Song covers in different genres...

I dunno, that's parsing a genre into razor-thin slices.

"Different genre" to me means more like

No, that's not razor-thin at all. The original sounds much different than Amos's version.

Here's the original:

The Tori Amos version:

And for fun, here's a heavier version by some band called Bruthal 6:

All 3 from pretty clearly different genres.

Sure it's razor-thin, they're both contemporary pop. "Different genres" would be classical, funk, jazz, etc If you consider everything that sounds different as, a genre then we have infinity genres.

Neither Nirvana nor Tori Amos are contemporary pop. Nirvana was a grunge band. I'm not sure what genre Tori Amos fits into, indie/alternative or something like that. Neither is pop. Grunge might be called a sub-genre of rock, but Tori Amos is certainly not rock.

Of course she is. They both are. Are they jazz? Are they reggae? Samba? Folk? Baroque? Salsa?
None of the above. You're trying to subgenre the subgenres.

Apparently you missed the part where I pointed out that Nirvana was a grunge band. For some reason you apparently consider grunge, and perhaps all rock, to be contemporary pop. Rather than me "trying to subgenre the subgenres," I think you are trying to make anything which doesn't fit into a genre you are comfortable be part of some amorphous 'contemporary pop' genre which is so broad as to be basically meaningless. Tori Amos is nothing like a grunge artist. She isn't even a rock artist, unless you are defining rock and roll as "anything that doesn't fit into a musical genre I am comfortable with." Some of her music has had a bit of a rock sound, but far from all; much of what she does is pretty much her singing and playing the piano, doing sad, softer music.
Rolf Harris - Stairway to Heaven

( skye if you don't know the original you're not missing anything.... ) :eusa_shifty:

Dig who's painted on his wobble board.

LOL! I, too, have not found a cover of Stairway I don't prefer over the original.

Sheesh, what's with the Stairway to Heaven hate? :p

Oh I've got a whole boatload more. Salsa, Reggae, Orchestral, Beatles, the Australian Doors --- pick yer poison.

Overexposure leads to parodies, to mock the overexposure.
I dunno, that's parsing a genre into razor-thin slices.

"Different genre" to me means more like

No, that's not razor-thin at all. The original sounds much different than Amos's version.

Here's the original:

The Tori Amos version:

And for fun, here's a heavier version by some band called Bruthal 6:

All 3 from pretty clearly different genres.

Sure it's razor-thin, they're both contemporary pop. "Different genres" would be classical, funk, jazz, etc If you consider everything that sounds different as, a genre then we have infinity genres.

Neither Nirvana nor Tori Amos are contemporary pop. Nirvana was a grunge band. I'm not sure what genre Tori Amos fits into, indie/alternative or something like that. Neither is pop. Grunge might be called a sub-genre of rock, but Tori Amos is certainly not rock.

Of course she is. They both are. Are they jazz? Are they reggae? Samba? Folk? Baroque? Salsa?
None of the above. You're trying to subgenre the subgenres.

Apparently you missed the part where I pointed out that Nirvana was a grunge band. For some reason you apparently consider grunge, and perhaps all rock, to be contemporary pop. Rather than me "trying to subgenre the subgenres," I think you are trying to make anything which doesn't fit into a genre you are comfortable be part of some amorphous 'contemporary pop' genre which is so broad as to be basically meaningless. Tori Amos is nothing like a grunge artist. She isn't even a rock artist, unless you are defining rock and roll as "anything that doesn't fit into a musical genre I am comfortable with." Some of her music has had a bit of a rock sound, but far from all; much of what she does is pretty much her singing and playing the piano, doing sad, softer music.

Guys, this isn't that deep. Just have fun. There are plenty of other threads to argue in.

Relax! Have a cup of coffee!
