb more energy than some villages. I hated Algore when I found out his stupid wife was an activist that tried censoring music. It was around that time I stared recognizing who the real authoritarians are.

Not that all of them aren't pieces of shit, somehow in some way, there isn't a person alive that ought to be governing so we're stuck with what we have. I'm supporting those I perceive to be working towards smaller government, or at least in opposition to the regressive democrook agenda. For years the best we could hope for were "hold the ground" republicrats, now were are seeing most of obozo's damage undone and in spite of the slight change in the house, not too much looney shit is going to get by the senate. Ruth doesn't have 24 more months. That seat is Trumps to fill and I personally don't give a shit if Cortez and Beto beat Trump in 2020, if Ruth drops dead after the elections the republicrats better stuff one in and change the rules for 2 years BACK to where Harry Reid blew them up from.

Suck on that bed wetters.

LOL... forgive the rant.

Algore and many others have profited IMMENSELY buying "carbon credits" from themselves with tax payer subsidized business loans funding the "corporation" that plants some trees using minimum security prisoners. The "non profit" donates just enough to qualify, to the DNC or one of it's thousands of activist groups. Great scheme.

I'm sure Parker/ Stone are harassed incessantly by moonbats in their industry and perhaps just wanted to give the right some pushback. They did continue to skewer his character, as a self aggrandizing piece of shit, and as far as I can tell we still don't have a solution to the "problem" because the people who "found it" need more money to study it, and never will get enough money to do so.
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When they were two guys from Denver, Colorado. making deliberately outsider cartoons and films there was an advantage to their work to not following the Hollywood herd.

But, they've both been Hollywood insiders for more than a decade and you can't live in that environment for long without becoming indoctrinated.
Since criticizing Trump they have become persona non grata. Forget the fact that they've been trashing the left longer than Trump has been a Republican.
Waaaay longer!
Trump became a Republican when he realized it was the only party stupid enough to help him get the White House.
I saw the episode and it was not an acceptance of AGW.

If you think it was then you didn't understand the point of the satire.

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