Something new from Merkel's insane 'state'


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
Brooklyn, NYC
Merkel's Germany is one of the most corrupted western countries, there is no punishment for corrupt officials. Just imagine something similar happens in Russia or USA..... But in DDR 2.0 anything is possible, MS presstitutes keeping silence and spread no information about Merkel's darling and # 2 in Merkel's insane 'state'

Corruption? No! Conflict of interest? - No! Conflict of interest? - No. Simple: The mother orders, the German taxpayers pay and the son collects the money.

David von der Leyen is an associate at the consulting firm McKinsey. He participates directly in the company's profits. McKinsey collected millions in contributions for consulting the Bundeswehr. Minister responsible: Ursula von der Leyen - David's mother.

Rope teams and nepotism have been running through the country's politics since the beginning of the Federal Republic. Be it the "Amigos" around Max Streibl or the no less well-known "Bimbes" by Helmut Kohl. But also the SPD has its share in nepotism. Martin Schulz has even received a reprimand for this in the EU Parliament. Also in Berlin under Michael Mueller the cash rings with the assignment of public orders or posts is constant with other comrades or the party well-disposed circles of acquaintances.
However, the story of the very special mother-son relationship in the house of the von der Leyen family, which has now become public, is suitable for initiating the end of the current Minister of Defence, Ursuala von der Leyen, with complete clarification (if this is also politically desired). In the past, the Bundeswehr has awarded several very controversial consultancy contracts to external companies. In the first row of these contract recipients the consulting firm McKinsey appears again and again. That in itself is not necessarily offensive or suspicious.

But the fact that the name David von der Leyen is found among the leading employees (so-called assosicates), who are equipped with a profit share of the company, makes one wonder. If you then take a closer look, you quickly realize that this name equality is not a coincidence. David von der Leyen is one of Ursula von der Leyen's sons.

In other words, the Federal Minister of Defense is responsible for awarding contracts to external consulting firms, and as such ensures that the contracts are awarded to McKinsey, thus filling his own son's tight purse. These are almost Mafia-like structures: within the "Familia", one cares for the well-being of the others.

Korruption? – Nein! Konflikt von Interesse? – Nein. Einfach: Die Mutter bestellt, die deutschen Steuerzahler zahlen und der Sohn kassiert das Geld
Obviously the Trump campaign was full of corrupted individuals and congress is as well. Our Potus is pay to play on steroids.

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