Soros changes Directions and may not back National offices in 2020

Dan Stubbs

May 4, 2017
Some where in the Deep South.
Word has come down the grape vine that Soros who backed Clinton and the DNC is going to change directions. It reported on NBC and CNN that since his picks for office failed, he is going to pour money into more local offices and Federal Judgeships. The old saying that all Politics start at local levels just might be his reasons. I suppose you might see more of his name being pasted around in your local elections.
Don’t believe a word he says. But do realize he has been working on judgeships, and state offices for a few years now, particularly AG’s and has been successful at it, hiding under people’s radar.
Don’t believe a word he says. But do realize he has been working on judgeships, and state offices for a few years now, particularly AG’s and has been successful at it, hiding under people’s radar.

And?? Devos did it in MI. and are still doing it. Interfering in politics.
That's a smart strategy. The Democrats can make large inroads at the state level. States are turning Blue due to the expansion of metro areas mostly suburbs, and ex-burbs that are all going Democrat. Soros sees this trend, and is latching onto it. It is a way to control the Feds through the conversion of more STATES.

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