South Africa Amending Constitution: White Farmers’ Lands To Be Seized And Given To Blacks


Platinum Member
Dec 18, 2011
White farmers will have their land confiscated and receive zero compensation. The farms will be given to blacks. What will they do when this doesn't solve the problems? Meanwhile, farmers have been killed so their land can be taken. And the social justice warriors there are calling it a victory.

White farmers established these farms that otherwise wouldn't exist. Typical leftist thinking. Wait until the workers create something, then confiscate it even though they have no idea how to start businesses or maintain them. When shit falls apart, they will still blame others.

Not hard to see that this country is a role model for groups like BLM or BP, who have demanded that whites hand their homes over to blacks.

"Earlier in 2018, as reported by, South Africa’s parliament voted in favor of a motion brought forward by radical Marxist Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) seeking to begin the process of taking white-owned farmland without compensation. "We are taking the future into our own hands," said EFF leader Julius Malema. "Shoot to kill! Shoot to kill! Pow, pow!"

South Africa Amending Constitution: White Farmers’ Lands To Be Seized And Given To Blacks
Great fucking news. I applaud them taking back what is rightfully theirs.

I guess you also support all of the land in the US being given back to the native Americans that we displaced...right?
White farmers will have their land confiscated and receive zero compensation. The farms will be given to blacks. What will they do when this doesn't solve the problems? Meanwhile, farmers have been killed so their land can be taken. And the social justice warriors there are calling it a victory.

White farmers established these farms that otherwise wouldn't exist. Typical leftist thinking. Wait until the workers create something, then confiscate it even though they have no idea how to start businesses or maintain them. When shit falls apart, they will still blame others.

Not hard to see that this country is a role model for groups like BLM or BP, who have demanded that whites hand their homes over to blacks.

"Earlier in 2018, as reported by, South Africa’s parliament voted in favor of a motion brought forward by radical Marxist Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) seeking to begin the process of taking white-owned farmland without compensation. "We are taking the future into our own hands," said EFF leader Julius Malema. "Shoot to kill! Shoot to kill! Pow, pow!"

South Africa Amending Constitution: White Farmers’ Lands To Be Seized And Given To Blacks

Could there be a name more filled with irony than the Marxist Economic Freedom Fighters
Great fucking news. I applaud them taking back what is rightfully theirs.

I guess you also support all of the land in the US being given back to the native Americans that we displaced...right?

Well, you know you do not have to wait for the Govt to force you to do it. You are free to give up your land and walk away at any time, what is holding you back?
Theres a problem with that. Whites wiped out the people that originally owned my land. I'm sure they would rather I keep it than let a white boy get it.
I picked up a bag of clementines at the grocery this morning. Said, Product of South Africa. Put it down. Thank God I did not buy racist fruit!
I hope whites are smart now and put their money in their pockets instead of sending aid to Africa. One should never support racists!
Great fucking news. I applaud them taking back what is rightfully theirs.
How long until the blacks turn it into a sewer?
Not your problem. I'm just glad they killed some whites and made it a constitutional law for whites to give up the land.
No it's not my problem, it the low IQ coloreds that will be living in huts.
If its not your problem then stop whining about it.
While i think this is a savage circle of violence, i find it hard to blame them.
We fucked those guys over. And this is recent shit. Not 150 year old bullshit excuses
Not your problem. I'm just glad they killed some whites and made it a constitutional law for whites to give up the land.
Racist dogma.....go find a pointy hat and you will be like your KKK brothers....
South Africa will be hungry again.....laziness and a lack of farming knowledge guarantees it...
So I guess it makes you happy to watch black Africans starve
Great fucking news. I applaud them taking back what is rightfully theirs.
How long until the blacks turn it into a sewer?
Not your problem. I'm just glad they killed some whites and made it a constitutional law for whites to give up the land.

Racist pig you are.
Whats racist about being glad whites are losing their stolen possessions?

Everyone here knows you hate Whitey, own it.

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