Sometimes you just have to change teams.

They were secure except for the fact that he killed his mother,

What defines an arsenal?

How many weapons were found at the school? If you know the truth, he did not have an "arsenal".

How’d she die again?

Why don't you educate yourself instead of spreading lies?

By what determination was he considered mentally ill? Would it not have been his mother's responsibility to keep the guns away from him if that were true?

A physician’s diagnosis.

How did his mother die? All of the firearms were locked up...right?

What was that diagnosis? My money is that you don't know that either.

You tell me if the firearms were all locked up.

How many weapons were in the house?

How many weapons did he take to the school?

I know all of these answers. You apparently do not.

Here is what you said earlier;

Her weapons were secured in a safe.
He killed her to get access to the weapons to carry out his plans.

How did Mama Lanza die again?

You tell me. I already know.
How’d she die again?

Why don't you educate yourself instead of spreading lies?

By what determination was he considered mentally ill? Would it not have been his mother's responsibility to keep the guns away from him if that were true?

A physician’s diagnosis.

How did his mother die? All of the firearms were locked up...right?

What was that diagnosis? My money is that you don't know that either.

You tell me if the firearms were all locked up.

How many weapons were in the house?

How many weapons did he take to the school?

I know all of these answers. You apparently do not.

Here is what you said earlier;

Her weapons were secured in a safe.
He killed her to get access to the weapons to carry out his plans.

How did Mama Lanza die again?

You tell me. I already know.

Sure you do. But you’re too embarrassed to put it in writing. How long have you been ashamed of yourself? I’m guessing since birth
Why don't you educate yourself instead of spreading lies?

By what determination was he considered mentally ill? Would it not have been his mother's responsibility to keep the guns away from him if that were true?

A physician’s diagnosis.

How did his mother die? All of the firearms were locked up...right?

What was that diagnosis? My money is that you don't know that either.

You tell me if the firearms were all locked up.

How many weapons were in the house?

How many weapons did he take to the school?

I know all of these answers. You apparently do not.

Here is what you said earlier;

Her weapons were secured in a safe.
He killed her to get access to the weapons to carry out his plans.

How did Mama Lanza die again?

You tell me. I already know.

Sure you do. But you’re too embarrassed to put it in writing. How long have you been ashamed of yourself? I’m guessing since birth

If it were a law that Momma had to keep the guns away from him, would that have prevented him from shooting her?

No. Yu just want another useless law.

Oh, BTW, since you clutched so severely, he was never diagnosed as mentally ill. He had Aspergers' and OCD.

Did you know he was an Honor Roll student in high school?

So much for more stringent background checks, huh?
Trump is the most unsuited man ever to be President

We need to return to the stable leadership of the Democratic Party
Well you've had your little tantrum.

In real life, Americas unemployment is record low, and the economy is good enough that most Democats pretend Obama caused it most of the time.

Grow up.
1. President Trump is the first successful third party candidate since Lincoln. The GOP establishment was as opposed to him as the Dems.

2. Demwit moral equivalency arguments are getting tiresome, but it's the only thing they have left.

3. Demwit "solutions" are not solutions at all: Few if any of the recent shootings would have been prevented by their policy prescriptions. The only thing that might have prevented them is armed bystanders.

There is no way to know how many lives have been saved by the background checks we currently have. So If it prevents one mass murder, not allowing firearms to be housed with those who have confirmed mental illnesses is a reasonable restriction.

As for preventing the recent massacres, game planning last week’s defeat is not a winning strategy.

As usual, the Devil's in your wit..."confirmed mental illnesses" state the parameters that will be applied. Frankly I think anyone who voted for Hillary has a 'confirmed mental illness' and should never own a gun. :abgg2q.jpg:
1. President Trump is the first successful third party candidate since Lincoln. The GOP establishment was as opposed to him as the Dems.

2. Demwit moral equivalency arguments are getting tiresome, but it's the only thing they have left.

3. Demwit "solutions" are not solutions at all: Few if any of the recent shootings would have been prevented by their policy prescriptions. The only thing that might have prevented them is armed bystanders.

There is no way to know how many lives have been saved by the background checks we currently have. So If it prevents one mass murder, not allowing firearms to be housed with those who have confirmed mental illnesses is a reasonable restriction.

As for preventing the recent massacres, game planning last week’s defeat is not a winning strategy.

Good grief, I even numbered my points and you still can't follow them?

If not preventing a repeat of the recent massacres, exactly what problem are you trying to solve? The Second Amendment?

As for my solution, we need more people with concealed weapon permits who can prevent these would-be assassins from killing more people.

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