Son of LeBron James has a heart attack

god eventually punishes those that cause so much tension and pain, and death to poicemen and innocents like lebron

there goes his dream if playing with him in the he worked that kid to death

Hopefully he is alright. I can't even receive proper treatment for headaches and a potential brain aneurysm. I am sure he will at least be well taken care of.
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Vaxx status?
Do not encourage the Troll Deniers. Netanyahu had a heart transplant last night and he publicly took a Killer Shot on national TV . Probably the millionth coincidence . An ex footballer turned pundit keeled over on Spanish TV while chatting on camera . Every day the same . Here is another coincidence -- getting the death of a day every few hours. Inexplicable .
Hopefully he is alright. I can't evem receive proper treatment for headaches and a potential brain aneurysm. I am sure he will at least be well taken care of.
did you see my post regarding olive oil..............your neurotransmitters need some lubing....i'm serious
I have been using high quality olive oil for years. I literally have four bottles in my cupboard. I put it on my dogs food also.
Tuscany is up to 4 ounces with. grape wine vinegar over a raw tomato...............good sister has that curse and she has said this has helped some in length and strength
Tuscany is up to 4 ounces with. grape wine vinegar over a raw tomato...............good sister has that curse and she has said this has helped some in length and strength
It is how I will die, the day it bursts. Without question, the constant arguing with my wife contributed to it big time. I could feel it throbbing. Worse, I have low blood pressure,.so the sudden and unexpected rush to my brain when yelling while being beaten or whathaveyou, made it worse. You are better off having higher blood pressure believe it or not to avoid the sudden development of them.

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