Sons Of Anarchy (first Time Viewer)


que sera, sera
Feb 13, 2013
Well...I signed up for Netflix a few days ago and have been busy watching Samcro in action. I am on season 4, episode 8. Netflix does not have Season 6. I presume there is a season 7.

Meanwhile...I am on a wee break and have come to this conclusion so far:

I hate Gemma. Manipulative, crazy, selfish skank. I hope she dies soon. Slowly.

Jax....cold blooded killer with no soul. He is just like his mama. Oh, and he walks funny. don't look bad ass with that walk of yours. You look stupid.

Tara...moron. Wimp. Shouldn't be allowed to breed. words for him. Good thing I love him as the actor, but in this show, I hate him.

Agent Stahl...if there was anyone I wanted to die slower than Gemma, it was her. Her death was too damn fast. She should have suffered first.

Ok. Mini vent semi over. Back to Samcro.
-Complains about all the main characters

-Keeps on watching after four seasons

Cig break.

For all the firing of weapons going on...they all SUCK at hitting a target.

Sure is a lot of gun shootin', blowin' up barns and businesses, fire power going on in busy streets, gunfire in businesses...and no cops anywhere to be found.

This is a good show, but it makes me kinda bugshit with the little details.

Ok...back to episode 10, season for. I do a season a day. Which means I will get to bed around 3 am if I fast forward thru the bullshit--they-can't-hit-a-target scenes.
Starting season 5 right now.

But I thought I would share about how much I HATE Gemma. I hate her more than I do Clay...and that is saying a lot. That bitch is an awful woman. Awful. Damn I wish she would get killed off. I have met so many real life Gemma's, it is pathetic.
Sigh. Ok. Off to watch it.
Yeah..they sure went to shit, didn't they?

I had to come back after pausing at Piney's funeral to say to Opie: Wash your fucking hair and pull up your damn pants, already! Geez.

Ok. Back to the grind. Literally, I think.
Break time. Next episode on pause.

Ok. Can I have a dollar for every time something happens the first words that come out of their mouths are "oh shit"? I'd get rich, quick.
Well. Ok then. All finished with season 5. Pretty sure I am not going to bust ass to watch seasons 6 or 7. Kinda fed up with Gemma. For someone being a black widow so obviously and nobody seeing it makes them stupid. I hate watching stupid people. So....done.

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