Sometimes I don't understand humanity

We should be exploring different worlds not blow each other up.
You do know who killed the US space program, don't you?

Bush started the decommissioning of the shuttle fleet.

Following the destruction of Space Shuttle Columbia, in early 2003 then President George W. Bush, announced his Vision for Space Exploration which called for the completion of the American portion of the International Space Station by 2010 (due to delays this would not happen until 2011), the retirement of the Space Shuttle fleet following its completion, to return to the moon by 2020 and one day to Mars.

Space Shuttle retirement - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
We should be exploring different worlds not blow each other up.
You do know who killed the US space program, don't you?

Bush started the decommissioning of the shuttle fleet.

Another far left poster running with the programmed narrative..

So the decommissioning of the shuttle killed the space program?

The space program is still on. We go to the International Space Station and we still put satellites into orbit. Methinks it's you that's a programmed ODS sufferer.
We should be exploring different worlds not blow each other up.
You do know who killed the US space program, don't you?

Bush started the decommissioning of the shuttle fleet.

Another far left poster running with the programmed narrative..

So the decommissioning of the shuttle killed the space program?

The space program is still on. We go to the International Space Station and we still put satellites into orbit. Methinks it's you that's a programmed ODS sufferer.

Wrong! You came in with standard far left Bush defense.

You got caught posting programmed far left religious propaganda.

So according to this far left drone, Bush killed the space program. Then contradicts themselves in their next post.

Typical far left..
Augustine Commission[edit]

Main article: Review of United States Human Space Flight Plans Committee
The Obama administration instituted the Review of United States Human Space Flight Plans Committee, also known as the Augustine Commission, to review the human spaceflight plans of the United States after the time NASA had planned to retire the Space Shuttle. Their goal was to ensure the nation is on "a vigorous and sustainable path to achieving its boldest aspirations in space." The review was announced by the Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) on May 7, 2009.[8][9][10] The report was released on October 22, 2009.[11]

The Committee judged the 9 year old Constellation program to be so behind schedule, underfunded and over budget that meeting any of its goals would not be possible. The President removed the program from the 2010 NASA budget request and a bi-partisan congress refused to fund it any longer, effectively canceling the program. One component of the program, the Orion crew capsule, was added back to plans but as a rescue vehicle to complement the Russian Soyuz in returning Station crews to Earth in the event of an emergency.[12]

In its final report, the Committee proposed three basic options for exploration beyond low Earth orbit, and appeared to favor the third option:

  • Mars First, with a Mars landing, perhaps after a brief test of equipment and procedures on the Moon.
  • Moon First, with lunar surface exploration focused on developing the capability to explore Mars.
  • A Flexible Path to inner Solar System locations, such as lunar orbit, Lagrange points, near-Earth objects and the moons of Mars, followed by exploration of the lunar surface and/or Martian surface.
In his April 15, 2010 space policy speech at Kennedy Space Center announcing the administration's plans for NASA, none of the 3 plans outlined in the Committees final report were completely selected.[13] The President rejected immediate plans to return to the Moon on the premise that the current plan had become nonviable. He instead promised $6 billion in additional funding and called for development of a new heavy lift rocket program to be ready for construction by 2015 with manned missions to Mars orbit by the mid-2030s.[14]

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